Eruption of teeth.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 45
Eruption of teeth. {
Deciduous teeth (baby teeth or milk teeth)
Grow out of tooth buds
Embryonic life (before birth)
Crowded dental arch (unnatural position of teeth)
Primary teeth
When a primary tooth is ready to fall out, its root begins to dissolve.
The first adult teeth to erupt are permanent molars – they are extremely important for correct development of an adult dentition. “the keystone of a dental arch”.
The main burden (основная нагрузка)
Crooked tooth ( дистопированный)/ impacted tooth ( ретинированный зуб )
To loosen
Speech exercises Page # 63 Exercise 1. answer the following question to the text.
1) How many sets of teeth develop in humans?
1)Answer: Two sets of teeth.
2) Question: What are they?
2) The 1 st set of teeth are deciduous teeth (20 small teeth). A full set of permanent teeth numbers 32.
3) Which deciduous teeth are the first to arrive?
3) Answer: The first deciduous teeth to erupt is one of the incisors.
4) Question: Why are deciduous teeth important for a child?
4) Answer: The child needs a good set of deciduous teeth to chew his food properly and to preserve a proper bite (occlusion) between the upper and lower jaws.
5) Do many children suffer from malocclusion?
5) Answer: Yes, many children suffer from some degree of malocclusion (faulty bite).
6) How many teeth are there in a full set of deciduous teeth?
6) Answer: There are 20 teeth in a full set of deciduous teeth, also known as baby teeth or milk teeth.
7) Question: What happens with the child’s teeth at the age of 6?
7) Answer: At the age of 6 baby’s “first tooth” usually erupts above the gum line.
8) Question: Are 6 -year molars permanent teeth? Why are they very important?
8) Answer: Yes. Children start losing baby teeth at about 6 years of age. The first adult teeth to erupt are permanent molars that come through at the back of the mouth, right after last milk molars. These four grinding teeth are extremely important for correct development of an adult dentition. They are called the “keystone of a dental arch” and will carry the main burden of chewing for many years.
9) Question: At what rate do permanent teeth replace baby teeth in the mouth?
9) Answer: Permanent teeth replace baby teeth in the mouth at the rate of about 4 a year for 6 or 7 years.
10) Which teeth are the last to erupt?
10) Answer: The last teeth to erupt are “wisdom teeth” or third molars.
11) Question: How many teeth are there in a full set of adult teeth?
11) Answer: A full set of adult or permanent teeth numbers 32: 8 on each side above and below, namely: 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars and 3 molars.
Ok, so now speak with your partner and discuss Ex. # 3. Page # 63. Explain how you understand the following.
She has a sweet tooth for chocolate cake.
The definition of a sweet tooth is a desire for tasty treats like candy, chocolate or other things with a sugary flavor.
Глагол to be может выступать в роли как смыслового, так и вспомогательного глагола.
Форма Present : Утвердительная:
So, in this lesson we’ve : 1) Watched a movie 2) Learned a new words (new terminology) 3) Read the text 4) Answered the questions related to the text 5) Learned new Grammar
Eruption of teeth.pptx