Скачать презентацию ergonomics nitie National Institute of Industrial Engineering Vihar Скачать презентацию ergonomics nitie National Institute of Industrial Engineering Vihar


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ergonomics@ nitie National Institute of Industrial Engineering Vihar Lake, Mumbai – 400 087 ergonomics@ nitie National Institute of Industrial Engineering Vihar Lake, Mumbai – 400 087

Vision statement ergonomics@ nitie will establish itself as a global resource centre in the Vision statement ergonomics@ nitie will establish itself as a global resource centre in the areas of ergonomics and human performance

Mission Statement ergonomics @ nitie will provide business and industry with a focus of Mission Statement ergonomics @ nitie will provide business and industry with a focus of right fit in winning the competitive battles and strategic war. ergonomics @ nitie will be offering the world class ergonomics and human performance solutions to address the needs of business and industry in terms of manpower, skill and technology. ergonomics @ nitie will be a preferred destination for business and industry to locate the best professional talent, proficient in managing human factors and human performance issues.

Thrust Areas Ergonomics and human performance issues of : • Workplace , workstation , Thrust Areas Ergonomics and human performance issues of : • Workplace , workstation , infrastructure and furniture • Job and organisation • Work , life style stress and health & fitness • Leisure and competitive sports • Consumer and industrial products • People with functional limitations and rehabilitation • IT enabled systems, call centres and BPOs • Public systems, automobiles, railways, airlines, health care facilities • Usability engineering and human computer interaction • Management of Technology

Genesis of ergonomics@ nitie § 1963 : Ergonomics laboratory was set up along with Genesis of ergonomics@ nitie § 1963 : Ergonomics laboratory was set up along with the establishment of the Institute § 1971 : Incorporated in the PG Curriculum § 1985 -86 : Research programme started. Grant came from MHRD for augmentation of the laboratory § 1997 : Physical Ergonomics Laboratory formed. § 2000 : TIFAC-CORE NITIE was awarded by DST as a part of Technology Mission 2020. § 2001: Ergonomics became a part of PGDISEM Programme § 2002 : Became a part of the 10 th five year plan of NITIE § 2005 : BOG at its 117 th and 118 th Meetings approved the activities of Ergonomics @ NITIE § 2006 : Diploma in Ergonomics (DErg) started § 2006 : School of Ergonomics and Human Performance proposed and accepted in principle to be incorporated in the Perspective plan of NITIE

Activities planned P. G. Programmes • M. Sc. in Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering Activities planned P. G. Programmes • M. Sc. in Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering • P. G. Diploma (M. Des. ) in Industrial Design and Human Factors • M. Tech. in Usability Engineering and Human Computer Interaction • P. G. Diploma (M. Sc. ) in Exercise, Sports & Nutrition • Master in Physical Rehabilitation

Activities planned Other academic Programmes Doctoral Programmes / Ph. D. in ergonomics, human factors Activities planned Other academic Programmes Doctoral Programmes / Ph. D. in ergonomics, human factors engineering, exercise , sports science, kinesiology, biomechanics ; cellular, biochemical and neuro-endocrinological basis of psychophysiology of stress; physical working environment Sponsored research in the above mentioned areas Diploma/ certificate programme : Diploma in ergonomics (DErg) Short Term Training Programmes /Workshops / seminars / Conferences Development of National ergo and human factors database Publication : books , journals and monographs

Activities planned Services to industries and business List of probable activities Workstation analysis and Activities planned Services to industries and business List of probable activities Workstation analysis and design Ergonomics of office and industrial systems Furniture testing Ergonomics of product design and evaluation Health check-ups and job stress review Physical fitness testing and training Biomechanical issues of sports and physical rehabilitation § Footwear design § § § §

Issues Activities HUMAN FACTOR AUDIT & JOB ANALYSIS Fitting the job (form, content, & Issues Activities HUMAN FACTOR AUDIT & JOB ANALYSIS Fitting the job (form, content, & method) Usability of the products, tools (hardware & software), infrastructure and facilities WORK PERFORMANCE REVIEW STRESS REVIEW MEDICAL HEALTH EXAMINATION PRODUCT USABILITY REVIEW Compatibility of work place & work environment Performance, satisfaction, job stress and health WORK METHOD & WORK TOOL REVIEW WORKSTATION REVIEW WORKPLACE & WORK ORGANIZATION REVIEW Facilities INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY LABORATORY WORK & EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY KINESIOLOGY & BIOMECHANICS LABORATORY BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY LABORATORY PHYSICAL WORK ENVIRONMENT LABORATORY HUMAN CENTRED DESIGN LABORATORY & DESIGN STUDIO ADVANCED MANUFACTURING CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION / USABILITY TESTING CELL INFORMATION HUB Out comes Design of User friendly Products, Tools, Infrastructure, Facilities & Work methods Improved Performance, Reduced job & Lifestyle stress, Improved health status Human Factors & Ergo database

The facilities Purpose To identify and assess the musculoskeletal and biomechanical transients involved in The facilities Purpose To identify and assess the musculoskeletal and biomechanical transients involved in various occupations, including sports and exercise. Kinesiology & Biomechanics Laboratory To use the information for enhancement of musculoskeletal function, biomechanical and physical rehabilitation programmes

The facilities Kinesiology and Biomechanics Laboratory § Three dimensional (3 D) Motion capture and The facilities Kinesiology and Biomechanics Laboratory § Three dimensional (3 D) Motion capture and analysis system with Infrared camera (s) § Video camera (s) § Electromyograph § Bio-transducer setup § Force Plate (s) § Foot pressure measurement system § Muscle strength, flexibility, endurance setup § Whole body colour 3 D scanner (planned) § Dynamometer (planned)

The facilities Purpose To evaluate the physiological capacities of persons so as to form The facilities Purpose To evaluate the physiological capacities of persons so as to form a scientific basis of classification of work To ascertain the levels of physiology /cardiovascular fitness so as to derive at a normative data bank for the Indian population To provide a plausible modality (ies) for exercise rehabilitation programs Work and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Planning and scheduling of jobs

The facilities Work and Exercise Physiology Laboratory § Computerized breath by breath metabolic analyzer The facilities Work and Exercise Physiology Laboratory § Computerized breath by breath metabolic analyzer § Computerized portable metabolic analyzer § Spirometer § Treadmill (s) § Bicycle Ergometer (s) § Cross trainers § Exercise bikes § Rower § Vibrogym § Lactate analyzer § Weighing balance § Weights

The facilities Purpose To evaluate and test products, infrastructure and facilities for their usability, The facilities Purpose To evaluate and test products, infrastructure and facilities for their usability, effectiveness and efficiency To provide human – centered design solutions for products and infrastructures (consumer, industrial, public utility and business system) Human Centred Design Laboratory and Design Studio

The facilities Human Centered Design Laboratory and Design Studio Human Modeling Software Furniture testing The facilities Human Centered Design Laboratory and Design Studio Human Modeling Software Furniture testing set-up Workstation simulator

The facilities Purpose To provide blood chemistry, hematology, histochemistry, endocrinology and immune response analysis The facilities Purpose To provide blood chemistry, hematology, histochemistry, endocrinology and immune response analysis facility for determining the effect of work, life style and stress on human body Biochemistry and Cell Biology Laboratory

The facilities Biochemistry and Cell Biology Laboratory § Random-access clinical chemistry auto Analyzer § The facilities Biochemistry and Cell Biology Laboratory § Random-access clinical chemistry auto Analyzer § ELISA plate reader & ELISA washer § Blood cell counter § Trinocular research microscope with computerized photomicrography facility

Highlights and overall achievements § Diploma programme in ergonomics (DErg) § Only Indian anthropometry Highlights and overall achievements § Diploma programme in ergonomics (DErg) § Only Indian anthropometry database on white-collar workers, secondary school children and workers engaged in art and craft. § Largest compilation (in India) of ergo-standards world wide § Database of ergo-office furniture systems (chair) § Laboratory facilities under one roof is one of its kind in India and comparable to the laboratories of the developed countries

We care for the backbone. . . For making the work more humane, For We care for the backbone. . . For making the work more humane, For better quality & For higher productivity