Скачать презентацию Erasmus Mundus www ec europa eu erasmus-mundus Erasmus Скачать презентацию Erasmus Mundus www ec europa eu erasmus-mundus Erasmus


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Erasmus Mundus www. ec. europa. eu/erasmus-mundus Erasmus Mundus www. ec. europa. eu/erasmus-mundus

Erasmus Mundus – Programme objectives: • Promote European quality offer in higher education • Erasmus Mundus – Programme objectives: • Promote European quality offer in higher education • Encourage incoming mobility of third-country graduate students and scholars • Foster structured co-operation with third-country higher education institutions • Improve profile, visibility and accessibility of European higher education in the world November 20, 2007 2

Erasmus Mundus – Programme structure: • • Action 1 2 3 4 – – Erasmus Mundus – Programme structure: • • Action 1 2 3 4 – – – - Erasmus Mundus Master Courses Scholarships Partnerships Enhancing Attractiveness ü EU, EEA, Candidate countries are not eligible for Action 2 ü Third countries are not eligible for Action 1 November 20, 2007 3

Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Scholarships • Erasmus Mundus consortia and Commission publicise selected Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Scholarships • Erasmus Mundus consortia and Commission publicise selected Masters Courses world-wide • Students and scholars apply directly to consortia • Consortia select students and scholars Funding: • Student mobility: 21, 000 € per student for a one-year course and 42, 000 € per student for a two-year course • Scholar mobility: 13, 000 € per scholar (3 months x 4, 000 € plus a fixed amount of 1, 000 € for travel expenses) November 20, 2007 4

Number of selected students from Serbia November 20, 2007 5 Number of selected students from Serbia November 20, 2007 5

Who can participate? • European higher education institutions (Actions 1, 2, 3, and 4) Who can participate? • European higher education institutions (Actions 1, 2, 3, and 4) • Third-country higher education institutions seeking European partners (Actions 3 and 4) • Third-country students having obtained a first degree awarded by a higher education institution (Action 2) • European students having obtained a first degree awarded by a higher education institution (Action 3) • Third-country scholars (academics or professionals) who lecture or conduct research (Action 2) • European scholars (academics or professionals) who lecture or conduct research (Action 3) • Other public or private bodies active in the field of higher education (Action 4) November 20, 2007 6

How to apply? • Third-country graduate students and scholars are invited to apply for How to apply? • Third-country graduate students and scholars are invited to apply for a scholarship to a selected Erasmus Mundus Masters consortium, regardless of the year of selection of the Masters Course. • The deadline for application is usually 31. 12. 2007 • Budget is around 2 million euro for Western Balkans – around 100 scholarships November 20, 2007 7

Action 4 – What activities are eligible? • • • Promoting European higher education Action 4 – What activities are eligible? • • • Promoting European higher education in the world Facilitating access for third-country students to European higher education The development of courses or material for language training and cultural preparation, the development of more effective methods of hosting and integrating third-country students, services facilitating mobility, etc. Complementary activities such as the international dimension of quality assurance, of credit recognition, of curriculum development, surveys and studies, etc. Projects can last between one and three years. Normally projects cost between 100, 000 and 350, 000 euros Call for proposals will be published in February 2008 November 20, 2007 8

Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (EM ECW) November 20, 2007 9 Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (EM ECW) November 20, 2007 9

The Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window is designed to: • Foster co-operation in the The Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window is designed to: • Foster co-operation in the field of higher education between the European Union and Third Countries through a mobility scheme addressing student and academic exchanges • For following types of mobility: - Undergraduates - Masters - Doctorates - Post-doctorate fellowships - Academic staff • Provide scholarships for students and academic staff November 20, 2007 10

EM ECW: Aims • Mobility of students and academic staff in priority fields according EM ECW: Aims • Mobility of students and academic staff in priority fields according to national/ regional needs (agreed with partner countries) • Cooperation with high quality European institutions with extensive experience (Erasmus Charter) and on credit recognition • Improved cultural understanding & respect for diversity November 20, 2007 11

EM ECW: Expected results • To enrich the educational & cultural environment of both EM ECW: Expected results • To enrich the educational & cultural environment of both the hosting and sending institutions • To enable students to benefit linguistically, culturally and educationally from pursuing academic studies abroad • To improve the transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications • To enhance in the medium term the political, cultural, educational and economical links between the European Union and Thirdcountries November 20, 2007 12

EM ECW – Geographical Coverage 1. EU Members States, Acceding (Romania, Bulgaria) and Candidate EM ECW – Geographical Coverage 1. EU Members States, Acceding (Romania, Bulgaria) and Candidate Countries (Croatia, FYROM, Turkey) EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) 2. THIRD-COUNTRIES grouped in 9 “geographical lots” (windows) • Neighbouring Countries in South Mediterranean and Eastern Europe (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Israel, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia) • Central Asian Republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan) • East Of Jordan (Yemen, Iraq and Iran) November 20, 2007 13

 • So far there are 9 EM ECW Lots • As per January • So far there are 9 EM ECW Lots • As per January 2008, 10 th lot will be established: Western Balkans • First call for proposals for HEIs in these countries - January 2008 • Budget will be around 2 milion euro. • First mobilities for students and staff from Western Balkan universities which joined the scheme - academic 2008/2009 November 20, 2007 14

National Tempus Office Lazareviceva 9/14, Belgrade +381 11 32 33 409 www. tempus. ac. National Tempus Office Lazareviceva 9/14, Belgrade +381 11 32 33 409 www. tempus. ac. yu tempusscg@sbb. co. yu November 20, 2007 15

Thank you for your attention! November 20, 2007 16 Thank you for your attention! November 20, 2007 16