Скачать презентацию Equipping Young People for Tomorrow s World Michael Fullan Скачать презентацию Equipping Young People for Tomorrow s World Michael Fullan


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Equipping Young People for Tomorrow’s World Michael Fullan Ontario, Canada Strong Performers and Successful Equipping Young People for Tomorrow’s World Michael Fullan Ontario, Canada Strong Performers and Successful Reformers Lessons from PISA OECD-Tokyo, Japan Seminar June 28 -29, 2011 www. michaelfullan. ca

The Idea and Importance of Whole System Reform More equal societies almost always do The Idea and Importance of Whole System Reform More equal societies almost always do better on measures of health and social problems. —Wilkinson & Pickett, 2009

International Race Education is key to prosperity and the top countries are striving hard International Race Education is key to prosperity and the top countries are striving hard to get even better. —Fullan, 2011

Problem Too narrow vs too vague — Fullan, 2011 Problem Too narrow vs too vague — Fullan, 2011

Example One: AT 21 CS Ways of Thinking ★ ★ ★ Creativity and innovation Example One: AT 21 CS Ways of Thinking ★ ★ ★ Creativity and innovation Critical thinking, problem solving, decision making Learn to learn, meta cognition —AT 21 CS, 2010

Example One: AT 21 CS Ways of Working Communication ★Collaboration (teamwork) ★ —AT 21 Example One: AT 21 CS Ways of Working Communication ★Collaboration (teamwork) ★ —AT 21 CS, 2010

Example One: AT 21 CS Tools for Working Information literacy ★ICT literacy ★ —AT Example One: AT 21 CS Tools for Working Information literacy ★ICT literacy ★ —AT 21 CS, 2010

Example One: AT 21 CS Living in the World ★ ★ ★ Citizenship: local Example One: AT 21 CS Living in the World ★ ★ ★ Citizenship: local and global Life and career Personal and social responsibility —AT 21 CS, 2010

AT 21 CS Remit ★ ★ Clear operational definitions Solutions to testing On screen AT 21 CS Remit ★ ★ Clear operational definitions Solutions to testing On screen assessments Classroom based strategies —AT 21 CS, 2010

Example Two: Finland Citizenship Skills ★ ★ ★ Thinking skills Ways of working and Example Two: Finland Citizenship Skills ★ ★ ★ Thinking skills Ways of working and interacting Crafts and expressive skills Participation and initiative Self-awareness and personal responsibility —Fullan, 2011

Singapore Produces Citizens ★ ★ Confident, with strong sense of right and wrong, thinking Singapore Produces Citizens ★ ★ Confident, with strong sense of right and wrong, thinking independently Self-directed learners Active contributors who work effectively in teams Concerned citizens —Fullan, 2011

Whole System Reform: Criteria ★ ★ ★ All means all Raise the bar, close Whole System Reform: Criteria ★ ★ ★ All means all Raise the bar, close the gap Individual and collective capacity of educators Precision/specificity Deep student engagement Measureable improvement/results —Fullan, 2011

Three-Legged Stool ★ ★ Standards/assessment/instruction Instruction is the weakest and most difficult to develop Three-Legged Stool ★ ★ Standards/assessment/instruction Instruction is the weakest and most difficult to develop —Fullan, 2011

Slow Road to Higher Order Skills: Bad News We could find little evidence of Slow Road to Higher Order Skills: Bad News We could find little evidence of progress toward accomplishing higher order skills. —Fullan & Watson, 2011

Slow Road to Higher Order Skills: Good News Several countries are setting their sights Slow Road to Higher Order Skills: Good News Several countries are setting their sights on HOS and they have a strong foundation on which to build. —Fullan & Watson, 2011

Digital Dilemma ★ ★ The digital world of students is largely outside schooling and Digital Dilemma ★ ★ The digital world of students is largely outside schooling and it is diffuse/unfocused Motion Leadership/Madcap —Fullan, 2011

Engagement ★ ★ Re-wired students re-connected Teachers precision and expertise re-ignited —Fullan, 2011 Engagement ★ ★ Re-wired students re-connected Teachers precision and expertise re-ignited —Fullan, 2011

References ★ ★ CISCO/Intel/Microsoft. (2010). Assessment and teaching of 21 st century skills (AT References ★ ★ CISCO/Intel/Microsoft. (2010). Assessment and teaching of 21 st century skills (AT 21 CS): Author. Fullan, M. (2011). All systems go. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Fullan, M. , Watson, N. (with Cameron, D. ) (2011). The slow road to higher order skills. Report to the Stupski Foundation, San Francisco, CA. Wilkinson, R. , & Pickett, K. (2009). The spirit level: Why more equal societies almost always do better. London: Allen Lane.