Equipping Young People for Tomorrow’s World Michael Fullan Ontario, Canada Strong Performers and Successful Reformers Lessons from PISA OECD-Tokyo, Japan Seminar June 28 -29, 2011 www. michaelfullan. ca
The Idea and Importance of Whole System Reform More equal societies almost always do better on measures of health and social problems. —Wilkinson & Pickett, 2009
International Race Education is key to prosperity and the top countries are striving hard to get even better. —Fullan, 2011
Problem Too narrow vs too vague — Fullan, 2011
Example One: AT 21 CS Ways of Thinking ★ ★ ★ Creativity and innovation Critical thinking, problem solving, decision making Learn to learn, meta cognition —AT 21 CS, 2010
Example One: AT 21 CS Ways of Working Communication ★Collaboration (teamwork) ★ —AT 21 CS, 2010
Example One: AT 21 CS Tools for Working Information literacy ★ICT literacy ★ —AT 21 CS, 2010
Example One: AT 21 CS Living in the World ★ ★ ★ Citizenship: local and global Life and career Personal and social responsibility —AT 21 CS, 2010
AT 21 CS Remit ★ ★ Clear operational definitions Solutions to testing On screen assessments Classroom based strategies —AT 21 CS, 2010
Example Two: Finland Citizenship Skills ★ ★ ★ Thinking skills Ways of working and interacting Crafts and expressive skills Participation and initiative Self-awareness and personal responsibility —Fullan, 2011
Singapore Produces Citizens ★ ★ Confident, with strong sense of right and wrong, thinking independently Self-directed learners Active contributors who work effectively in teams Concerned citizens —Fullan, 2011
Whole System Reform: Criteria ★ ★ ★ All means all Raise the bar, close the gap Individual and collective capacity of educators Precision/specificity Deep student engagement Measureable improvement/results —Fullan, 2011
Three-Legged Stool ★ ★ Standards/assessment/instruction Instruction is the weakest and most difficult to develop —Fullan, 2011
Slow Road to Higher Order Skills: Bad News We could find little evidence of progress toward accomplishing higher order skills. —Fullan & Watson, 2011
Slow Road to Higher Order Skills: Good News Several countries are setting their sights on HOS and they have a strong foundation on which to build. —Fullan & Watson, 2011
Digital Dilemma ★ ★ The digital world of students is largely outside schooling and it is diffuse/unfocused Motion Leadership/Madcap —Fullan, 2011
Engagement ★ ★ Re-wired students re-connected Teachers precision and expertise re-ignited —Fullan, 2011
References ★ ★ CISCO/Intel/Microsoft. (2010). Assessment and teaching of 21 st century skills (AT 21 CS): Author. Fullan, M. (2011). All systems go. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Fullan, M. , Watson, N. (with Cameron, D. ) (2011). The slow road to higher order skills. Report to the Stupski Foundation, San Francisco, CA. Wilkinson, R. , & Pickett, K. (2009). The spirit level: Why more equal societies almost always do better. London: Allen Lane.