DRESSAGE ARENA All King Edward’s Horses Can Manage Big Fences All King Victor Emmanuel's Show Horses Can Make Really Beautiful People Fall
PIROUETTE Turning at horse’s hind legs. The front end of the horse travels around its hind end drawing a circle with its body -length radius. The horse remains slightly bent in the direction of turning.
SHOULDER-IN The horse’s hint legs make their way straight forward along the line while front legs move laterally with one leg crossing in front of another. The inside hint hoof must step on the line drawn by the outside front hoof. The horse remains bent while driving forward.
HAUNCHES-IN (TRAVERS) The hind end of horse’s body slightly is bent in the direction of movement while the front end of the body moves straightly along the arena wall. The movement produces four tracks on the ground.
HAUNCHES-OUT (RENVERS) The combination of the above two movements. The shoulder of the horse is brought to the inside with slightly bent neck as in shoulder-in, but the horse is bent in the direction of travel as in traverse. This is also the four-track movement.
HALF-PASS Essentially travers on a diagonal. The horse moves forward and sideways on a diagonal line, bent and flexed in the direction of the movement.
PASSAGE and PIAFFE Performing a passage the horse should rhythmically lift diagonal pair of legs quite high off the ground and suspend them for a longer period than in the ordinary trot. Piaffe is a passage executing in place or nearly in place. These movements make the horse look like dancing.
JUDGING 10 Excellent 9 Very good 8 Good 7 Fairly good 6 Satisfactory 5 Sufficient 4 Insufficient 3 Fairly Bad 2 Bad 1 Very bad 0 Not executed