Parenthood_episode 4.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 17
Episode 4. Part 1. Vocabulary.
sneak out privacy scheduling snafu I probably overreacted ускользнуть, сбежать из дому частная, личная жизнь путаница с расписанием Я, вероятно, слишком остро отреагировала consolation утешение How do you like your dogs – Какие ты хочешь сосиски – medium, well-done or burnt средней прожарки, хорошо to a crisp? прожаренные или зажаренные до хрустящей корочки? It’s stuck Застряло Why do you put your thumb Зачем ты сунул свой большой in a can? палец в банку? Let me take a gander in Дай мне посмотреть, что там there
commendable What are the odds? It’s not your fault Don’t let me down похвальный, достойный похвалы, одобрения Какова вероятность? Это не твоя вина Не подведи меня
Episode 4. Part 1. Questions.
• What did Adam and Haddie fight about in the car? • How did Julia and Joel behave before they left for a date? • What did Kristina and Adam talk about in the yard in the evening? • What were Crosby and Jabbar doing? What happened to Jabbar? What did Crosby decide to do? • Who did Julia and Joel meet in the restaurant? How did they behave? • Why did Sarah come to Julia’s house?
• Julia and Joel finally had a date night and they decided to go to a nice restaurant. How do you prefer to spend your free time? Where do you go? What do you do? Who do you spend your free time with? Why?
Episode 4. Part 2. Vocabulary.
complicated сложный That’s so considerate of you Это очень внимательно с твоей стороны And it had nothing to do И это не имело никакого with you trying to prove отношения к тому, что ты yourself to Aunt Julia? пытаешь зарекомендовать себя перед тетей Джулией? paper turtles бумажные черепашки Do you think nailing Haddie’s Думаешь, забить окно Хэдди window shut was going to гвоздями – это было слишком? far? ridiculous смехотворный ER (emergency room) отделение экстренной медицинской помощи
deadbeats primordial лодырь, бездельник, тунеядец фундаментальный, базовый
Episode 4. Part 2. Questions.
• What happened in the hospital? • How did Sarah explain to her daughter why she had come to Julia’s house? What did they do? What did they talk about? • What did Crosby and Julia talk about when Jabbar fell asleep? • What did Adam do with Haddie’s window? Why? • What did Kristina try to explain to Haddie about Adam’s behavior?
• Kristina had a really nice conversation with Haddie. What was the your last conversation with your mother, father or child about? How often do you talk to your parents / children? What do you usually discuss?
Episode 4. Part 3. Vocabulary.
water conservation pride and glory fishing accident I got to get this salad done сохранение воды гордость и слава несчастный случай на рыбалке Я должна доделать этот салат
Episode 4. Part 3. Questions.
• What did Drew’s grandfather talk to him in the shower about? • What did Crosby tell Jabbar’s Mom about the thumb accident? • Where did everyone get together in the evening? What were they doing? • What did Haddie decide to do about her boyfriend? How did it go?
• Haddie decided to introduce her boyfriend Steve to her Dad. Is it important to introduce your boyfriend/girlfriend to your family? Why or why not? What is the most suitable time in the relationship for it? Why do you think so? Is it important for you that your family likes your girlfriend/boyfriend? Why or why not?
Parenthood_episode 4.ppt