
Parenthood_episode 2.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 24
Episode 2. Part 1. Vocabulary.
You seeing anyone? Keeping it loose, I gotcha I’m all out of material pancakes Take your time Supreme Court Judge brand new deal I changed my mind freak I’ve tried bribing him, pleading… awful Ты с кем-то встречаешься? Держишь это место свободным, я тебя понял У меня закончился материал блины Не спеши судья Верховного Суда абсолютно новый договор, сделка Я передумал странный человек, чудак Я пробовала подкупать его, умолять… ужасный
unconscionable I felt like I was being held captive terrific equation executive Leave her alone bartending Sarah knows what she’s capable of hover principal junior sophomore бессовестный, нечестный Я чувствовал себя так, как будто меня держали в плену потрясающий уравнение руководитель, администратор Оставь ее в покое работа барменом Сара знает, на что она способна нависать, стоять над душой директор школы студент предпоследнего курса студент второго курса
Episode 2. Part 1. Questions.
• What happened in Adam’s house at night? What did he do? • How was Crosby’s meeting with his son going? • What happened when Julia was driving her daughter to school? How did Julia behave? • What did Adam and his wife discuss in the morning standing near the car? • How did Crosby feel about having a son and developing a relationship with him? Why? • What kind of job was Sarah looking for? What was the advice of her father? • How did Amber’s first day at school go?
• When Crosby took his son out for pancakes, he didn’t know how to speak with a child. Do you like children? Can you get along well with children? What do you usually do with children? What do you talk about? • Julia had some troubles being a good Mom. What 3 main things a good mother should have or should know? Why do you think so? • Sarah’s Dad wanted her to work in advertising and PR. What is the sphere you work in? Is it interesting? Is it profitable? Do you like it? Why or why not?
Episode 2. Part 2. Vocabulary.
The company is expanding. sneakers warehouse on your sister’s behalf Did you pre-heat the oven, ‘cause we have to make cookies for the fundraiser? preservatives Normally I bake them from scratch lawyer amazing It’s all about accepting, not resisting Компания расширяется. кроссовки склад от имени твоей сестры Ты разогрел духовку, потому что мы должны приготовить печенья для благотворительной акции, консерванты Обычно я пеку их с нуля юрист, адвокат удивительный Все это о принятии, а не о сопротивлении
Gluten free, no wheat, no sugar, no chemicals nutritionist eventually elusive I want to give this a shot You should get used to it inappropriate age postpone cockroach fascinating Без клейковины, зерновых, сахара и химических добавок диетолог в конце концов неуловимый Я хочу попробовать Вы должны к этому привыкать неподходящий возраст откладывать на время, переносить таракан очаровательный
Episode 2. Part 2. Questions.
• What was Adam searching for in the Internet? • What did Adam’s Dad ask him about? • What did Julia see in her house when she came back from work? How did she feel about it? • Where did Adam and his wife go? How was the meeting going? • What was Sarah trying to buy? Who was she talking about in the phone? What was she talking about? • How did Crosby explain to Katie that he wanted to postpone the weekend? • How did Adam get Max to eat something at dinner?
• Joel was baking cookies for the charity when Julia came home. Do you like cooking? Do you like baking? How often do you cook? What is your favorite meal? Do you know how to cook it? Tell us. • Sarah was asking Julia for advice on how to behave at the job interview. What are good recommendations for a job interview? Why are they important?
EPISODE 2. Part 3. Vocabulary.
the Pope arrogant grade school preschool lame You’ll be reporting to me whippersnapper insane intense possum, rat, raccoon Папа Римский самонадеянный, заносчивый начальная школа дошкольное учреждение убогий Вы будете подчиняться мне молокосос, сопляк сумасшедший напористый, упорный опоссум, крыса, енот exterminator deliberate He’s mocking me дезинсектор преднамеренный Он насмехается надо мной
I got to get rid of it weasel excuse (n) complicated cancellation It’s very generous of you. appointment hire punishment encourage Я должен от этого избавиться ласка, куница уважительная причина, отмазка сложный отмена Очень щедро с твоей стороны. прием (у врача), встреча нанимать на работу наказание подстрекать, провоцировать
EPISODE 2. Part 3. Questions.
• What did Adam find in the backyard? How did he find it? What did he do after he find it? • How did Sarah’s job interview go? • How much time did Julia have to spend with her daughter? Why? • How did Adam find Dr. Pelikan? Did Max want to do? What did he do? • What did Adam’s daughter confess about? • What was the phone call Sarah got? • Why did Sarah have a fight with Amber?
• Sarah went to a job interview which seemed to be quiet successful for her but she didn’t get the job. Describe your last or your worst or your most successful job interview.
EPISODE 2. Part 4. Vocabulary.
smart intelligent interrupt insurmountable problem tackle This isn’t a prison sentence parents’ involvement tramp be responsible for bidder gorgeous I am appalled. weird сообразительный умный перебивать непреодолимая проблема энергично, с усердием браться, приниматься (за что-л. ) Это - не тюремный приговор вовлеченность родителей проститутка отвечать за участник торгов шикарный Я шокирован. странный, нелепый
boisterous mischief You were always concerned blame (v) disease, illness She hasn’t gotten a break that she deserves. That’s my fault and I take responsibility for that громогласный, шумный вред, беда, шалость Ты всегда переживала винить заболевание, болезнь Она не получила шанса, который заслуживает Это – моя вина и я беру на себя ответственность за это
EPISODE 2. Part 4. Questions.
• How did the appointment with Dr. Pelikan go? • What happened at the auction? What did Julia buy? • What was the family talking about in the school yard? • What did Adam and Kristina talking about while watching Max playing in the yard? • What did Sarah ask the Principal about? • What did Crosby decide to do at the weekend? • What did the Principal decide about Amber? • What was Adam doing together with Max?
• Julia took part in the auction. Have you ever taken part in the auction? If you had a lot of money to spend it in the auction, what would you like to buy? Why?
Parenthood_episode 2.ppt