- Количество слайдов: 21
EPICS Progress at IHEP BEPCII Control Group Presented by Ge Lei Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 1
Platform 1. Linux – Host and IOC 2. NT 3. SUN workstation & PPC 2431 – – Aug/20/2002 Ultra 10, Solaris 2. 6 in 2001 Solaris 2. 8 since July, 2002 PPC 2431, VME 512, VME 510 Tornado 2. 0 EPICS Progress at IHEP 2
Software installed on Solaris 2. 8 Perl-5. 005_03 cvs-1. 11 gcc-2. 95. 3 gmake-3. 79. 1 gnuplot-3. 7. 1 python-2. 1. 1 tcl-8. 3. 3 tk-3. 10 a libpng-1. 2. 0 Aug/20/2002 …… EPICS Progress at IHEP 3
Toolkits built • • EPICS Base 3. 13. 4 EPICS Extensions – extensions. Un. Build adt, alh, ar, burt, ca, Channel. Archiver, …jpt, MEDM(with JPT), …SDDS, Strip. Tool, Tools… Dm 2 k 2. 5. 3 with JPT CAStrip. Tool Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 4
Toolkits Practiced • • Use CVS to maintain the software Driver support Database Practice IOC debugging Channel. Archiver MEDM and dm 2 k Strip. Tool Gnuplot Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 5
Practice on dm 2 k and MEDM Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 6
Practice on dm 2 k and MEDM Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 7
Practice on Strip. Tool Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 8
record(calc, "$(user): calc. Example") { field(DESC, "Counter") field(SCAN, ". 5 second") field(FLNK, "$(user): sin. Example") field(CALC, "A+C") field(INPA, "$(user): calc. Example. VAL field(INPB, "9") field(INPC, "0. 05") field(INPD, "0") … } Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP NPP NMS") 9
record(calc, "$(user): linac. Example") { field(DESC, "Counter") field(SCAN, ". 5 second") field(CALC, "(A<B)? (A+C): D") field(INPA, "$(user): linac. Example. VAL NMS") field(INPB, "15") field(INPC, "1") field(INPD, "-15") field(EGU, "Counts") … } Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP NPP 10
record(calc, "$(user): cos. Example") { field(DESC, "Counter") field(SCAN, ". 5 second") field(CALC, "15*cos(A)") field(INPA, "$(user): calc. Example. VAL field(EGU, "Counts") … } Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP NPP NMS") 11
record(calc, "$(user): sin. Example") { field(DESC, "Counter") field(FLNK, "$(user): ai. Example") field(CALC, "10*sin(A)") field(INPA, "$(user): calc. Example. VAL field(EGU, "Counts") field(HOPR, "10") field(HIHI, "10") field(HIGH, "5") field(LOW, "-5") field(LOLO, "-10") PP NMS") … } Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 12
Practice on Channel. Archiver and gnuplot Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 13
Linux Host & IOC • Experience on Linuc host & IOC is also gained. Mr. Shifu Xu will give a detailed talk on it. Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 14
Working with VEM I/O modules • A driver is developed to get and put data through the I/O modules VME 512, VME 510. • Mr. Shifu Xu will talk about that in details. Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 15
In file included from /home 1/local/epics 3. 13. 4/base/include/os/solaris/osi. Sock. h: 36, from. . /HTMLPage. h: 14, from. . /main. cpp: 22, from. . /main. cc: 6: /usr/include/net/if. h: 87: `struct map' redeclared as different kind of symbol /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sunsolaris 2. 8/2. 95. 3/. . /include/g++-3/stl _map. h: 48: previous declaration of `template <class _Key, class _Tp, class _Compare = struct less<_Key>, class _Alloc = class allocator<_T 2> > class map<_Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc>' Problem solved Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 16
• #ifdef solaris • // Hack around clash of struct map in inet headers with std: : map • #define map xxx. Mapxxx • #endif • #include <osi. Sock. h> • #ifdef solaris • #undef map • #endif Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 17
Problem • Platform selection – Buy better and more expensive machines? • High level toolkits evaluation Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 18
Next to do • Buy Capfast – database configuration tool • More practice – – SDDS – CGIExport – CDEV – Python – Gnuplot … Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 19
Next to do • Installing I/O drivers for Control. Net, RS 485, RS-232 for vacuum control and device protection system • Develop drivers for CANbus with remote I/O modules (made in China) • providing an EPICS platform for the users from other groups of IHEP so that they can learn the EPICS well. Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 20
Thank you! Aug/20/2002 EPICS Progress at IHEP 21