ENVIROTHON – WILDLIFE Peter Wulfhorst Extension Educator Penn State Cooperative Extension
PA GAME COMMISSION Started in 1903 § Responsible for managing all of PA’s wild birds & mammals § Manage wildlife in PA § monitor wildlife populations § establish laws & regulations § set seasons and bag limits § habitat protection § no seasons on species § public education §
PA GAME REGULATIONS Game land regulations Fluorescent Orange requirements Youth hunting opportunities
GAME SPECIES Big Game – White-tailed Deer, Black Bear, Elk Small Game – Turkey, Ruffed Grouse, Squirrel Waterfowl – Ducks & Geese Furbearer – Beaver, Fox, Coyote
WILDLIFE ECOLOGY Predator – Prey Relationship Endangered Species – In danger of becoming extinct Extinct Species– No longer found on earth Extirpated – Gone from PA, but still found in other areas of their range Reasons for Endangered Species – Habitat loss, Pollution, Introduced Species
WILDLIFE ECOLOGY What species are prone to become endangered? Specialists Low reproduction rates Prized by people Naturally rare
WILDLIFE TERMS Precocial – born with eyesight & fully furred or feathered Altricial – born blind & naked Crepuscular – active at dawn & dusk Nocturnal – active at night Diurnal – active during day Carnivore – eats meat Herbivore – eats plants Omnivore – eats both meat & plants
WILDLIFE TERMS Carrying Capacity - # of animals of 1 or more species a habitat can support at a given time Habitat needs – food, water, shelter, space Biodiversity – Species, genetics and natural communities or ecosystem Fragmentation and destruction of habitat Disturbance of wildlife during breeding seasons Use of pesticides and other chemicals
WILDLIFE SKULLS Incisors Canines Pre-molars Molars Diastema
WILDLIFE IMPACTS Chronic Wasting Disease – neurological (brain and nervous system) disease found in deer & elk. CWS has not been found in PA. White-nosed Syndrome – White fungus found on noses of affected bats. Bats are flying outside during the day in winter and using up fat reserves needed to survive hibernation.
WILDLIFE FIELD NOTES Black Bear Common Nighthawk & Whip-poor-will Mourning Dove Elk Opossum Diving Ducks Eastern Coyote Minks & Muskrats Thrushes Chickadees, Nuthatches, Titmouse & Brown Creeper
WILDLIFE FIELD NOTES Beaver Hawks Foxes River Otter Wild Turkey Bobcat Finches & House Sparrow Owls White-tailed Deer Puddle Ducks
WILDLIFE INFORMATION WEBSITES PA Game Commission http: //www. pgc. state. pa. us/ PA Audubon Society - http: //pa. audubon. org/