- Количество слайдов: 28
Environmental Studies Winter Storms A Collaborative Case Based Learning Module The Pizzeria Owner Martha Schoene Beach Management Consultant Faculty, Seton Hall University © 2006
Meeting with your Professional Team Meeting with restaurant owners in the town: Evaluate the damage done to your business and what alternatives you have. Record your thoughts in your field journal. Now proceed through this module as a team. Gather important facts and data to substantiate your opinions to share with your case group in the wrap up module. It will probably take a number of sessions with your coworkers to work through the information provided. Record all references and suggestions in your field journal. Your professional team (colleagues working back at the office)
The Pizzeria Owner Your Pizzeria Boardwalk Locate your business on the boardwalk before the storm. Discuss if this is a good location for your business.
The Pizzeria Owner pizzeria Your business is located on the boardwalk, to the lower right of the picture. Notice the distance from the boardwalk railing to the ocean. Does this area provide an adequate buffer from average storm damage?
The Pizzeria Owner Resources: Coastal winter storms, or northeasters as they are called, because of the direction from which the wind comes, represent a far more common threat to the Jersey shore than that posed by hurricanes. In New England these storms are called nor'easters: inland they're often called blizzards. Record the facts that pose a danger to your boardwalk business. http: //myweb. shu. edu/bbcswebdav/institution/artsci/ Departments%20 and%20 Programs/Physics/Martha %20 Schoene/Winter. Storms. Lec 123/Long%20 Beach %20 Island%20 Coastal%20%20 Storms%20 Report. d oc
The Pizza Owner Read the article and relate to the picture on the next slide. How do you think the loss of sand will affect your restoration efforts?
The Pizzeria Owner A Federal Disaster Declaration like this one was issued for your area a month after the storm, February 1 so you qualify for FEMA money. What does this mean for YOU? Contact the insurance team to see what you need to do.
The Pizzeria Owner FEMA is issuing checks for $1500 for disaster relief. Read this article and decide if your business is eligible for any of the money provided by the federal government. If so, how would you use monies available? What would you do first?
The Pizzeria Owner Insurance Chart How much money can you expect in the future? You are in zone A, and have coverage for your building and contents. If you have questions, contact the insurance team. Your Insurance Policy http: //myweb. shu. edu/bbcswebdav/institution/artsci/Departments%20 and%20 Programs/Physics/Ma rtha%20 Schoene/Winter. Storms. Lec 123/Property%20 Insurance%20 Policy. doc Compare the coverage for damage on your property insurance (on link above) with that on the flood insurance policy contained on this chart.
The Pizzeria Owner When your insurance adjustor inspected the damage to your business, he/she called your attention to the mold growing on the walls and furniture in your pizzeria. Oh no! This is not good … You will need to find information on how to remove and control mold growth now and in the future if you want to reopen or sell your property.
The Pizzeria Owner Introduction to Molds produce tiny spores to reproduce. Mold spores waft through the indoor and outdoor air continually. When mold spores land on a damp spot indoors, they may begin growing and digesting whatever they are growing on in order to survive. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, and foods. When excessive moisture or water accumulates indoors, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered or un-addressed. There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment; the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture.
The Pizzeria Owner Ten Things You Should Know About Mold • • Some molds can be deadly if ingested. This is of utmost importance. Potential health effects and symptoms associated with mold exposures include allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory complaints. There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment; the way to control indo or mold growth is to control moisture. If mold is a problem in your home or school, you must clean up the mold and eliminate sources of moisture.
The Pizzeria Owner Ten Things You Should Know About Mold (continued) • • • Fix the source of the water problem or leak to prevent mold growth. Reduce indoor humidity (to 30 -60%) to decrease mold growth by: venting bathrooms, dryers, and other moisture-generating sources to the outside; using air conditioners and de-humidifiers; increasing ventilation; and using exhaust fans whenever cooking, dishwashing, and cleaning. Clean and dry any damp or wet building materials and furnishings within 24 -48 hours to prevent mold growth. Clean mold off hard surfaces with water and detergent, and dry completely. Absorbent materials such as ceiling tiles, that are moldy, may need to be replaced. Prevent condensation: Reduce the potential for condensation on cold surfaces (i. e. , windows, piping, exterior walls, roof, or floors) by adding insulation.
The Pizzeria Owner Ten Things You Should Know About Mold (continued) • In areas where there is a perpetual moisture problem, do not install carpeting (i. e. , by drinking fountains, by classroom sinks, or on concrete floors with leaks or frequent condensation). • Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any substance where moisture is present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, and foods.
The Pizzeria Owner Read this article on how to remove mold http: //myweb. shu. edu/bbcswebdav/institution/artsci/Departments %20 and%20 Programs/Physics/Martha%20 Schoene/Winter. Stor ms. Lec 123/mold_removal. doc Record in your field journal the most practical way to make your building ready to reopen for business.
The Pizzeria Owner This picture shows the sand that deposited after the water receded under your pizzeria. Form a plan to prevent this type of damage in the future. Are you responsible for this car? Talk to the insurance team! Record in your journal. Watch this video that shows water coming into this garage. http: //media. shu. edu: 8080/ramgen/tltc/renee/martha_fig/parking_garage. rm
The Pizzeria Owner Rising Sea Levels Your town is in the NJ Highlands area. Read the article from the New Jersey Star Ledger (on the following slide) on climate change and then decide if this area of New Jersey is a good place to locate your business for the near future.
The Pizzeria Owner Global Warming Article from Star Ledger – Feb 2, 2007 (page 1) … needs 11 x 17 paper to print http: //myweb. shu. edu/bbcswebdav/institution/artsci/Departments%20 and%2 0 Programs/Physics/Martha%20 Schoene/Winter. Storms. Lec 123/global_warmi ng_page 1. pdf Scientists pull few punches in climate report – Feb 2, 2007 (page 2) needs 11 x 17 paper to print http: //myweb. shu. edu/bbcswebdav/institution/artsci/Departments%20 and%20 Programs/Physics/Martha%20 Schoene/Winter. Storms. Lec 123/Climate%20 Re port. pdf Relate the information in these articles to the location of the pizzeria.
The Pizzeria Owner Resources: • • This clip shows what can happen in a Nor’ easter when you build close to the ocean. http: //media. shu. edu: 8080/ramgen/tltc/renee/hurricane_ivan_and _rita/back_in_nantucket. rm Shows an ocean storm surge similar to what occurred in this storm http: //media. shu. edu: 8080/ramgen/tltc/renee/martha_fig/high_tide 2. rm Review the information in these two video clips. Record in your field journal risks and dangers that property owners face when located on the boardwalk and any methods you can take to reduce damage due to storm waves. Consult with your Emergency Management Coordinator to see what beach management techniques are being used in your town.
The Pizzeria Owner Resources: • • Interview with a building expert on how to plan better construction http: //media. shu. edu: 8080/ramgen/tltc/danielle/earthscience/flood_le vel_construction. rm Decide if there anything you can do to reduce global warming. http: //myweb. shu. edu/bbcswebdav/institution/artsci/Departments%2 0 and%20 Programs/Physics/Martha%20 Schoene/Winter. Storms. Lec 1 23/Can%20 We%20 Stop%20 Global%20 Warming. doc Record the changes to your building and the changes to your lifestyle in your field journal.
The Pizzeria Owner These are pictures of a competitor’s business along the same boardwalk. Notice the elevation to the water level. How are these restaurants more vulnerable to storm damage? Record your answer in the field guide.
The Pizzeria Owner Should you consider relocation? Relocation is the practice of moving buildings back away from a retreating shoreline. Relocation includes lifting buildings and moving them to a new location as well as demolishing structures and rebuilding them elsewhere. Relocation is often the recommended solution to a storm damaged building. The most famous relocation might be the moving of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. http: //media. shu. edu: 8080/ramgen/tltc/danielle/earthscience/relocation. rm This movie shows relocation of homes along a barrier island.
The Pizzeria Owner Considerations for Relocating/Rebuilding • Should you consider moving to a new lot or raising your building in your present site? What information would you need to make such a decision? Consult with an insurance adjustor to see if he has any information regarding rebuilding and/or relocating. • If you decide to demolish your building, do you have to pay out of pocket or is it covered under your insurance company? • You might want to consult with the insurance and emergency management team about rebuilding and relocation. They are more experienced in these areas.
The Pizzeria Owner Considerations for Relocating or Rebuilding If you plan to relocate, should you rent, build or buy a new building? Compare prices of real estate vs. what you will get from your insurance (i. e. $300, 000). If you relocate, how does that affect your business and your family? Compare these three ads for location and affordability, continued also on the next slides.
The Pizzeria Owner Considerations for Relocating or Rebuilding Consult your original insurance policy. Review amounts for loss of property and loss of use to see if you have enough money to relocate to a new business site. http: //myweb. shu. edu/bbcswebdav/institution/a rtsci/Departments%20 and%20 Programs/Physi cs/Martha%20 Schoene/Winter. Storms. Lec 123/P roperty%20 Insurance%20 Policy. doc
The Pizzeria Owner
The Pizzeria Owner What other options do you have? • Should you go into another line of business? What other professional skills do you have? What possible careers would be a good fit? • Should you go back to college? Do you have enough money from your insurance to cover costs? Can you afford to be out of work while you study? How will you provide for your family? Should you take out a college loan? • Could you work and go to college at night or on weekends? Special Note: FEMA money can only be used for rebuilding or repairing your present building. It can’t be spent on education!
Constructing A Plan Work with the rest of the business owners in your town to suggest a plan to repair, rebuild with improvements, relocate or find a new line of work. Your options can include more than one alternative. • Discuss the pros and cons of all the options presented from various viewpoints, working together to come to a consensus. Your group must substantiate the arguments with facts and data. • Remember, you might have to compromise which is an important part of working in a group. • Record your final team plan. Proceed now to the final, wrap up module.