Environmental Protection We can only live up to the moment until we stop harmoniously coexist with nature, people, planet and all that is around us. By Huk Zhanna, Liulka Maryna and Moroz Anastasiya
Key words 1. Anthropogenic pollution – антроаогенне забруднення 2. Climate – клімат 3. Dust storms – пилові бурі 4. Environment – довкілля 5. Indoor air pollution – забруднення повітря всередині приміщень 6. Pollution – забруднення
Possibly unknown words 1. Cardiovascular disease – серцевосудинні захворювання 2. Coexist – співіснувати 3. Contribution – внесок 4. Incredibly – неймовірно 5. Harmoniously – гармонійно 6. Overcome – подолання 7. Pulmonary diseases – легеневі захворювання 8. Purchases - покупки
We hope that you will agree with us that everybody wants to live in a safe world.
We are given the world that is. . . Unique Wonderful Beaut iful
What makes our world beautiful?
Blue oceans, seas and rivers, lakes and waterfalls
High mountains and beautiful gardens Green forests and parks
rainforests and steppes
Various mammals Birds and insects
But our world is in danger. . .
So today we want to introduce you the problem of air pollution, its effects and ways to overcome them.
There are several kinds of air pollution ØNatural ØАnthropogenic
The natural belonging dust storms, volcanoes, fires, decay organisms. Аnthropogenic include industry, transportation, aerosols, agriculture, etc.
Air pollution affects on the climate. At this point, there are three points of view.
ØGlobal warming, which is observed in the current century. ØAir pollution reduces the level of solar radiation, the Earth's surface cools, which can cause a new glaciations in the northern and southern latitudes (supporters of this view is not much). ØAccording to supporters of the third point of view, both of these processes are equal and the Earth's climate will change significantly
Experts from the World Health Organization recognized indoor air pollution a major risk factor for health and growth of the main cause of catastrophic cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.
Each year, as a result of indoor air pollution died 1. 6 million people, or one person every 20 seconds.
What to do? ? ?
1. Turn off the light! Most of the electronics produced by sources that incredibly polluting.
Change your habits. Machines are making a huge contribution to air pollution. Try to walk more. It will be useful not only for the atmosphere, but also for your health.
Think about the origin of your purchases. Try to buy organic products, or at least those that are made with less harmful substances.
Thus, we have considered the problem of air pollution, its effects and ways to overcome them.
Let's help our world to survive together
References I. Popular science blog http: //www. npblog. com. ua/index. php/ekologi ya/zabrudnennja-povitrja. html II. The site with abstracts http: //refoteka. ru/r 207317. html