Скачать презентацию Environmental Protection cting of prote actice n Скачать презентацию Environmental Protection cting of prote actice n


  • Количество слайдов: 8

Environmental Protection Environmental Protection

cting of prote actice n is a pr ectio , ntal prot nt on cting of prote actice n is a pr ectio , ntal prot nt on individual me the Environ environme vels, for tal le l mans. e natura vernmen ronment and hu th l or go i gy, izationa an tural env n and technolo org he na ulatio of both t aded, s of pop benefit sure ing degr nized, pres is be ue to the al environment as been recog D ts on hysic his h the biop permanently. T placing restrain n. es un sometim ments have beg ental degradatio ern ronm ental and gov use envi that ca environm e various s f activitie 960 s, activity o of th n the areness he 1 ated aw eement o Since t o agr as cre ments h here is n. T uman move al issues ntal impact of h ent ally occasion environm e environme s are measure nt of th exte ection and prot activity, d. criticize

l studies, such as environmenta offer courses, ach the emic institutions now Acad l l studies, such as environmenta offer courses, ach the emic institutions now Acad l engineering, that te d environmental management an tection of the environm ment protection. Pro of environ duction, history and methods activities. Waste pro various human troduction of ment is needed due to environ (resulting from the in of biodiversity related to r pollution, and loss ai e some of the issues s extinction) ar by three ive species and specie invas tection is influenced ironmental pro ach of ental protection. Env environm hics and education. E l legislation, et factors: environmental interwoven encing national-level s part in influ iors. For these factors plays it ental values and behav -level environm r societies to ecisions and personal d ality, it is important fo to become a re d drive onmental protection envir gether, will inform an e areas that, to develop each of thes ns. environmental decisio