Экологические проблемы России.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 9
Russia is one of the most polluted in the ecological attitude of the countries on the planet. The decline in production was not accompanied by a similar reduction of harmful emissions into the environment - in the crisis conditions, enterprises save on environmental costs.
Regular records of harmful emissions into the atmospheric air is carried out by 18000 enterprises. However, in some regions there is a growth of emissions in atmosphere; the causes of the violation of technological modes, use of low quality and substandard raw materials and fuel. The condition of the air in cities and industrial centres uhudshatsa the list of cities with the highest levels of contamination (41 city) includes: Arkhangelsk, Bratsk, Grozny, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk and other
Water resources are one of the most important and the most vulnerable components of the environment. Their rapid changes under the influence of economic activity leads to the aggravation of the following problems.
Contamination of surface waters Maintained longstanding trend of increase of surface water pollution. With the wastewater industry, agriculture, utilities and water bodies received an enormous amount of pollutants. On the territory of the country, virtually all water objects subjected to anthropogenic influence, the water quality does not meet regulatory requirements. Due to congestion and low efficiency of sewage treatment plants, the volume of normative-treated wastewater discharged into water bodies, is only 8. 7% of the total volume of water to be treated. The results of testing the quality of water sources showed that only 12% of the examined water bodies can be attributed to the relatively pure (background); 32% - are in the conditions of anthropogenic environmental voltage (moderately polluted); 56% are contaminated usable objects.
Mass mortality of small rivers. On the territory of the basins of small rivers (up to 100 km), accounting for 1/3 of the total annual runoff is home to a large part of the urban and rural population. Over the last 15 -20 years of intensive economic use vajnyh resources and adjacent lands has led to depletion, shallowing and pollution of rivers. Longdischarge of waste water in quantities comparable to the annual volume of runoff, has undermined the ability of many rivers to cleanse itself, turning them into open sewers.
The depletion and pollution of underground waters There about 1000 of the contamination of groundwater, 75% of which are concentrated in the most populated European part of Russia. The degree of pollution reaches 10 on a particular ingredient, nitrates, nitrites, oil products, copper, phenols, etc. In General, the state used groundwater is estimated as critical and has a dangerous tendency of further deterioration.
The deterioration of drinking water quality. The condition of water sources and systems of centralized water supply cannot guarantee the required quality of drinking water. for 50% of Russians are forced to use water that does not meet standards on the various indicators. More than 20% of drinking water samples do not meet current standards for chemical substances and more than 11% on microbiological, 4, 3% of drinking water samples represent a real danger to the health of the population. The main reasons for the deterioration of drinking water quality are: the violation of the regime of economic activities within the zones of sanitary protection of the lack in some cases of treatment plants for communal water supply and disinfecting installations , as well as secondary pollution of water in distributing networks in case of accidents, the number of which increases every year. About the danger of this situation is evidenced by the annual increase in the number of outbreaks of acute intestinal infectious diseases, viral hepatitis, caused by the water factor of transmission of the infection. .
The end. Thank you for your attention
Экологические проблемы России.pptx