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How Do You Treat the Earth.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 8

Environment Environment

What do these signs mean? Keep your country tidy! Keep off the grass. (По What do these signs mean? Keep your country tidy! Keep off the grass. (По Put your litter in the bin! Keep dogs under control. (Выгул собак (Береги природу!) газонам не ходить. ) (Не сорить!) запрещен) Recycle! Respect the life and work of the countryside. (Перерабатывайте отходы!) (Уважай жизнь природы)

New vocabulary protect nature 2. reduce pollution 1. 3. destroy wildlife 1. 2. 3. New vocabulary protect nature 2. reduce pollution 1. 3. destroy wildlife 1. 2. 3. 4. damage nature 5. 5. pollute 6. 6. disturb wild animals 7. throw away litter 4. 7. 8. spoil the environment 8. охранять природу уменьшить загрязнение разрушать дикую природу повреждать природу загрязнять природу беспокоить диких животных бросать мусор портить окружающую среду

Word building RE – [ri: ] = пере – (еще раз) Example: use – Word building RE – [ri: ] = пере – (еще раз) Example: use – reuse read – reread write – rewrite born - reborn

The three R’s уменьшать; сокращать повторно использовать перерабатывать What can/must we reduce? recycle? reuse? The three R’s уменьшать; сокращать повторно использовать перерабатывать What can/must we reduce? recycle? reuse? Why? using electricity using water glass bottles newspapers paper cartons plastic bottles plastic containers cans/ tins

What do Americans recycle? A lot of Americans say they have voluntarily recycled newspapers, What do Americans recycle? A lot of Americans say they have voluntarily recycled newspapers, glass, aluminum cans, plastic bottles and containers in recent years. The Procter & Gamble Company has begun putting its products in bottles made of recycled plastics. Mc. Donald’s recycles plastic containers for food. Recyclers usually buy products which they can reuse or recycle. They usually use cloth towels and napkins.

Your homework P. 76 ex. 4 (Write how can you explain your friend from Your homework P. 76 ex. 4 (Write how can you explain your friend from Britain or the USA the Russian slogan «Берегите лес!» )

What is your mood after English lesson? 1 2 3 What is your mood after English lesson? 1 2 3