Environment impact assessment (EIA). Comparative ecological-economical estimation of

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>Environment impact assessment (EIA). Comparative ecological-economical estimation of sewage treatment Dr. Fedorova irina Viktorovna Environment impact assessment (EIA). Comparative ecological-economical estimation of sewage treatment Dr. Fedorova irina Viktorovna Hydrology department

>Example of ecologo-economical estimation for optimal variant sewage treatment choosing m – mass of Example of ecologo-economical estimation for optimal variant sewage treatment choosing m – mass of pollutant emissions (rel. ton per year) A – parameter of relative risk of pollutant (rel. ton per ton) CWP – coefficient of water purification (sewage treatment) E – economy of estimation (rel. ton per year) e – effectiveness of estimation Y – yearly volume of cleaned sewage (thousand m3) I - investment to waste disposal plant (thousand rubles) C - current expenses during sewage (rub. per th. m3) t – period of waste disposal plant work (years) D – ecological damage during the period of waste disposal plant work (rub.)

>Work stages Starting parameters of compare variants (table 1) Economical advisability of application of Work stages Starting parameters of compare variants (table 1) Economical advisability of application of the achievements of treatments systems to production (variants 1,2) Calculate 5 main criteria Based of 5 criteria recognize priority of a variant of purification ( the main is effectiveness of purification) Variant with the highest effectiveness of water purification is an economical expediency one

>Main parameters of compare variants (table 1) Main parameters of compare variants (table 1)

>1. Mass of emissions (ton per year) calculate by following equations: 1. Mass of emissions (ton per year) calculate by following equations:

>2.,3 CWP – coefficient of water purification (sewage treatment) E - economy of estimation 2.,3 CWP – coefficient of water purification (sewage treatment) E - economy of estimation (rel. ton per year)

>4.,5. D – ecological damage during the period of waste disposal plant work γ 4.,5. D – ecological damage during the period of waste disposal plant work γ - specific ecological damage (rub. per ton) G – parameter of geographical specific a - % of bank rate (0;1) e – effectiveness of estimation

>data Y – yearly volume of cleaned sewage (thousand m3) I - investment to data Y – yearly volume of cleaned sewage (thousand m3) I - investment to waste disposal plant (thousand rubles) C - current expenses during sewage (rub. per th. m3) t – period of waste disposal plant work (years) Y1=2500, Y2=2500 I1=20000, I2=23000 C1=1040, C2=1135 T=10, γ=2217,5, a=20% Task: Determine an economical advisability of using of one from two different purification Systems of factory on Kolskiy peninsula (G=0.95) wastewater which content 8 Pollutants of emission (see the table 2). Which variant of purification is the best for your opinion? What should a firm does for its variant purification applying in industry?

>Main parameters of compare variants (table 2) Main parameters of compare variants (table 2)