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Entergy Texas, Inc. 2013 Residential and Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Program Workshop October 16, 2012 Dial In: 877 -783 -2009 Passcode: 981535 www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Webinar Instructions You can minimize the Webinar toolbar by selecting the red arrow button You can select the same button to make the toolbar appear again www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Webinar Instructions (Cont. ) Attendees will be on mute during the call You can ask a question by utilizing the Question Box located on the Webinar toolbar www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Workshop Agenda Recap 2012 Challenges in 2012 2013 Program Details Key Program Changes for 2013 Database Changes for 2013 -10 Minute Break. Question & Answer Session www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Program Contacts Entergy Team Mike Snyder (409) 981 -2113 msnyder@entergy. com Kelley Carson (281) 362 -4033 jcarso 1@entergy. com www. ENTERGYefficiency. com Frontier – IT Support Lani Clark (512)372 -8778 x 136 lclark@frontierassoc. com Kyle Caffey (512)372 -8778 x 131 kcaffey@frontierassoc. com
Recap 2012 www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
2012 YTD Program Summary Res Large HTR Large AC/HP Program Total $2, 000 $1, 325, 000 $200, 000 $3, 525, 000 # Customers 5, 023 2, 626 104 7, 753 # Installs 5, 404 2, 719 109 8, 232 k. W Savings 3, 229 1, 337 80 4, 646 k. Wh Savings 7, 574, 950 3, 022, 449 268, 967 10, 866, 366 Budget *Values updated on 9/12/2012 www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
2012 Program Challenges Sponsors using database to test incentive calculations instead of using the helper tools Ø Duct Tool Helper Ø Deemed Savings Helper Documents Upload Formats Ø Prefer PDF file format Ø Please continue to upload all customer forms Need to achieve more k. Wh Savings Ø Water Heater Measures Ø CFLs in Residential Program www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
2013 Program Details www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
2013 Program Funding Program Budget Residential – Large Projects $2, 196, 793 Hard-to-Reach – Large Projects $1, 324, 200 AC/HP Program $200, 000 Total $3, 720, 993 www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
2013 Program Incentive Rates Program $/k. Wh Residential – All Standard Measures 260 0. 083 Residential – Water Heater Measures 280 0. 10 Residential – Window AC + Duct 477 0. 284 Hard-to-Reach – All Standard Measures 440 0. 15 Hard-to-Reach – Water Heater Measures 477 0. 16 Hard-to-Reach – Window AC + Duct 500 0. 30 AC/HP Program 477 0. 16 CFLs are paid at the Standard Rates for Residential and Hard-to-Reach www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Res & HTR Program Incentives are paid directly to Project Sponsor is not required to pass any incentive payment to customer. PUCT requires the Project Sponsor to disclose that incentives are available “through a ratepayer funded program, manufacturers, or other entities. ” www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
2013 Project Sponsor Contracts Residential and Hard-to-Reach Ø Only Large project contracts in 2013 Ø 8 Project Sponsors will be awarded contracts Ø Each awarded Project Sponsor will receive two contracts: Res Large and HTR Large § Project Sponsors must apply to both programs to be considered for participation in Res and HTR SOPs AC/HP Program Ø Small project program – based on $5, 000 reservations § 45 day expiration Ø Eligible Measures: AC (Split and Package), HP (Split and Package), Ground Source Heat Pumps www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Important Application Dates Res and HTR Applications Open: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 @ 10 am Residential Application Submission: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 @ 10 am Ø HTR can be submitted anytime after this Ø Application review priority will be based on the Residential application submission time AC/HP Program Application Submission: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 @ 10: 30 am www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Large Project Sponsor Review Criteria First-come, first-served – based on Residential application submission time Ø This will play a role in determining the order in which Entergy will review your application not award contracts Award Criteria: Ø Offers a comprehensive set of measures Ø Previous program experience and milestone performance § Inspection results and feedback § Customer satisfaction www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Project Sponsor Award Criteria Percentage First-Come First-Served 10% Prior Experience and Milestone Performance 40% Comprehensive Measures 30% Inspection Results 10% Customer Complaints 10% www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Project Sponsor Requirements Insurance Ø Enough coverage: $1 million General Liability, Automobile Liability and Workers Compensation for Large sponsors Ø Enough coverage: $1 million General Liability for Small sponsors and AC/Heat Pump Only sponsors Ø List Entergy as an additional insurance holder All appropriate licenses/permits for DU and IN Ø HERS, HERO, HPP or BPI certificate when Blower Door testing and Duct Blaster™ testing is required Minimum of three references Technical capabilities and experience www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Large Project Milestone Dates 50% of each Contract invoiced by 6/1/2013 80% of each Contract invoiced by 9/30/2013 100% of each Contract invoiced by 11/30/2013 Milestone dates apply to each of the large project sponsors’ contracts (both Res and HTR) www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Project Sponsor Responsibilities Identify project opportunities Verify customer eligibility Ø Must receive Distribution service from Entergy Ø Have not been retrofitted in past 10 yrs Ø Only houses or apartments built BEFORE January 2003 qualify for the 2013 SOP Enter into an agreement with Host Customer and have them sign Host Customer Agreement and Customer Acknowledgement forms. www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Project Sponsor Responsibilities Verbally inform customers about the inspection process and that they could be selected. For DU, IN and CI (ceiling insulation) measures: Mandatory to enter work schedules online in a timely fashion. www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
HTR Specific Requirements Hard-to-Reach customers are defined as those customers with a total household income of less than 200% of current federal poverty guidelines. HTR customers must fill out Income Eligibility Self Certification Form HTR have to use the Multi-family Income Eligibility form for apartment complexes and other multifamily dwellings. www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Eligible Customers Retrofit Only Single Family Mobile Homes Multi-family ü All individually-metered multi-family properties û Common areas are commercial, not eligible û Master-metered apartments are commercial, not eligible www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Blower Door/Duct Blaster™ Testing Requirements and Issues Pre & Post Blower Door Testing is required for IN measure and Pre & Post Duct Blaster™ Testing is required for DU: Ø Duct Blaster™ CFM is measured at 25 Pa Ø Blower Door CFM is measured at 50 Pa Ø If the results of the pre-installation carbon monoxide (CO) or blower door testing indicates that the installation of IN or DU measures could possibly result in post-installation CO or CFM levels not meeting program standards, then the Project Sponsor should exclude these measures from the list of those to be evaluated for installation. Ø Leakage to Outside testing is required for the Duct Efficiency measure. Ø Whole house must be treated and tested. www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Entering Customer Addresses Please ensure that addresses are entered accurately into the system with the correct county. When entering the address and City name for your customer online, do not use abbreviations. Spell out the full name. √ Port Arthur X Pt Arthur Do not use a hyphen in between a street number and name. √ 511 43 th Street www. ENTERGYefficiency. com X 511 -43 th Street
Invoicing and Payment Monthly invoice submittal, along with Ø Customer Acknowledgement Form(s) for all programs Ø Income Eligibility Certification Form(s) for HTR Ø Cut Sheets for AC and HP measures only Invoice payment may be adjusted based on findings from field inspections Payment terms are net 45 days www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Key 2013 Changes www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Program Administration Primary Address Change: ATTN: Mike Snyder Entergy Energy Efficiency 350 Pine Street Beaumont, TX 77701 Insurance Certificates and Signed Agreements should be sent to the above address. www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Upcoming EM&V Process PUCT will use a third party evaluator Evaluator may contact you or your customers Continue to keep all customer forms and agreements for your records www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Entergy Solutions Branding Entergy TX’s Programs have a new brand name: Sponsors must use branding – bolsters credibility All marketing materials must be reviewed by Entergy Pay attention to the Terms of Use Images and Terms of Use are available on the website www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Entergy Solutions Marketing Fund Project sponsors encouraged to contribute to general marketing fund Funds used to purchase program advertising Ø Ø Internet – Banner Ads Social Media Print Radio Funds will be used to benefit all project sponsors www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Entergy Solutions ID All project sponsors must require workers to wear a photo ID www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Other 2013 Key Changes Higher Incentive Rate for Water Heater Measures Ø Must sign Shower Head Certification Form CFLs allowed in Residential program Focus on comprehensiveness of measures www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
2013 Ener. Trek Changes www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Cooling Type for CI www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Automatic CFM Cap - IN An automatic cap on the “Before Infiltration Improvements CFM” Cap = 4 CFM x Conditioned SQFT Example: 1000 SQFT home Pre CFM Cap = 4 x 1000 = 4000 www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Document Upload Feature www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Project Sponsor - Application www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Project Sponsor – SF Customers www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Project Sponsor – MF Template www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Res & HTR Program Resources System Login: http: //entergy. tx. ressop. com/Login. aspx Res Programs’ Information: http: //www. entergy-texas. com/energy_efficiency/res_overview. aspx HTR Programs’ Information: http: //www. entergy-texas. com/energy_efficiency/htr_overview. aspx Please read the following materials: Ø Ener. Trek User Guide Ø Program Manual Ø Deemed Savings Appendix Ø Customer Acknowledgement Forms Ø HTR Certification Forms (single and multi-family) Ø HERS, HERO or BPI Certification Form www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
10 Minute Break Use the webinar toolbar to ask questions. www. ENTERGYefficiency. com
Question and Answer Session Use the webinar toolbar to ask questions. www. ENTERGYefficiency. com