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ENHANCING SYNERGIES AMONG THE BASEL, ROTTERDAM AND STOCKHOLM CONVENTIONS Basel Convention Rotterdam Convention Stockholm Convention Simultaneous Extraordinary Meetings of the COPs. Geneva missions briefing 19 January 2010
Global chemicals & waste conventions: A lifecycle approach Stockholm Convention (POPs) Rotterdam Basel Convention (Hazardous Wastes) Convention (PIC) 2
Preparations for the Ex. COPs 3 The Ex. COPs will take place in Bali International Convention Centre, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, 22 -24 February 2010. A committee to advise the UNEP ED and FAO DG on the preparations for the Ex. COPs, composed of 5 bureau members from each of the COPs of the three conventions, met on 20 July 2009 in Geneva and on 24 October in Bangkok (these reports are available). The invitation and agenda for the Ex. COPs were distributed in early November 2009. Pre-session documents were made available on 11 January 2010 – six weeks in advance of the meetings.
Ex. COPs funding/participation US$ 890, 00 has been raised for participant travel to the Ex. COPs by UNEP This will funding will cover the travel of up to 2 representatives per eligible country The secretariats are beginning to send out confirmations to funded participants this week To date: 127 countries and 1 REIO have registered; 101 of these countries are developing countries or countries with economies in transition and have requested funding
The weekend before the Ex. COPs Registration will start on Saturday and will be open from 8: 00 am to 8: 00 pm throughout the meetings It will be possible register for the UNEP GCSS/GMEF at the same time Preparatory meetings (Saturday/Sunday) Meetings of the bureaux of each COP Joint meeting of the bureaux of the COPs Major groups and stakeholders meeting (Sunday and Monday-focus on Ex. COPs on Sunday) Regional meetings
Organization of the Ex. COPs (1) 6 Initial simultaneous sessions of the Ex. COPs to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions will take place on Monday morning Open ended joint working group of the three Ex. COPs (OEJWG) to prepare draft decisions on the substantive issues (Agenda item 4) will start after plenary on Monday morning and end at the close of the Tuesday afternoon session. Official and correct credentials must be submitted to the secretariats by 10: 00 am on Tuesday
Organization of the Ex. COPs (2) All work on reports and documents to the be submitted from the OEJWG to plenary must be complete by 8: 00 pm on Tuesday night to allow for editing and translation over night Final simultaneous sessions of the three Ex. COPs to adopt decisions and reports will be held on Wednesday from 8: 00 -9: 30 am The meeting must end on time since the UNEP GCSS/ GMEF will begin at 10: 00 am on Wednesday
Substantive issues on the Ex. COPs agenda 8 Final decisions on joint services Decisions on joint activities Decisions on joint management Decision on synchronizing budget cycles Decision on joint audits Decisions on review mechanisms and follow up Reports on information received by ED of UNEP and the secretariats on activities or proposals for joint institutions
Joint services 9 Joint services for the three secretariats have been established on an interim basis for financial and administrative support, resource mobilization, legal, information and information technology. The Ex. COPs will need to decide on the long-term establishment of the joint services. In addition the Ex. COPs may wish to: Invite the Executive Director of UNEP to fund the position of the head of the joint services from program support costs Establish the post of resource mobilization officer and provide the resources needed to do so Provide funding needed for the integration of information technology platforms of the three secretariats
Joint services: benefits to Parties The ultimate objective is improving support and services to Parties Efforts towards greater coordination have resulted in a better pool of available support and expertise; better continuity of services; uniformity of procedures; tools to facilitating joint planning; more efficient use of staff skills. Gains in effectiveness and efficiency, in addition to cost savings, will free up the capacity of the technical staff to provide support to Parties in implementing the Convention
Joint activities (1) 11 Cooperation between the three conventions has taken place over the years but the synergies process led to more deliberate efforts to “think synergies first” before starting any new project or program. The work of the secretariats on joint activities focuses on supporting the regional and national implementation of the conventions and on delivering efficient and coordinated services to Parties (see annex to document UNEP/FAO/CHW/RC/POPS/EXCOPS. 1/2 for the full list). The secretariats are pursuing opportunities to use existing regional networks and offices for planning, implementation and delivery of joint activities and on the strengthening and development of partnerships with relevant programmes of UNEP, FAO, members of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals and others for the delivery of cross-cutting activities.
Joint activities (2) 12 The Ex. COPs may wish to urge Governments that are Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam or Stockholm Conventions to undertake activities to implement the synergies decisions. to request the Secretariats to continue their efforts towards the implementation of joint activities and report on the progress at the ordinary meetings of their respective COPs in 2011, and to develop joint proposals for cross‑cutting and joint activities. to ensure that resources are made available to support joint activities of the Secretariats during the biennium 2010– 2011 and to endorse and provide funding for the clearing-house mechanism joint work plan
Joint activities: benefits to Parties 13 Joint planning has resulted in enhanced delivery of activities at the regional and national levels and reduced duplication of efforts Meetings are being held, in some cases for the first time, between the national focal points and designated national authorities of all three conventions which have enabled and encouraged key national experts and decision makers to identify national opportunities to forge synergies and foster the life-cycle approach to chemicals management. Joint cooperation with partners in strengthening chemicals and wastes management in the global environmental agenda, has resulted in increased awareness and support towards the implementation of the three conventions. Joint use of regional centres, decentralization of activities and more efficient use of scare resources required to implementation national priorities is being supported through joint activities.
Joint management functions 14 Informal joint management group comprising the Executive Secretaries of the three conventions which meets periodically to discuss continuing joint activities and opportunities for enhanced cooperation and coordination among the conventions. The UNEP Executive Director and FAO Director General commissioned a study to assess various options for the joint management of the secretariats of the three conventions. The Ex. COPs may wish to decide on the options examined in the study : joint coordinating group comprising the Executive Secretaries of the three conventions; or joint head of the Basel, Stockholm and UNEP part of the Rotterdam Convention secretariats
Joint audits/budget synchronization 15 Budget decisions taken at the previous meetings of the COPs of the Basel and Rotterdam Conventions provide for the synchronization of the budgets of Basel and Rotterdam Conventions with the budget cycles of UNEP and FAO. The Stockholm Convention was already on the same cycle as those. Joint audits of the secretariats of the three conventions will be undertaken on a regular basis in accordance with the procedures of UNEP and FAO. The Ex. COPs may wish to take note of the report on the budget cycles and of the current arrangements for joint audits by UNEP and FAO.
Review mechanism/follow up 16 According to the synergies decisions, the Ex. COPs are expected to establish a mechanism and timetable for reviewing the arrangements for joint services, joint activities, joint management, etc. , that it adopts. The Ex. COPs may wish: to assess at their ordinary COP meetings in 2011 progress made in implementing the synergies decisions to consider possible elements of review at the 2011 COP meetings to invite UNEP and FAO to make use of their independent evaluation units to conduct a joint review on the implementation of the synergies decisions in 2012 for consideration by the COPs of each of the conventions in 2013.
Reports on information received by the ED of UNEP and the secretariats The Executive Director will report on the financing of chemicals and waste management initiative The secretariats will report on any other information received on this issue (no such information has been received to date)
For further information please visit: http: //excops. unep. ch