Скачать презентацию English teacher Name Maria Favorite 最喜欢的 fruit Apple Favorite 最喜欢的 Скачать презентацию English teacher Name Maria Favorite 最喜欢的 fruit Apple Favorite 最喜欢的


  • Количество слайдов: 33

English teacher Name: Maria Favorite(最喜欢的) fruit: Apple Favorite(最喜欢的) color: Blue Phone number: 13758851631 Hobby(爱好): English teacher Name: Maria Favorite(最喜欢的) fruit: Apple Favorite(最喜欢的) color: Blue Phone number: 13758851631 Hobby(爱好): Shopping 逛街 Do you want to go shopping with me? 你想和我一起逛街吗?

Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section A 1 a-1 c By Mao Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section A 1 a-1 c By Mao Lirong No. 3

Number game: Who is quicker? (谁最先说出 ) This is my phone number. Number game: Who is quicker? (谁最先说出 ) This is my phone number.

What’s this? It’s a/an ____. bags bag A gift for the winner! 给获胜者 的礼物! What’s this? It’s a/an ____. bags bag A gift for the winner! 给获胜者 的礼物! What did I buy? 我买了什么? What’s in the bag?

What’s in the bag? It’s a/an ____. hat shirt T-shirt sweater skirt What’s in the bag? It’s a/an ____. hat shirt T-shirt sweater skirt

What’re these? They’re ____s. pants shorts shoes socks What’re these? They’re ____s. pants shorts shoes socks

Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩节快乐! sale 廉价 出售 Bob’s Clothes Store SALE LE SA SA SAL Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩节快乐! sale 廉价 出售 Bob’s Clothes Store SALE LE SA SA SAL LE SAL E E Tomorrow is Thanksgiven day!明天是感恩节! Do you want to buy something for your parents? 你想买点东西送给你的爸爸妈妈吗?

1 a 1 a Match the words with the pictures. i 1. socks ____ 1 a 1 a Match the words with the pictures. i 1. socks ____ d 2. T-shirt ____ 3. shorts _____ a 4. sweater ____ c 5. bag ___ f g 6. hat ___ j 7. trousers____ b 8. shoes ____ h 9. jacket ____ e 10. skirts ____ Bob’s Clothes Store

(记忆大挑战) Top 10 排行榜 (记忆大挑战) Top 10 排行榜

Shopping for Parents What do I need first? 买东西我需要什么? Money Can you read? $1 Shopping for Parents What do I need first? 买东西我需要什么? Money Can you read? $1 1 dollar ¥ 8 $7 7 dollars ¥ 9 9 yuan $6 6 dollars ¥ 5 5 yuan 8 yuan

¥ yuan $ dollar 1 dollar ≈ 6 yuan $1 ¥ 1 one dollar ¥ yuan $ dollar 1 dollar ≈ 6 yuan $1 ¥ 1 one dollar one yuan ¥ 5 $5 five dollars five yuan $10 ¥ 10 ten yuan ten dollars

Shopping for Parents How much is this $6 $7 ? $8 It’s six dollars. Shopping for Parents How much is this $6 $7 ? $8 It’s six dollars. seven dollars. eight dollars.

Shopping for Parents How much are these $5 ? $9 2 $ $4 They’re Shopping for Parents How much are these $5 ? $9 2 $ $4 They’re five dollars. nine They’re four dollars. two

Shopping Time How much is this --? It's -- dollars. How much are these Shopping Time How much is this --? It's -- dollars. How much are these --? They're --dollars. $6 bag shoes $5 $8 skirt $8 $7 shorts T-shirt $9 sweater $8 trousers $3 socks

Listen and circle things you hear in the picture in 1 a. Bob’s Clothes Listen and circle things you hear in the picture in 1 a. Bob’s Clothes Store

Read it : A: How much is the hat? B: It’s six dollars. A: Read it : A: How much is the hat? B: It’s six dollars. A: And how much are these shorts? B: Oh, they’re eight dollars. A: And this sweater? How much is it? B: Let’s see. It’s nine dollars.

选择你喜欢的数字,猜物品的价格 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 8 9 选择你喜欢的数字,猜物品的价格 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 8 9

How much…? I think it’s… $6 $8 How much…? I think it’s… $6 $8

How much…? I think they’re… $5 $9 How much…? I think they’re… $5 $9

$3 $4 How much…? I think they’re… $3 $4 How much…? I think they’re…

How much…? I think they’re… $7 $9 How much…? I think they’re… $7 $9

How much…? I think it’s… $10 $5 How much…? I think it’s… $10 $5

How much…? $8 $9 I think they’re… How much…? $8 $9 I think they’re…

How much…? I think it’s… $4 $5 How much…? I think it’s… $4 $5

How much…? $3 $6 I think it’s… How much…? $3 $6 I think it’s…

How much…? I think they’re… $7 $3 How much…? I think they’re… $7 $3

到商店去购物吧!(group work) 1. 四人一组,一个人是销售员,其余三个是顾客想要买东 西 2. 买卖活动交际语: A: Can I help you? 我可以为您效劳吗? B: 到商店去购物吧!(group work) 1. 四人一组,一个人是销售员,其余三个是顾客想要买东 西 2. 买卖活动交际语: A: Can I help you? 我可以为您效劳吗? B: Yes, please. How much is/are …? A: It’s/They’re…dollars. Here you are. 给你. B: Thank you. A: You’re welcome.

拍拍手,练练口 How much, how much is this sweater. 5 dollars, it’s 5 dollars. How 拍拍手,练练口 How much, how much is this sweater. 5 dollars, it’s 5 dollars. How much, how much is this skirt. 7 dollars, it’s 7 dollars. How much, how much are these shorts. 8 dollars, they’re 8 dollars. How much, how much are these shoes. 6 dollars, they’re 6 dollars.

Thanksgiving Day 2012. 11. 22 感恩节是每年 11月的 第 4个星期四,它是西方人合家 欢聚的节日。在这样一个日子 里,让我们学会感恩, 感恩父 母,永远保持一颗感恩的心。 I Thanksgiving Day 2012. 11. 22 感恩节是每年 11月的 第 4个星期四,它是西方人合家 欢聚的节日。在这样一个日子 里,让我们学会感恩, 感恩父 母,永远保持一颗感恩的心。 I hope you can buy some gifts(礼物) for your family with your pocket money(零钱).

Homework Save money! 节约用钱! Spend money properly! 合理消费! Homework Save money! 节约用钱! Spend money properly! 合理消费!