Презентация english.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 9
English-speaking countries.
English extended worldwide. GREAT BRITAIN. USA. CANADA. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND is ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES. THEY are located on various parts of the world and in many respects differ.
Great Britain The full official name of the country — the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The capital — London. State language — English. The state religion — Anglican in England. Great Britain is the four countries merged in one, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is located on islands. It is washed by the seas. Climate of Great Britain - soft and damp. In the spring weather floatingly, heat and the sun are replaced by rains and winds.
USA United States of America. the state in North America. The capital — the city of Washington. Administratively the country shares on 50 states and the federal District of Columbia, in submission of the USA also there is a number of island territories.
Republic of Ireland CAPITAL: Dublin. Officially languages in Ireland two - English and Irish galik. National anthem: "Song of Soldiers" Ireland is located on the island of the same name in northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is western of two largest British Isles. Climate of Ireland — moderate sea.
English-speaking countries: Canada. Capital: Ottawa. Canada has 2 official state languages: English (the native language of 59% of Canadians) and French (the native language of 23% of Canadians).
English-speaking countries: New Zealand - the state in southwest part of the Pacific Ocean. It is located on two big islands. Capital – Wellington. State languages – English, Maori. Climate of New Zealand - moderate, oceanic, without sharp differences of a heat and cold.
Australia. Capital: Canberra. LANGUAGE: English (state). Australia is the biggest island the smallest continent on a planet. It is the driest continent on the earth
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