English presenation A. Koval 8a.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 20
English presentation World of books From 8 -A Dolinska Gymnasium № 3 Anastasia Koval’ Teacher: Sheremet T. V. 2016
Praise Triumph Trait Book Libraries Vocabulary
Praise Vocabulary
Triumph Vocabulary
Trait Vocabulary
Book Vocabulary
Libraries Vocabulary
Text : World of books "Except for a living man there is nothing more wonderful than books! They teach us and open their hearts to us as brothers", wrote Charles Kingsley, an English writer of the 18 th century.
Text : World of books Books play a very important role in our life. They give us a unique chance to link up with authors who lived hundreds of years ago. With their help we can not only look into the past but foresee the future.
Text : World of books The book is a faithful and undemanding friend: it can be put aside and taken at any moment. So we can learn a lot of useful, interesting, exciting things about the world we live in.
Text : World of books There are different kinds of books. Children like to read and to be read fairy tales, fable, short stories. Teenagers are fond of historical novels, adventure books, science fiction.
Text : World of books Women find it exciting to read love-stories and detectives. Some people, though, take a great interest in reading memoirs, atlases, encyclopedias and textbooks.
Text : World of books In ancient times books were written by hand, and it took a very long time to write a whole book and to make several copies of it. The number of books in those days was very little. Only very rich people could afford having them.
Text : World of books Nowadays thousands of books are published every year in numerous publishing houses. There is no problem where to find a good book for reading. A lot of bookshops, libraries and readinghalls are at your disposal.
Text : my favourite book My favourite book is "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. D. Defoe (1660— 1731) was a great master of realistic detail. The novel "Robinson Crusoe" was written in 1719.
Text : my favourite book The novel is praise to human labour and the triumph of man over nature. Defoe shows the development of his hero. At the beginning of the story we see an inexperienced youth, a rather frivolous boy, who then becomes a strong-willed man.
Text : my favourite book Robinson Crusoe's most characteristic trait is his optimism. His guiding principle in life become "never say die" and "in trouble to be troubled is to have your troubles doubled".
Text : my favourite book He had confidence in himself and in man. He believed it was within the power of man to overcome all difficulties. Crusoe was an enthusiastic worker and always hoped for the best.
Text : my favourite book Defoe is a writer of the Enlightenment. He teaches people how to live, he tries to teach what's good and what's bad. His novel "Robinson Crusoe" is a study of man, a great work showing man in relation to nature and civilization as well as in relation to labour and private property
The end
English presenation A. Koval 8a.pptx