Скачать презентацию ENGLISH PRESENTATION Theme Cinema the Ukraine Performer Скачать презентацию ENGLISH PRESENTATION Theme Cinema the Ukraine Performer

Nazar Baraban 7-b cinema the Ukraine.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 20

ENGLISH PRESENTATION Theme : Cinema the «Ukraine» Performer : Nazar Baraban Form 7 – ENGLISH PRESENTATION Theme : Cinema the «Ukraine» Performer : Nazar Baraban Form 7 – B School № 3 Teacher : Sheremet T. V. 2014 – 2015


VOCABULARY Premier cinema Reconstruction Demonstrations Are accompanied Technical equipment Modern standards Motion picture projectors VOCABULARY Premier cinema Reconstruction Demonstrations Are accompanied Technical equipment Modern standards Motion picture projectors Sound-absorbing panels Special props The foyer Terrace The audience

Premier cinema Premier cinema

reconstruction reconstruction

SOMETHING demonstration SOMETHING demonstration

accompaniment accompaniment

Technical equipment Technical equipment

Modern standards Modern standards

correspond correspond

Motion picture projector Motion picture projector

Sound-absorbing panels Sound-absorbing panels

Special props Special props

foyer foyer

terrace terrace

audience audience

TEXT Cinema «Ukraine» The «Ukraina» is one of the best cinemas in It is TEXT Cinema «Ukraine» The «Ukraina» is one of the best cinemas in It is known as a premier cinema. The « Ukraina » cinema was opened after the reconstruction in February 2001.

The demonstrations of the new films are always accompanied by sensation here. The technical The demonstrations of the new films are always accompanied by sensation here. The technical equipment of the halls corresponds to all the modern standards. In both halls the newest motion picture projectors are installed.

The halls are also equipped with special sound-absorbing panels , new pearl screens and The halls are also equipped with special sound-absorbing panels , new pearl screens and comfortable seats. The seats feature special props for drinks and popcorn. In the foyer there are six monitors and video projector. The comfortable summer terrace is located on the second floor. The main thing that attracts the audience is a unique calm and homelike atmosphere.