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Serdeshna 8-B Music In Our Life.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 18

English presentation Music In Our Life From 8 -B Serdeshna Karina Dolynska gymnasium Teacher: English presentation Music In Our Life From 8 -B Serdeshna Karina Dolynska gymnasium Teacher: Sheremet Tatiana 2016

Vocabulary mood calms us fall into melancholy not indifferent to the music noticed get Vocabulary mood calms us fall into melancholy not indifferent to the music noticed get along with believe not refuse

mood mood

calms us calms us

fall into molenholy fall into molenholy

not indifferent to the musiс not indifferent to the musiс

noticed noticed

get along with get along with

believe believe

not refuse not refuse

Who doesn't love music? Whatever mood we have bad or good, from time to Who doesn't love music? Whatever mood we have bad or good, from time to time we turn on our favorite song. And it, in turn, either calms us, or on the contrary, makes us fall into melancholy.

Life without music would be boring and dull. Just imagine a disco being in Life without music would be boring and dull. Just imagine a disco being in silence or holidays being without musicians. Absolutely all people of every type around the world are not indifferent to the music. Genres that are most popular are rock, rap, pop, techno, chanson, hip-hop and others. There are other very specific genres. For example, folk music, classical music, spiritual music and also such interesting genres as blues and jazz.

Have you ever noticed that people, who share your tastes in music, get along Have you ever noticed that people, who share your tastes in music, get along with you much faster than those whose tastes are very different from yours? Many people believe that music is first and foremost an instrument of the soul. Probably it is so.

Most of all I like modern music, but I also will not refuse to Most of all I like modern music, but I also will not refuse to listen to classical and ethnic music. For example, I like English songs. Listening to foreign songs I improve my knowledge of English.

Vy favourite band group The Hardkiss Vy favourite band group The Hardkiss

Ukrainian music group , created in 2011. All songs written by the band soloist Ukrainian music group , created in 2011. All songs written by the band soloist Julia Sanin Valeriy Bebko , who is also the creative producer of The Hardkiss. The highlight of the band is bright images and wigs soloist , stylists are working Glory Seagull Vitaliy Datsyuk.

this year participated in the selection for Eurovision reached the final but won the this year participated in the selection for Eurovision reached the final but won the singer Jamala

the end the end