English Language
In recent years, due to the expansion of international contacts in our environment gets more and more elements of a foreign language, especially English: Ø the emergence of a broad sell foreign goods; Ø the formation of joint ventures; Ø popular with young people of Western music styles (Hip-Hop, Breakdance); Ø store signs; Ø instructions and ads in public spaces (Open, Close); Ø guidance on control keys (Push, Stop, Wind, Low, High, Light, Noise); Ø inscriptions on the body-radio equipment, disks, cassettes; Ø labels on garments and footwear, in the names of products, technology and in perfumery.
English language - the language of high technology in all continents, it is the language of computer programming, the language of travel and communication on international flights. English dominates in transport and in the media. More than half of the scientific and technical journals around the world are printed in English. He is also the language satellite television. Internet is unthinkable without the English language.
English language - the language of international business. More than half of European transactions are conducted in English. On industrial goods, clothing, household appliances are increasingly found such instructions in English, as the country of production, for example, "Made in Germany", as well as the composition, properties, and application instructions.
English is the language of communication in countries where people speak different languages. It is the official language of international organizations such as Oxfam and "Save the Children", UNESCO, NATO and the UN. In addition, it is an official language of the World Council of Churches, the Olympics and the "Miss Universe". English is the language of global youth culture. All over the world, young people singing the words of the songs of bands "The Beatles", "S-2" (U 2), Michael? Jackson, Madonna and Britney Spears without fully understanding them. "Break dance", "rap music", "bodybuilding", "vindsefing" and "computer heking" - these words are invading the lingo of youth all over the world.
English belongs to the Germanic languages Indo-European family of languages. It is native to 500 million people in 12 countries around the world. Another 600 million speak English as a second language. And a few hundred million have some knowledge of English. Today there about 1. 5 billion people speaking English. It is the language of English (the official language of England, and in fact all over the UK), the U. S. population (the official language of the State of thirty-one), one of the two official languages of Canada, Ireland Malta, the official language of Australia and New Zealand. It is used as an official in some countries of Asia (India, Pakistan, etc. ), and Africa. Home of the English language - United Kingdom.