English in Use 3f.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 10
ENGLISH IN USE Bannikova O. V. Module 3, 3 f
Phrasal verbs Bring round –приводить в сознание Bring in – приносить деньги, вносить Bring up – растить, воспитывать Bring out – выпускать на продажу Bring back - напоминать Bring about - осуществлять
Match phrasal verbs with their definitions Bring round Bring in Bring up Bring out Bring back Bring about make money cause to recall cause to happen put on the market raise children make conscious again
Forming verbs Noun + ise (British English) Verb + ize (American English) For example: sympathy -sympathise
Words often confused Discover — to find out something existing but not yet known Invent - to create or design something not existing before Find out - to learn by study, observation, or search
Words often confused Job – официальная деятельность(= profession or occupation) Work – общее понятие (труд, работа) Career For example: They offered me a _ JOB_ in Helsinki, but Finland is a long way from home.
Words often confused Employer – a person who gives you a job Employee – a person who works in a company Colleagues – people working together
Words often confused Wage - a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education Salary - a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee Money
Prepositions At the beginning – в начале (определенный момент, точка во времени) (Аt the beginning of the movie we could hear a shot) In the beginning – 1. в начале (промежуток времени) , 2. сначала (In the beginning of the 1970 s… In the beginning they were very shocked, but then…) At the end of – в конце (точка времени) In the end – в конце концов, в итоге
Prepositions At the age Under pressure In charge of Career in
English in Use 3f.pptx