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English holidays and festivals
Guy Fawkes' Day On 5 November 1605 a group of conspirators attempted to blow up the House of Parliament together with the government, king James I, Queen and their son. Guy Fawkes and his friends were unhappy with the attitude of the king to all Catholics. A few days before the opening of Parliament they hid twenty barrels of gunpowder in the basement. But the idea did not come into fruition. Soon, Guy Fawkes was arrested. November 5, remained about this event.
For four hundred of years on 5 November in Britain arranged a night of bonfires. A few days before the holiday, children make an effigy of guy in full-size and carry it through the streets. All this time they yell something like "the little guy!". In the evening people make big fires, burned effigies, fireworks and even baked potatoes and chestnuts in the embers of the bonfire.
The festival of flowers in Chelsea The most popular world flower show is traditionally held in London in May. In the halls of the festival one can see more than hundreds of floral exhibitions from all over the world.
The festival of flowers in Chelsea is not only the largest exhibition but also here you can buy the exhibits, from small herbaria to spacious greenhouses. The first two days of the festival are reserved to members of the Royal society.
Halloween is great time to say goodbye to old, bad, unnecessary and meet new. In ancient Britain people made gifts to the Gods of nature. They brought apples, autumn vegetables, flowers and left them under the trees or buried in the ground asking for help and support. The night of October 31 was made to put a bowl of fruit on the street for dead souls, so that they could help the living.
Advent One of the main traditions of making wreaths with candles. These wreaths consist of a 5 candles - four red and one white. The tradition came from Catholicism and distributed throughout Europe. Every Sunday a new red candle is ignited. They are lit at a time when family gathers together for prayer. A white candle is lit in the night before Christmas as a symbol of what the world Christ will come and will illuminate the darkness
St. Andrew’s Day St. Andrew's Day is celebrated on the 30 th of November. Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland In Scotland St Andrew's Day is marked with a celebration of Scottish culture with traditional Scottish food, music and dance. This day is also seen as the start of a season of Scottish winter festivals encompassing St Andrew's Day, Hogmanay and Burns Night
Festival of sandy sculptures On March 29 in England started an annual festival of sandy sculptures. Twenty talented sculptors of the international level turned four thousand tons of sea sand on the coast of Bristol Bay into Batman, Hulk, Jack Sparrow's figures, King Kong, Dobby, Alfred Hitchcock and Gollum. It is possible to visit this unusual festival and to estimate efforts of sculptors up to the end of September.
St. Valentine's Day day was first associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages when the tradition of courtly love flourished. In 18 th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery and sending greeting cards. Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19 th century, handwritten valentines have given way to massproduced greeting cards
Punk Rock festival in Blackpool l Every August punks gather in Blackpool for the annual Rebellion Punk Rock Festival A clash of musical cultures hits the famous seaside. The annual Rebellion Festival is held at the Winter Garden where you can see punks shoulder to shoulder with traditional holidaymakers and seasiders.
St. Patrick's Day The St. Patrick's Day is celebrated both by Irish and people of other nationalities on March 17 — day of death of Saint Patrick. By tradition Christians visit religious service early in the morning, the holiday begins then. Christians, and also not Christians celebrate this day, putting on clothes of green color, decorating with shamrocks, eat the Irish dishes, other various of green food, drink beer and Irish whisky, carry out parades.
Eisteddfod. The National Eisteddfod is Wales’ biggest artistic event and one of Europe's oldest cultural festivals. It is held in early August This is a chance to hear Welsh music and literature, as well as see dance and theatre performances, shop for books and crafts, and much more.
Использованные источники http: //www. holidaym. ru/mel/england/img/ http: //imgfotki. yandex. ru/get/5809/ http: //i. dailymail. co. uk/i/pix/2011/08/29/article http: //img-fotki. yandex. ru/get/55188. www. worldofteaching. com http: //www. worldofteaching. com Работу выполнили: yченицы 7 класса МКОУСОШ № 8 Галущак Диана, Петрук Анастасия, Петрук Дарина