Скачать презентацию English Election Glossary 1 Election principles n Скачать презентацию English Election Glossary 1 Election principles n


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English Election Glossary English Election Glossary

1. Election principles n n n n Direct election On equal bases Universal suffrage 1. Election principles n n n n Direct election On equal bases Universal suffrage One person one vote Open vote/Secret ballot Transparent and open elections Free, fair, and regular election

2. Election systems n Proportional (seats are apportioned according to the percentage of the 2. Election systems n Proportional (seats are apportioned according to the percentage of the vote) Direct (elections are conducted by a majority or plurality vote) n

3. Election Bodies n Central Election Commission (CEC) n Territorial Election Commission (TEC) n 3. Election Bodies n Central Election Commission (CEC) n Territorial Election Commission (TEC) n District election commission (DEC) n Polling Station Commission (PSC)

4. Financing n Campaigning Finance, Financing of Election Campaigning (by candidates of parties) Election 4. Financing n Campaigning Finance, Financing of Election Campaigning (by candidates of parties) Election costs Election donation n National donation n n

5. Registration n n n Candidate list Challengers, candidates To nominate candidates Revocation of 5. Registration n n n Candidate list Challengers, candidates To nominate candidates Revocation of registration To withdraw in favour of sb Voters list Mobile voters

6. Campaign n n Election campaign Anonymous adds Campaign material Door to door campaigning 6. Campaign n n Election campaign Anonymous adds Campaign material Door to door campaigning Election programme

7. Voting n n n Ballot paper Ballot box Mobile ballot box Polling booth 7. Voting n n n Ballot paper Ballot box Mobile ballot box Polling booth To cast a vote Electronic voting system

8. Vote Counting and Results n n n Exit polling Voter turnout Election night 8. Vote Counting and Results n n n Exit polling Voter turnout Election night count Election results To declare the elections invalid Judicial recount

9. Organisations and Observation n Committee of Voters of Ukraine (CVU) n International observer 9. Organisations and Observation n Committee of Voters of Ukraine (CVU) n International observer n European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) n Organization for Security and Co operation in Europe (OSCE)

10. Violations n n n n Bribery Illegal acceptance of donations Propaganda at a 10. Violations n n n n Bribery Illegal acceptance of donations Propaganda at a prohibited time Dissemination of false information Intimidation Fraud, falsification Imitation ballot

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