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England Zolotareva A. U-125
England, the largest historical and administrative part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, a country in its structure, which occupies the south-eastern part of the larger island of Great Britain, known as the English mainland. The population of England is 83% of the total UK population
England - the place of origin of the English language and the Anglican Church, and English law forms the basis of the legal systems of many countries, in addition, London was the center of the British Empire, and the country - the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. Britain was the first industrialized country in the world, but also a country with a parliamentary democracy, constitutional, governmental and legal innovations which were adopted by other nations and countries.
Currently, England consists of 9 regions and 48 ceremonial counties.
Political system of England United Kingdom-state-in, built on the principles of a unitary State Island constitutional monarchy. The legislative, executive and judicial power comes from the head of state-va-Queen Elizabeth 2.
The legislative branch House of lords House of Commons
The execute branch Government Cabinet
Judiciary High Court of Appellate Crown Court
The official language and flag The official language is English in England. UK flag is a rectangular cloth of blue, crossed by two diagonal lines in red with a white outline, and placed them on top of a broad red cross with a white outline, aspect ratio 1: 2. Referred to as the Union Jack flag (Union Jack).
Thus, a direct cross (the so-called "cross of St. George") is a symbol of England, whose patron was St. George. White saltire (the "cross of St. Andrew") - a symbol of Scotland. Scottish flag on the cross was displayed on a blue background, which is also passed to the flag of the United Kingdom. On top of the white diagonal cross was placed symbol of Ireland - red diagonal cross (the "cross of St. Patrick, " the patron saint of Ireland). English and Scottish flags appeared in XIII-XIV centuries. In 1063 the two kingdoms were united and created a Union flag, which depicted the red cross of St. George and the white cross of St. Andrew on a blue field. This flag was used until 1801, when (after the accession of Ireland) on it appeared the red cross of Saint Patrick, and thus formed a modern flag of the United Kingdom.
The attractions of England
Trafalgar squere Trafalgar Square (born Trafalgar Square) - an area of central London, where, in place of the cross Charingskogo converge three paramount streets of Westminster - the Strand, Whitehall and The Mall. Initially, the area was known as King William IV, but the final name was in honor of England's victory at Trafalgar in 1805. Area - an important road junction. It is also a metro station "Charing Cross" lines Beykerloo and North.
The museum of Madame Tussauds - wax museum in London's Marylebone, which has branches in 10 cities (as of 2010), Amsterdam, Las Vegas, Copenhagen, New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Washington, Vienna and Berlin. He was a sculptor Marie Tussaud established.
Stonehenge - a UNESCO World Heritage stone megalithic structures (dolmen) in Wiltshire (England). Located about 130 km south-west of London, about 3. 2 km west of Amesbury and 13 kilometers north of Salisbury The massive stone structure was built more than 500 years - roughly between 1900 and 1700 BC
The famous people of England - a country of many prominent people - poets, writers, legendary heroes, pirates Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde William Shakespeare Isaac Newton Charles Robert Darwin Sir Winston Churchill Margaret Thatcher Alexander Graham Bell