ted The UK is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles are separated from Europe by the English Channel. The British Isles are washed
• The capital of England – London • Area of the - 133, 396 (one hundred thirty three thousand three hundred ninety six sq km) • Nationality – Britons • Official language – English • Major Cities – Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool. • It has borders with Scotland to the west - with Wales. • Longest river – Severn.
The name "England" is derived from the Old English name Englaland, which means "land of the Angles". An alternative name for England is Albion. It derives from a cognate of the Latin «albus» , meaning white, a reference to the white cliffs of Dover, the only part of Britain visible from the European Continent.
The flag of England is the St George's Cross which is considered the patron saint of the British.
Tudor Rose - heraldic emblem of England. Rose a traditional emblem of England, she is the most famous kings of England badge. After the "War of the Roses“
The most mysterious attraction of England is Stonehenge, the famous prehistoric construction of huge boulders. Stonehenge is one of the most mysterious places in the world.
England is famous for its cathedrals, among them one of the most prominent is the Winchester Cathedral in Hampshire, one of the best examples of English Gothic.
Cambridge and Oxford is a world-famous university towns in England. Here are some of the best universities in the world, is strictly following the best traditions of British education
Of course, its inherent charm and provincial cities of England. Among them are cities such as Lincoln, Bath, Chester and York. In the last, you can see one of the great cathedrals of Europe - Ministerial Cathedral.
Among the attractions of England is the house-museum of William Shakespeare, which located in Stratford residents are also very proud of its Shakespeare Theatre
If you want to feel the nature of England, the perfect option for this would be the Northumberland. It is the most distant from civilization corner of the country.