Скачать презентацию England is a country with a lot of Скачать презентацию England is a country with a lot of


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England is a country with a lot of traditions and customs which Englishmen observe England is a country with a lot of traditions and customs which Englishmen observe with reverence.

Have you heard the expression «Boxing day» ? It is translated into Russian like Have you heard the expression «Boxing day» ? It is translated into Russian like «день коробки» . This day is connected with Christmas. They don’t give presents to a person by themselves. It does a special “costumer service”. Those, who use the services of the organization, ought to give a card to a postman to thank him.

Traditionally, Christmas cards should be with a robin as a symbol of comfort in Traditionally, Christmas cards should be with a robin as a symbol of comfort in a home and warm relationship between family members or with a house powdered with snow and with a hearth in it.

If you want to give your present on New Year celebration, you should be If you want to give your present on New Year celebration, you should be aware of one English tradition. They have a fixed date for a giving New Year and Christmas’s presents. It is the 26 of December.

Everyone takes a lot of presents in this day. Usually they are not expensive. Everyone takes a lot of presents in this day. Usually they are not expensive. If a present is too expensive a true Englishman will give it back to you.

Traditional gifts are: notes, organizers, calendars, lighters, alcoholic drinks but the letter one is Traditional gifts are: notes, organizers, calendars, lighters, alcoholic drinks but the letter one is only for Christmas.

English think that the best present in this day is a handmade present. That’s English think that the best present in this day is a handmade present. That’s why all people give sweets in the form of heart cooked by themselves.

They also like flowers. Traditionally Englishmen give a red rose. They also like flowers. Traditionally Englishmen give a red rose.

Following gifts are also considered to be traditional. They are Teddy bears, valentine’s cards Following gifts are also considered to be traditional. They are Teddy bears, valentine’s cards with the inscription “with love from Valentine”. Also for a taken present you can give an apple as a symbol of love and prosperity.

In a family it is also not accepted to buy an expensive present but In a family it is also not accepted to buy an expensive present but the gift itself should bring a pleasure and joy to a recipient.

All Englishmen adore football. That’s why you can give a T-shirt of a favorite All Englishmen adore football. That’s why you can give a T-shirt of a favorite team, a ball, a souvenir in a form of a football. A recipient will be glad to take one of them.

Another interesting fact is that Englishmen don’t forget about small friends and make presents Another interesting fact is that Englishmen don’t forget about small friends and make presents to their pets.

So, I hope my information will help you to choose a proper present to So, I hope my information will help you to choose a proper present to your friends from England.