- Размер: 1.2 Mегабайта
- Количество слайдов: 6
Описание презентации ENGINEER Molnar Misha Form 8 -A School N по слайдам
ENGINEER Molnar Misha Form 8 -A School N 5 Teacher: Savko N. G.
Engineer-the person , who makes plans of buildings , , mechanisms , , bridges.
EE ngineers are divided into m m echanical ee ngineer, dd esign — ee ngineer and power -engineer.
Engineer must be creative , , hard-working , , self-motivated. He must know mathematics , , physics. He must have engineering degree.
Engineers must weigh different design choices on their merits and choose the solution that best matches the requirements. Their cru tt ii cc al and unique task is to identify, understand, and interpret the constraints on a design in order to produce a successful result.
Famous engineers are Igor Sikorsky, James Watt, Leonardo da Vinci, John Nash.