Скачать презентацию Engaging with Employers Working to support employers Leon Скачать презентацию Engaging with Employers Working to support employers Leon


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Engaging with Employers Working to support employers Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 1 Engaging with Employers Working to support employers Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 1

The Vision Pathways to Work § To assist employers in recruiting employees from the The Vision Pathways to Work § To assist employers in recruiting employees from the Live Register and to incentivise employers to offer opportunities to unemployed people – particularly long term unemployed people § Live Register should be a key source linking employers with potential employees Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 2

How? By focusing on employers as well as unemployed people… Leon Quigley Department of How? By focusing on employers as well as unemployed people… Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 3

Through on-line and personalised service…. Intreo Centres and Employment Services Offices - Nationwide Jobs Through on-line and personalised service…. Intreo Centres and Employment Services Offices - Nationwide Jobs Ireland Service European Recruitment Service (EURES) Financial Supports for employers Supports for employees & to promote inclusion. Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 4

JOBS IRELAND Jobs Ireland www. jobsireland. ie ◦ Jobs Ireland is a service for JOBS IRELAND Jobs Ireland www. jobsireland. ie ◦ Jobs Ireland is a service for employers who want to advertise their job vacancies on the internet and through our network of offices – No cost service 5

European Employment Service – EURES Advertise your job vacancy in Europe Access a database European Employment Service – EURES Advertise your job vacancy in Europe Access a database of European jobseekers who want to work in Ireland Financial and other supports for Employers EURES Advisor contact details 6

With Innovative Financial Supports Jobs. Plus Part-time Job Incentive Scheme Family Income Supplement (FIS) With Innovative Financial Supports Jobs. Plus Part-time Job Incentive Scheme Family Income Supplement (FIS) Back to Work Family Dividend For those starting a business: Short-term Enterprise Allowance (STEA) Back to Work Enterprise Allowance (BTWEA) Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 7

Supports for Employers to support Inclusion. • Provides financial incentives to employers, outside the Supports for Employers to support Inclusion. • Provides financial incentives to employers, outside the public sector, to employ people with disabilities who work more than 20 hours per week – € 5. 30 per hour Wage Subsidy Scheme Reasonable Accommodation Fund • A set of private sector employment supports to assist people with disabilities to access and progress in employment Disability Awareness Support Scheme • Assists the integration of people with disabilities into the workplace and helps to eliminate mistaken perceptions about them Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 8

Wage Subsidy Scheme For people with a disability – productivity less than 80% € Wage Subsidy Scheme For people with a disability – productivity less than 80% € 5. 30 per hour Minimum of 21 hours-39 hours Top up towards supervision costs if 3 or more disabled people employed Monitored annually 9

Reasonable Accommodation Workplace Equipment/Adaptation Grant (WEAG) Job Interview Interpreter Grant (JIIGS) Personal Reader Grant Reasonable Accommodation Workplace Equipment/Adaptation Grant (WEAG) Job Interview Interpreter Grant (JIIGS) Personal Reader Grant (PRGS) Employee Retention Grant Scheme (ERGS). Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 10

Disability Awareness Support Scheme Provides funding so that employers can buy in Disability Awareness Disability Awareness Support Scheme Provides funding so that employers can buy in Disability Awareness Training for their staff The purpose of the training is to deliver clear and accurate information about disability and to address questions or concerns that employers and employees may have about working with people with disabilities. Grants of 90% of eligible training costs, up to a maximum of € 20, 000, are available to private companies in the first year and 80% in the second and subsequent years. Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 11

…. and tailored supports § § § Candidate identification CV screening Information sessions Submission …. and tailored supports § § § Candidate identification CV screening Information sessions Submission of screened candidates/CV’s Ongoing company support § Designated team (national and divisional) Inclusion: Employability Service Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 12

For more information National Employer Engagement Team employer@welfare. ie § Divisional contacts www. welfare. For more information National Employer Engagement Team employer@welfare. ie § Divisional contacts www. welfare. ie – contact us § Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 13

Summary Intreo Centres and Employment Services Offices Nationwide Jobs Ireland Service European Recruitment Service Summary Intreo Centres and Employment Services Offices Nationwide Jobs Ireland Service European Recruitment Service (EURES) Financial Supports for employers Supports for employees & to promote inclusion. Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 14

Any Questions? Thank you Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 15 Any Questions? Thank you Leon Quigley Department of Social Protection 15