- Количество слайдов: 5
Engaging partners in the Sumatra KBA process v Under the “Defining, refining, and monitoring conservation Outcomes for Sumatra”, partners have played a major role; v Partners have been participated at many different stages of this project depending on the objectives: v Data sharing and validation; v General project communication; v Increasing buy in (ownership of the KBA) v Fundraising
v Conservation Action and Management Plan for Threatened Species in Sumatra Workshop (2003) Objectives: v Compiling biodiversity information for Sumatra v General project communication; v Increasing buy-in v Data sharing and validation Partners involved: - WWF, WCS, Bird. Life, FFI, ZSL - Local NGOs - LIPI (Indonesia Institute of science)- Digitized Biodiversity collection - Department of forestry at several different layers - Local governments
Sumatra Key Biodiversity Areas Workshops (2006) Objectives: v Compiling biodiversity information for Sumatra v General project communication v Increasing buy-in v Data sharing, validation and reviewing the preliminary KBA
Donors (Partners) § GEF FOCAL POINT § DFID § USAID § GEF UNDP § ESP § CANADIAN FUND INITIATIVE (CIDA) § BP § AUSAID § FORD FOUNDATION § YAYASAN KEHATI § WORLD BANK ENVIRONMENT § EXXON - MOBIL OIL INDONESIA INC. § CHEVRON PACIFIC INDONESIA § NEW ZEALAND EMBASSY § EUROPEAN UNION q During the KBA process various donors had been approached to use KBA as part of layers in the decision of fund disbursement q KBA facilitation in Sumatra was carried out by A team consists of CI, WWF, WCS, Min. of Forestry (Flying team)