Скачать презентацию Engaging Partner s Experience Using an Experiential Capture Tool Скачать презентацию Engaging Partner s Experience Using an Experiential Capture Tool


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Engaging Partner’s Experience Using an Experiential Capture Tool to Share Best Practices Marella Bradway, Engaging Partner’s Experience Using an Experiential Capture Tool to Share Best Practices Marella Bradway, MS SRA International, Contractor for CDC PHIN Conference August 2008 TM

Session Objectives Participants will be able to: n Develop a program to collect best Session Objectives Participants will be able to: n Develop a program to collect best practices and feedback from partners on the Bio. Sense Program n Identify benefits of sharing best practices and various forms of utilization TM

What is Bio. Sense n n n A national program for conducting real-time biosurveillance What is Bio. Sense n n n A national program for conducting real-time biosurveillance and health situational awareness Monitor seasonal trends of influenza and other disease indicators Assist in case-finding for epidemiologic investigations TM

Bio. Sense Approach Real-time delivery of healthcare data from: n n State and regional Bio. Sense Approach Real-time delivery of healthcare data from: n n State and regional syndromic surveillance systems Private hospitals and health systems National laboratories Ambulatory care settings A secure web-based application which provides access to data, analytics, and reports for use by: n n n State and local public health Contributing healthcare organizations National public health - CDC TM

Why collect best practices? Highlight the usefulness of the Bio. Sense application n Help Why collect best practices? Highlight the usefulness of the Bio. Sense application n Help paint a picture of a program’s accomplishments n Serve as possible engagement opportunities for potential participants, partners and media n TM

Best Practice Program n The Bio. Sense Best Practice program is an initiative that Best Practice Program n The Bio. Sense Best Practice program is an initiative that demonstrates exemplary and high quality work using the Bio. Sense application in response to a public health need TM

Goals for a Best Practices Program Feature best practices in outreach products n Promote Goals for a Best Practices Program Feature best practices in outreach products n Promote sharing of best practices among partners n Strengthen support for Bio. Sense n Recognize local and state public health n TM

Target Audiences n Bio. Sense Users Local & State Public Health Private Hospitals and Target Audiences n Bio. Sense Users Local & State Public Health Private Hospitals and Healthcare TM

Developing a Best Practice Program Conduct literature review on existing public health best practice Developing a Best Practice Program Conduct literature review on existing public health best practice programs n Perform interviews with key CDC staff n Analyze previous Bio. Intelligence Center (BIC) public health investigations n TM

Best Practice Program Guidelines Implementation: How is data used to investigate an outbreak and/or Best Practice Program Guidelines Implementation: How is data used to investigate an outbreak and/or track disease trends n Innovation: Describe innovative products or tools developed to complement your use of Bio. Sense n Collaboration/ Agency & Community: Coordination with health facilities or community officials n TM

Best Practice Program Guidelines Cont’d Outreach: Sharing your experiences using Bio. Sense with health Best Practice Program Guidelines Cont’d Outreach: Sharing your experiences using Bio. Sense with health facilities or at meetings and conferences n Impact: Public health impact of using Bio. Sense (i. e. , confirmed outbreak, minimized rate and spread of an event, saved lives) n TM

Eligibility All users of the Bio. Sense application n Use of Bio. Sense in Eligibility All users of the Bio. Sense application n Use of Bio. Sense in an innovative way to create a report or enhance a study n Demonstrate collaboration with health officials or federal partners n TM

Marketing the Best Practices Program n Announce the program through: – Bio. Sense Listserv Marketing the Best Practices Program n Announce the program through: – Bio. Sense Listserv – Bio. Sense Bulletin – Email alert to professional association partners n n Promote during BIC training webinars and conversations with public health Promote program during conferences at the PHIN exhibit booth TM

How is Best Practice data collected? Complete on-line questionnaire on Bio. Sense webpage n How is Best Practice data collected? Complete on-line questionnaire on Bio. Sense webpage n Submit best practice to Biosenseusers@cdc. gov n Submissions accepted throughout the year n If you are unable to submit electronically, email gmf 5@cdc. gov n TM

What is done with the data? Bio. Sense Webpage Bio. Sense Bulletin Certificate Best What is done with the data? Bio. Sense Webpage Bio. Sense Bulletin Certificate Best Practices Real Time Real Talk Bio. Sense Materials TM

Evaluation of Best Practice Program n n Quantitative methods: – Number of best practices Evaluation of Best Practice Program n n Quantitative methods: – Number of best practices received – Affiliations of public health participants – Webpage tracking report Qualitative methods: – Documentation of any press coverage of best practices – At 6 months to 1 year, phone interviews with program participants to assess program appeal and impact – Interviews with CDC staff to assess program appeal and impact TM

How does a Best Practice Program benefit public health? n n Promotes the understanding How does a Best Practice Program benefit public health? n n Promotes the understanding of public health surveillance tools Communicates the value and effective uses of Bio. Sense to potential and existing users, stakeholders, and the public TM

Acknowledgements n n Lourdes Martinez-Cox, CDC Matt Miller, SRA International Melissa Bundy, SRA International Acknowledgements n n Lourdes Martinez-Cox, CDC Matt Miller, SRA International Melissa Bundy, SRA International Sharon Wong, SRA International TM

Thank you Marella Bradway SRA International, Contractor to CDC Marella_Bradway@sra. com www. cdc. gov/biosense Thank you Marella Bradway SRA International, Contractor to CDC Marella_Bradway@sra. com www. cdc. gov/biosense TM