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Energy Efficiency Housing Programs at Natural Resources Canada Jennifer Talsma Office of Energy Efficiency May 4, 2006 Toronto, May 4 - 5, 2006
What will we see § Market Transformation Strategy § Housing Initiatives § Building Canada § Conclusion 2
Market Transformation Strategy § National Mandate: • To address market barriers to energy efficiency technologies and practices within the new housing sector. § New Housing: • Target: All new housing built to the EGNH 80 by 2010 • Strategy: To increase the capacity to build, and consumer demand for energy efficient new houses across Canada, in order to set the stage for more stringent mandated energy efficiency. 3
A strategy based on § Increasing the capacity of industry to supply energy efficient houses, buildings, equipment and services § Increasing the demand for these products by consumers and decision makers § Tailoring approach, programs and tools to market segments of the built environment § Support regional programs such as the ENERGY STAR for New Homes pilot in Ontario § Supporting core tools and programs and working in partnership with allies to adapt and deliver across Canada § Working with appropriate jurisdictions for a regulatory approach 4
Canadian Context All residential • • 12. 7 M households (2002) Low-rise 70% stock • • More than half are single-detached houses • Various climate zones Typically wood frame construction Residential Energy Use Lighting 5% Air conditioning 2% Equipment 15% Water heating 22% 5 Heating 56%
National New Housing Initiatives § R-2000 Standard • Voluntary performance standard for construction and certification of energy-efficient homes § Ener. Guide for New Houses • Comparative energy rating system § Building Canada • A tool to improve the operations of builders 6
Regional New Home Programs § ENERGY STAR® for New Homes - Ontario (EGNH 78) § Built Green - Alberta & B. C. (Gold EGNH 77 +) § Power Smart New Home Program - Manitoba (EGNH 77 +) § Green. Home Program - Yukon (EGNH 80 +) § Novoclimat - Québec (EGNH 78 +) MARKET TRANSFORMATION 7
The R-2000 Standard § Energy performance target = 80 EGH § Airtightness target of 1. 5 ACH at 50 Pa (pass-fail) § Indoor air quality, controlled ventilation and low-emission materials § Environmental responsibility: construction waste mgt, materials selection, water savings § Quality assurance 3 rd party inspection; NRCan QA § Builder licensing training + build 1 house per 3 yrs § House certification PREMIUM RECOGNITION LABEL 8
EGNH Sample Builder Upgrade Packages* EGNH is a comparative rating tool Base Plan Attic Insulation Wall Insulation Windows HVAC Foundation Slab Insulation EGNH Rating Improved R-40 R-20 Double Mid-efficiency R-12 None R-40 R-20 Low-E + Argon Mid-efficiency R-20 None 73 75 * not representative of actual options or ratings. 9 High Efficiency R-50 R-25 Low-E + Argon High-efficiency R-20 Yes 80+
Average Ener. Guide Ratings for Newer Homes 10
Building Canada § “Building Canada” is a new tool that provides advice to large-volume builders on improving their house designs, construction practices and business practices to improve the houses built, particularly in terms of energy efficiency, at no or little additional cost. § This is achieved by focusing on construction defects and identifying other cost saving measures that can be incorporated within the builder’s business. 11
Building Canada Challenges § Energy efficiency seen as a burden § Not just “House as a system” § Sales, Marketing, Financing, Estimating, Purchasing § Call-backs, Client relations (J. D. Powers) § Builder deals with many levels of trades – loss of control § Bottom line ($) is often driving factor 12
Building Canada Solutions § Energy efficiency can be added at no additional cost § Building Science solutions § Best Practices Guide • Detail drawings, 3 D modeling, Advanced Framing, Load transfer, Improved technology § Step by step approach § Training – EGNH, R-2000, HRAI, Sales, etc. § The goal is to help the builder achieve the highest level of the applicable regional marketing program (EGNH 78+) 13
The Strategy is Working § Over 2000 homes labeled EGNH last year § Builders representing 85% of new housing starts in Alberta participating in Built Green program § 7% of new housing starts in Manitoba labeled Power. Smart § Approx. 1000 new homes labeled Novoclimat (4% of starts) and some 450 builders now participating Increasing EE 20 -30% from benchmark 14
Pilot Project Update § ENERGY STAR for New Homes (Ontario) • Pilot extended to March 31, 2007 • Over 100 houses labeled and 500 enrolled • Over 70 builders are involved • Current average EGNH rating is 78 • Incentives available from Enbridge Gas Distribution • CMHC recognizes ENERGY STAR and top level of all other regional programs for rebate For more details come to our session at 2: 45 pm. 15
Pilot Project Update Con’t § Similar to other premium energy efficiency programs • R-2000 (national), Built Green, Power. Smart, Green. Home, Novoclimat § Integrates R-2000 Builder training and EGNH rating system § Supports the Provincial Regulatory Approach NRCan’s Approach Results in Market Transformation!!! 16
Contact Information Jennifer Talsma, Account Manager, New Housing Programs, (613) 996 -3784, jtalsma@nrcan. gc. ca www. oee. nrcan. gc. ca 17