Endangered species threat to wildlife Presentation of English Illiana Soldatenko From11-a School №8
Ploskohvosty gecko Was first described in 1888 in a forest in Madagascar. SatanicLeaf gecko is the smallest of the 12 species of geckosploskohvostyh. They - the people at night, live on the island ofMadagascar. These animals are on the verge of extinction.
Theraphosa blondi largest spider in the world. Able to hunt for frogs, toads, lizards,mice and even small snakes. The largest representative of this species was discovered in Venezuela in 1965: the scope of his feet reached 28 centimeters (Guinness World Records) is on the verge of extinction.
Sumatriysky rhino The smallest species of rhinos Dicerorhinus sumatrensis lived in forests and swamps of India and Southeast Asia. Now there are only 300 representatives of the species in the six populations. The main reason for the disappearance of species has beenpoaching, because their horns can reach prices of $ 30,000 per kilogram. In addition, these attempts at breeding rhinos in captivityhave been unsuccessful.
tree frog A large tree frog, about 15 cm, with huge eyes belongs to a groupof frogs with an unusual pattern similar to the veins in the century.
Green Grasshopper Green Grasshopper (Pterochroza ocellata) Peacock was observed in the RAP expedition to Guyana Acarai Mountains in 2006. This is - a large insect of tropical forests, which uses twoeffective strategies to protect themselves from predators in the random brilliance, he recalls the dead, some injured list ...
Siberian Tiger Also known as "Amur Tiger», Panthera tigris altaica previouslylived in the vast territory up to the north-east China, Korea and Mongolia. Now representatives of the species can be found only in nature reserves in Russia. It is believed that survived from 350 to 450 individuals.
Siberian Tiger
Siberian Tiger
Asian cat shark Asian cat shark (Latin Hemiscylliidae) - a family of sharksvobbegongoobraznyh detachment, the most famous of which arelong-tailed shark and bamboo shark. They occur in tropicallatitudes, in the shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific region.
The California condor Inhabitant of the Grand Canyon and the western mountains of California, the California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is oneof the longest in birds. These birds feed on carrion and live to 50 years. But they are also one of the rarest birds in the world. The population was almost completely destroyed back in 1980. Thanks to the efforts for its preservation, to date there are 332representative species. Of these, only 152 live in the wild.
The Philippine crocodile Freshwater species of crocodiles Crocodylus mindorensis, livingexclusively in the Philippines, is under state protection.Nevertheless, the population decreases due to habitat destructionand fishing with dynamite. The study failed to find in 1995 only 100 adults of the species.
Diamond pheasant Diamond pheasant found in southwestern China (Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan), in north-eastern Burma and south-easternTibet. Wild pheasant populations are living rough in the English counties of Bedford, Buckingham, and Hartford.
Diamond pheasant
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