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Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E Stato del middleware INFN in g. Lite Claudio Grandi CNAF, 6 settembre 2006 www. eu-egee. org www. glite. org EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688
Main focus for JRA 1 developers Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E – Support on the production infrastructure (GGUS, 2 nd line support) – Bug-fixing – Task Forces together with applications and site experts The above items are supposed to take ~ 50% of the developers time! Furthermore: – Improve robustness and usability (efficiency, error reporting, . . . ) – Support for SL(C)4 and for x 86 -64 and IA 64 – Addressing requests for functionality improvements from users, site administrators, etc. . . (through the TCG) – Preview testbed – IPv 6 compliance Not much time left for anything else. . . EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 2
Main achievements Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E • Delivery of g. Lite 3. 0 – – Convergence of LCG 2. 7. 0 and g. Lite 1. 5 New WMS/LB/UI/CE Tuning and optimization “CMS-WMS” exercise § Instance of the WMS attached to the PS where patches flow directly from the developers but in a “controlled” way (by SA 3 and SA 1) § To speed up bug-fixing and certification § Migration to the new version of Condor (6. 7. 19) § Tests by IT-PSS (former LCG-EIS) team (ATLAS & CMS) • Porting to VDT 1. 3. 11 (including GT 4 pre-WS) – 84% of the code builds – Mandatory step to support Scientific Linux 4 and 64 -bit • Preview testbed – ICE-CREAM and Job Provenance deployed – Other items will follow (G-PBox, glexec) EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 3
VOMS/VOMSAdmin Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E • Now everything under CNAF responsibility • New Java API library being rewritten “pure java” – existing version from HIP was incomplete – version by CNAF using C++ libraries via JNI not acceptable by java developers – will be ready in October • Use of VOMS must be consolidated to make it a de-facto standard – Participate to GGF working groups EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 4
WMS Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E • Thorough testing of the WMS in the CMS-WMS exercise – Followed closely by the EMT. Developers have been on holiday for 2 weeks in August process slowed down § Many thanks to those who worked also during their holidays!!! – All problems seems to be understood. Fixes under test now • Build of the 3. 1 branch – Would eventually merge the production and development branches into the same code-base. – Is the version used for the switch to VDT 1. 3. 11 – A build based on VDT 1. 2. 2 is also available to have the WMS to be used on the preview testbed § A few problems are still present. This is a show-stopper for the preview testbed but all developers are giving priority to the CMSWMS exercise. . . EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 5
WMS, CE g. Lite Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E • Main enhancements in WMS – Added support for VOViews, bulk match-making almost there – Support of bulk jobs without DAGMan strategic to get rid of DAGMan problems § What about complex workflows? • An instance of the g. Lite CE with Condor 6. 7. 19 installed. Will be tested in the CMS-WMS exercise – Univ. of Wisconsin now giving direct support but Francesco is still the main reference person, also because of BLAH – Support of LRMSs is an issue (also for CREAM). Should improve the documentation. Working for supporting Condor pools • Main enhancements in g. Lite. CE/BLAH – New log file for DGAS/APEL is there – Most of the enhancements in the future will deal with the use of information pass-through in BLAH EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 6
CREAM, CEMon Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E • CREAM being installed on the preview testbed ICE § may help in the acceptance from the political point of view Submitter CEMon – Blocked by the WMS problem – Test CREAM alone and together with the g. Lite. CE: Site with two interfaces Job Status Handler CREAM CE Condor-C BLAH • CEMon is on the production infrastructure but not used – BDII solution still preferred – Will be mandatory for CREAM – The possibility to use an authorization layer in front of it makes it interesting in the long term for dealing with privacy issues • CREAM + CEMon approach must be supported at the international level – Work in the GGF-BES working group to define the standard EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 7
DGAS, GPBOX Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E • DGAS – – Installed at INFN, will be on the preview Agreements for its certification at the LCG-MB Waiting for the OK by the developers for asking SA 3 to start Activity in the GGF UR and RUS working groups • GPBOX – Developing the components that run at the site – Plug-ins for LCAS/LCMAPS ready – Will be tested on the preview after CREAM, but would need more sites to make the test meaningful – More work needed with site managers to define the best strategy for site configuration EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 8
Status of preview testbed Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E • • BDII: CNAF WMS: CNAF LB and Job Provenance: Prague LFC: being installed at CERN R-GMA registry: being installed at RAL DGAS central HLR: being installed in Turin User Interface – CNAF • Computing Element: – CNAF (g. Lite. CE), also a DPM SE – Padova (CREAM) – Prague (g. Lite. CE, will install CREAM) • Need more sites!!! About 10 machines form INFN (CNAF, Padova, Torino) EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 9
Risorse assegnate in Maggio Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E • 35 KEuro • 11 Dual-CPU (Opteron) – – Server Supermicro AS 1020 P-TR. Single Core 1 U Opteron 2. 4 GHz 4 GB Ram, 2 HD 164 GB SATA 2620, 00 Eur + IVA, (Totale: 34320, 00 EUR IVA inclusa) • Ordinate in luglio, saranno consegnate in settembre – Arrivo previsto per questa o la prossima settimana. • Un paio di macchine saranno usate nel preview testbed • La maggior parte verranno usate nel development testbed per verificare la compatibilita’ del middleware con l’architettura x 86 -64 EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 10
Richieste per il 2007 Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E • Fondamentalmente per le trasferte – 1 conferenza EGEE – 3 JRA 1 All Hands meetings all’anno (partecipazione ~66%) – ~ 6 Design Team meetings all’anno (Francesco sempre, esperti delle diverse componenti convocati a seconda delle discussioni) – Riunioni dei working groups ai Global Grid Forum – Altre conferenze (Super. Computing, CHEP, . . . ) – Trasterte per collaborazioni (principalmente al CERN con SA 3) – In Italia: riunioni interne di coordinamento di JRA 1 EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 11
Riassunto richieste Enabling Grids for E-scienc. E Sito FTE/persone BA F=0. 5/1 UF=0. 5/1 CT Missioni Int (k Euro) Missioni Estere (k Euro) Consumo (k Euro) Inventariabile Totale sito 2 5 7 F=2/2 UF=0. 5/1 5. 00 15. 00 20. 00 CNAF F=5/5 UF=1. 6/3 6. 00 30. 00 MI F=2/2 UF=1/2 6. 00 20. 00 26. 00 PD F=2/2 UF=1. 8/2 8. 00 20. 00 28. 00 TO F=1. 5/2 UF=0. 3/1 3. 50 10. 00 13. 50 Totale F=14. 0/15 UF=5. 7/10 30. 50 100. 00 EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 1. 00 37. 00 INFN Middleware in g. Lite- CNAF- 6 settembre 2006 131. 50 12