Скачать презентацию EMWIN Emergency Managers Weather Information Network Instant 24 Скачать презентацию EMWIN Emergency Managers Weather Information Network Instant 24


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EMWIN Emergency Managers’ Weather Information Network Instant 24 x 7 National Weather Service Data EMWIN Emergency Managers’ Weather Information Network Instant 24 x 7 National Weather Service Data & Warnings at Lowest Cost Japan Tsunami, Mar 11, 2011; Indian Ocean Tsunami, Dec. 26, 2004; Haitian Earthquake, Jan. 12, 2010 UNESCO IOC/SC-IOCARIBE XI Meeting May 18, 2011, Univ. of Miami, Key Biscayne, FL USA Bill Proenza, Regional Director, National Weather Service, Southern U. S.

Global Telecommunication System (GTS) l GTS – Satellite World-Wide Meteorology Network – Consists of Global Telecommunication System (GTS) l GTS – Satellite World-Wide Meteorology Network – Consists of three layers: 1. Base of Meteorological Telecom Network (Washington, Moscow, Melbourne) 2. Regional Meteorological Telecom Network (RMTN) – The Caribbean Islands are part of RMTN (WMO Region IV) – The RMTN provides two-way and one-way communication services through the International Satellite Communications System (ISCS). 3. National Meteorological Telecom Network (NMTN) NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov

Emergency Managers’ Weather Information Network l EMWIN – reliable GOES satellite based National Weather Emergency Managers’ Weather Information Network l EMWIN – reliable GOES satellite based National Weather Service dissemination system for emergency managers but also opened to any interested parties under GOES east and west service umbrellas. l Offers instant receiving of NWS warnings & data without recurring costs ! NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov

EMWIN – How does it Work ? EMWIN Satellite Dish Receiver Desktop or Laptop EMWIN – How does it Work ? EMWIN Satellite Dish Receiver Desktop or Laptop PC Optional Alarm Controller To Alarm Units NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov

GTS & EMWIN comparison… l Global Telecommunication System – Users l l l Meteorological GTS & EMWIN comparison… l Global Telecommunication System – Users l l l Meteorological Services Airports/Universities/Govts Organizations that can pay l Emergency Mgmt. Weather Information Network – Users l l l – Hardware l PC, 8 -ft fixed dish, work station Emergency Managers First Responders Open to all – Hardware l PC, portable dish & receiver NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov

GTS & EMWIN comparison… l GTS l – Intelsat Delivery l l l 128, GTS & EMWIN comparison… l GTS l – Intelsat Delivery l l l 128, 000 baud C – Band Less than a minute – Required Hardware l l l Fixed dish 8 -ft (2. 4 m) Work Station Computer Receiver Modem/Cable – Costs l l ~ $54, 000 to $81, 000 U. S. (initial) ~ $7, 032 U. S. (recurring per year) EMWIN – GOES Delivery l l l 19, 200 baud L – Band Less than a minute – Required Hardware l l l Dish 1 meter (or 2 m) Desk/Laptop Computer Demodulator/Cable – Costs l l ~ $2, 000 U. S. (initial) $ 0 (recurring per year) NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov

GTS & EMWIN l GTS Dissemination – Tsunami Alert Products l ~ Less than GTS & EMWIN l GTS Dissemination – Tsunami Alert Products l ~ Less than one minute – From send to receive – Average Tsunami alert text products from NWS Pacific and Alaska Tsunami Warning Centers l EMWIN Dissemination – Tsunami Alert Products l ~ Less than one minute – From send to receive – Average Tsunami alert text products from NWS Pacific and Alaska Tsunami Warning Centers. EMWIN’s lower baud rate has little discernible delay on product delivery. NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov

EMWIN Broadcast Coverage Area GOES WEST GOES EAST Very large area coverage includes entire EMWIN Broadcast Coverage Area GOES WEST GOES EAST Very large area coverage includes entire NWS SOUTHERN REGION western Atlantic Basin and much more! www. srh. weather. gov

EMWIN: Emergency Managers’ Weather Information Network l Minimal initial investment (no more than $2000) EMWIN: Emergency Managers’ Weather Information Network l Minimal initial investment (no more than $2000) l No monthly fees l Speed/Reliability - GOES relays text & graphics l Updated via satellite - 24 / 7 l Portable – for work, home or road: 1 m dish l Software – program it to your needs l Alarm capable - visible & audible l Retransmission - programmable forwarding NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov

EMWIN and its improvements ! l GOES-13 has doubled the speed to 19, 200 EMWIN and its improvements ! l GOES-13 has doubled the speed to 19, 200 baud and employs error correcting for more data reliability. l EMWIN receive frequency is compliant with international standards and agreements. l EMWIN software can have decoding upgrades. l EMWIN specific hardware (1 m dish plus receiver) compliant with future upgrades. l Upgraded EMWIN system in place - 2011 NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov

GTS & EMWIN Summary VARIABLES GTS EMWIN Data Delivery Direction Two – way One GTS & EMWIN Summary VARIABLES GTS EMWIN Data Delivery Direction Two – way One - way Data Delivery System Satellite – C Band Satellite – L Band Software Configurable Yes Alarm Capable Yes Hardware Portable Fixed large Dish, office workstation No Portable small Dish, low cost PC/Laptop Yes Warning Delivery Speed Fast ~ Less than one minute Reliability Excellent Costs $ 54, 000 – 81, 000 (US) Initial startup plus $ 7, 032 recurring per yr $ 2, 000 (US) Initial startup $ 0 recurring per yr NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov

NWS website for EMWIN hardware vendors: http: //iwin. nws. noaa. gov/emwin/winven. htm NWS SOUTHERN NWS website for EMWIN hardware vendors: http: //iwin. nws. noaa. gov/emwin/winven. htm NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov

EMWIN Emergency Managers’ Weather Information Network Instant access to National Weather Service warnings & EMWIN Emergency Managers’ Weather Information Network Instant access to National Weather Service warnings & data at no recurring costs ! Bill Proenza, Regional Director National Weather Service, Southern U. S. A. NWS SOUTHERN REGION www. srh. weather. gov