- Количество слайдов: 13
Emotions Prepared by student Group PSB-131 Tekuchouv Dmitry
What is emotions? Emotion is a special kind of mental processes or states rights, which are manifested in the experience of any significant situations (joy, fear, pleasure), phenomena and events in the life.
Why do we need emotions? Emotions influence our perception of the world; Emotions determine the quality of our lives; Emotions influence our mood; Emotions influence our relationships; Emotions serve a protective function;
Emotions can be divided into positive, like fun, joy, bliss and negative, like revenge, anger, fear; There are emotions that can not be attributed to the positive or negative, like curiosity, amazement, indifference, surprise.
Types of emotions There are some types of emotions: Affect - violent emotional outbursts (anger, rage, horror, despair); Feeling is more complex mental states associated with constant manifestations of emotion Actual emotions longer states which differ reaction not only on current events, but also on remember the events; Mood; Emotional stress.
Anger - negative emotional state caused by sudden onset of serious obstacles to meet the critical needs.
Disgust - negative emotional state caused by objects (objects, people, circumstances, etc. ), contact with which comes into sharp conflict with the moral or aesthetic guidelines subject
Fear - a negative emotional state that appears in obtaining information about the subject of real or imagined danger.
SHAME Shame - negative emotional state, expressed in recognizing inconsistencies own thoughts, actions and appearance not only the expectations of others but also their own ideas about appropriate behavior and appearance.
JOY Joy - positive emotion; associated with the possibility of adequately meet current demand, the probability of which until then had been small or uncertain; accompanied by self-gratification and satisfaction around the world.
Interest - positive emotional state that encourages the development of skills and facilitates the acquisition of knowledge, acts motivated learning inspires creative aspirations. Interest shown towards others, fosters emotionally charged interpersonal relationships.
Surprise has no explicit positive or negative sign, emotional reaction to the suddenly arisen circumstances inhibits all previous emotions, directing attention to a new object and can move in interest.
Love holds a special place in everyone's life is a source of enrichment of life and joy. There are many kinds of love, and each of them has unique features and each - a special complex affects. Total in all kinds of love: it connects people with each other, and this relationship has evolutionary biological, socio-cultural and personal meaning.