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EMCAL Calibration & Assembly at Yale University Mark Heinz, Project Mgr EMCAL Meeting Nantes July 15, 2008 Mark Heinz EMCAL Meeting July 2008
Status • Facilities for Assembly and Calibration are ready • Cosmic scintillator trigger parts are scheduled for delivery by July 31. – Subsequently configuration and testing for signals and position resolution can start. Final electronics configuration will be determined after first tests with final scintillators setup. – Goal: Be ready for triggering cosmics by Sep 15. • EMCAL DAQ (incl FEE, DCS): Configured at CERN and ready to be shipped to Yale (thanks to David & Terry) • Software for data-taking: available from test-beam (CERN CVS D. Silvermyr) and further development in Aliroot by offline group • Software for triggering and analysis: first analysis tools available by Grenoble (Sebastien) and WSU (Aleksei). Further development in collaboration with Grenoble/WSU • SM Shipping contract (Yale-CERN): Initial bids by 2 international logistics firms expected. Negotiation stage to start soon. Mark Heinz EMCAL Meeting July 2008 2
Yale Calibration Lab • Facilities are adjacent to RHI offices, and within 50 m of truck loading dock. Room 1: Main Calibration Lab Mark Heinz Room 2: Storage & Packaging EMCAL Meeting July 2008 3
Scintillator triggers • 16 scintillator slats ordered for each site (Yale/Grenoble) from Eljen. Technology (Texas, US). • Each slat will be read-out by 2 PMT’s on opposite ends. • Configuration will allow to accumulate data & calibrate ¼ (Yale), 1/3 (LPHC) SM during one run (12 hours) • Coincidence signal between 2 slats (up & down) will be organized (1 strip module). • PMT Timing and Amplitude information will be processed Mark Heinz EMCAL Meeting July 2008 CAD by JFM 4
Other Trigger Components • Power Supplies for PMT (32 channels) – Custom-Made (N. Smirnov) Cockroft-Walton (CW) power base separately at Yale – Grenoble uses different PMT’s 1 unit for 2 x 4 channels shown Mark Heinz EMCAL Meeting July 2008 5
Trigger Electronics (version 1) Meeting Yale-Grenoble , March 11, 2008 Mark Heinz EMCAL Meeting July 2008 6
4 -fold coincidence PS 710 4 channels PS 754 Trigger Setup (version 2) Thanks to University Houston & BNL for temporary donation of critical components Gate Generator IN REGISTOR, 6 channels 4 channels 24 “D” channels PS 705 PS 794 “FAST” OR BUSY PS 710 ADC GATE OR 4 channels OUT 4 channels “FAST” OR PS 754 VETO PS 710 PS 715 4 channels START TDC PS 715 “FAST” OR PS 710 D. L. ADC 24 channels D. L. 24 channels STOP TDC “FAST” OR Shaper/Discriminator Mark Heinz PS 776 24 “A” channels EMCAL Meeting July 2008 CR 200 0. 25 µs 7
Time-Difference Measurement • • Goal is to be able to get position measurement of cosmic track along stripmodule coordinate using timing difference. Can be used during offline analysis. Additional possibility maybe to use ADC information Nikolai did a preliminary study (using available scintillator, different dimensions) This needs to be repeated with final scintillator and incorporated into datastream. Mark Heinz EMCAL Meeting July 2008 8
Handling Tools • Grenoble has designed and manufactured a set of strip handling tools for Yale. These will be shipped by the end of the month. • This also includes support structures for Scintillator positioning for cosmic test. • In return Yale has purchased Scintillator strips for the Grenoble lab. Mark Heinz EMCAL Meeting July 2008 9
SM Calibration Procedure • • – Common Yale/Grenoble approach has been agreed upon and a draft documentation is available on web: http: //rhig. physics. yale. edu/~heinz/alice/cosmic_calibration/ Most important steps are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mount SM-crate on shipping platform Test each Strip-Module with LED before insertion Install strip modules 1 -8(6) First LED&pedestal run with nominal gain Cosmic trigger aligned with strip 1 -8(6) & start 1 st cosmic run 6. Analyze data and obtain MIP peaks, determine new APD bias 7. Remove any bad strips found. 8. Repeat with strips 9 -16, and 17 -24 Mark Heinz EMCAL Meeting July 2008 10
Summary • On track: – Cosmic trigger parts available for installation by July 31. Configuration and setup thereafter will take 1 -2 months. – EMCAL DAQ will be in place at Yale/Grenoble labs by end of July. Needs to be tested. • Next steps (Yale/Grenoble): – Software needs to be developed/adapted to the cosmic trigger setup. Analysis tools need to be streamlined. • Outstanding Issues (Yale): – HV EMCAL supply needs to be ordered for Yale – EMCAL Test-modules need to be made available at Yale by Mid. August to commence realistic trigger testing. Mark Heinz EMCAL Meeting July 2008 11