Скачать презентацию Email Wee San Lee weesan cs ucr edu http Скачать презентацию Email Wee San Lee weesan cs ucr edu http


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Email Wee. San Lee <weesan@cs. ucr. edu> http: //www. cs. ucr. edu/~weesan/cs 183/ Email Wee. San Lee http: //www. cs. ucr. edu/~weesan/cs 183/

Roadmap n n n n n Introduction Mail System Architecture Email Headers Sendmail Debugging Roadmap n n n n n Introduction Mail System Architecture Email Headers Sendmail Debugging Aliases Forwarding Procmail Q&A

Introduction MUA Eudora MUA Outlook MTA (port 25) The Internet MTA (port 25) LDA Introduction MUA Eudora MUA Outlook MTA (port 25) The Internet MTA (port 25) LDA procmail MUA pine MSA (port 587) Message store MUA mail MUA pine AA Imapd, pop 3

Introduction (cont) n A mail system consists of: q MUA – Mail User Agent Introduction (cont) n A mail system consists of: q MUA – Mail User Agent n q Lets users read and compose email, eg. Mail, Pine, Eudora, Outlook MTA – Mail Transport Agent Routes emails among machines, eg. Sendmail, Postfix n Speaks SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) Question: What are the MSA – Mail Submission Agent differences between n Accepting emails from MUA, eg. Sendmail POP 3 and IMAP? n q q LDA – Local Delivery Agent n n q Places emails to a local message store, eg. Procmail /var/spool/mail/username AA – Access Agent n Connects MUA to message store, eg. POP 3, IMAP

Mail System Architecture n Incoming SMTP server q n Outgoing SMTP server q n Mail System Architecture n Incoming SMTP server q n Outgoing SMTP server q n For sending outgoing emails IMAP or POP 3 server q n For accepting incoming emails with spam filters For retrieving emails Message Store q q /var/spool/mail/username /home/username/mail/INBOX

E-mail n Header q q Attribute: value Eg. n n q Header starts with E-mail n Header q q Attribute: value Eg. n n q Header starts with X- will be ignored, eg. n n From: weesan@cs. ucr. edu Bcc: bill. gates@microsoft. com X-Spam-Flag: YES Body q q 7 -bit ASCII text Question: How are binary data sent over emails?

Sendmail n n Both a MTA (port 25) and MSA (port 587) Configuration file Sendmail n n Both a MTA (port 25) and MSA (port 587) Configuration file q n /etc/mail/sendmail. cf Mail queue q /var/spool/mqueue/

Debugging n n mail q $ cal | mail -s “test” weesan@cs. ucr. edu Debugging n n mail q $ cal | mail -s “test” weesan@cs. ucr. edu sendmail -oi -t q $ cat | sendmail -oi –t q From: weesan@cs. ucr. edu q To: bill. gates@microsoft. com q Subject: Hi Bill q q q Linux is better -Wee. San ^D

Debugging (cont) n telnet q q q q $ telnet mail. cs. ucr. edu Debugging (cont) n telnet q q q q $ telnet mail. cs. ucr. edu 25 … 220 esmtp. cs. ucr. edu ESMTP Postfix mail from: weesan@cs. ucr. edu 250 Ok rcpt to: bill. gates@microsoft. com 250 Ok data 354 End data with Subject: Hi Bill Linux is better : ). 250 Ok: queued as F 1 C 832 AFBE 4 quit 221 Bye Connection closed by foreign host.

/etc/aliases or /etc/mail/aliases n n n Allows users to be referred by multiple names /etc/aliases or /etc/mail/aliases n n n Allows users to be referred by multiple names Used by mailing list $ cat /etc/aliases | grep weesan q n root: weesan, weesan@email. com To rehash aliases q $ newaliases

~/. forward n $ cat ~/. forward q q weesan@email. com ~/. forward n $ cat ~/. forward q q weesan@email. com

~/. procmailrc n n n n # For spam : 0 * (^Subject: . ~/. procmailrc n n n n # For spam : 0 * (^Subject: . *[SPAM]|X-Spam-Flag: YES) INBOX. spam # Another type of spam : 0 * ^From: . *bill. gates@microsoft. com /dev/null

~/. procmailrc n n # SMS myself : 0 c * ^From: . *myboss@ucr. ~/. procmailrc n n # SMS myself : 0 c * ^From: . *myboss@ucr. edu | (formail -c -XFrom: -XSubject: ; echo "To: $MY_CELL") | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

~/. procmailrc n n n n n # UCR Systems support emails : 0 ~/. procmailrc n n n n n # UCR Systems support emails : 0 * ^Subject: . *(New Ticket|Ticket Assigned) { : 0 c INBOX. systems : 0 | (formail -c -XFrom: -XSubject: ; echo "To: $MY_CELL") | $SENDMAIL -oi -t }

Reference n LAH q n n n Ch 18: Electronic Mail http: //www. sendmail. Reference n LAH q n n n Ch 18: Electronic Mail http: //www. sendmail. org/ http: //www. procmail. org/ http: //www. imap. org/