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EMA 2 SALAM 2 Project 2 nd call for applications www. salam. uw. edu. pl Deadline for applications 9 th March 2015 at 23: 59 CET. With the support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union
I. Presentation: The SALAM 2 Project and the Erasmus Mundus Programme II. Who can apply? III. Eligibility and Selection Criteria IV. How to apply? A) Required documents B) Application Process
I. Presentation of Project
Partners from Europe n n n n University of Warsaw, Poland - Project Coordinator Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany Lund University, Sweden Universidad de Deusto, Spain Universidade do Algarve, Portugal University of Essex, United Kingdom University of Twente (ITC), The Netherlands
University of Warsaw, Poland - Project Coordinator
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
Lund University, Sweden www. lunduniversity. lu. sewww. lu. se/EM 2@er. lu. se
The University of Algarve Faro, Portugal 9
University of Essex
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Partners from Iran, Iraq and Yemen Ferdowsi University of Mashad, Iran n KN Toosi University of Technology, Iran n University of Tehran, Iran n University of Baghdad, Iraq n University of Duhok, Iraq n Salahaddin University, Iraq n Ibb University, Yemen n Sana'a University, Yemen n Thamar University, Yemen Associates: n UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Switzerland n
Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Commission - Aims to foster cooperation between Universities in Iran, Iraq & Yemen and the EU. - Development of qualifications and career prospects. - Promotion of mobility, especially of those from vulnerable groups. - Promotion of intercultural dialogue and mutual enrichment. - Contribution to the sustainable development.
Fully funded scholarship for Female and Male candidates n n Travel costs Insurance Tuition fee Monthly allowance to cover living expenses: Undergraduates Masters Doctorates Post-doctorates Staff 1000 EUR not available 1800 EUR not available
Duration of Mobility Flows UG Masters Doctorates Post-Doc’s Staff 10 months not available 6 months not availbale
II. Who can apply?
Target groups TG 1: Current students and staff of the Partner University (BA, MA and Post. Doc) TG 3: Nationals of Iran, Iraq or Yemen who are in particularly vulnerable situations for social and/or political reasons (BA, MA) Certification to be attached to the application. TG 2: NOT AVAILABLE Students registered at / or who have obtained a degree in Iran, Iraq or Yemen. Staff must work or be associated to the Higher Education Institution in Iran, Iraq or Yemen (MA, Ph. D, Post. Doc and Staff)
III. Eligibility and Selection Criteria Only candidates fulfilling all requirements of the SALAM 2 Project and of the host Univeristy are eligible -
- TG 1 and TG 2 students (BA, MA, Ph. D, Post. Doc) must NOT have resided nor carried out their main activity in any of EU countries for a total duration of more than 12 months over the last 5 years. - Applicants who have already received an Erasmus Mundus scholarship at the same mobility level are not eligible, except for staff.
Selection Criteria n n n n Academic Merits and other achievements Motivation LA/ Work Plan Language competency For higher level applicants (Post. Doc’s): established cooperation or intention to establish cooperation TG 1 - validated by home university All TGs - ranking by host university and final selection by selection committee
Selection Process Selection Committee meeting and selection of the scholarship holders, on the basis of the scores and ranking lists sent by the Partners Institutions (hosting HEIs), considering selection criteria and then gender balance, inclusion of TG 3 candidates. Confirmation of the acceptance of the nominees by the Host Universities. Announcement of the results – information sent to candidates, acceptance of nominations.
IV. How to apply? - Apply within the deadline (09. 03. 2015, 23: 59)! - Prepare your documents in advance! - Read carefully every message you receive!
IV A) Required documents In English or translated into English, n Up to 3 Mb, n Only JPG, PDF, PNG formats, n Possibility to upload multiple documents in the same category. n
IV A) Required documents n n 1. Proof of registration (a copy of a student/employee ID, certificate) + translation into English 2. Copy of a Passport or ID
IV A) Required documents n n 3. Transcripts of records and diploma (students of the last year of UG/M/Ph. D programmes: information of the programme and expected date of graduation) 4. Translation into English of the above
IV A) Required documents n 5. Language certificate (according to the requirements of each receiving university - or the specific programme of studies)
IV A) Required documents n 6. CV n 7. Motivation statement n 8. Bibliography (for Post. Doc only) n 9. Proposed plan of work/research (Post. Doc only) n 10. Recommendation letter (for Post-doc obligatory, optional for other levels)
IV A) Required documents n n 11. For TG 3: proof of belonging to TG 3 (an official document) TG 3 - proof of refugee status/asylum seeker status etc. 12. For TG 3: current proof of registration at any HEI or/and previously received diploma 11. Optionally: recommendation letters and other supportive documents, e. g. honours, awards, internship/work certificates, if relevant: proof of disability 12. Additional documents can be required depending on the specific study or research programme
IV B) Application process is divided into 3 steps: 1. Registration for an account 2. Personal information, application for course/programme 3. Uploading required documents Email sent at the end of each step (check SPAM folder)
1. Registration for an account
2. a) Personal information
2. b) Application for course/programme
3. Uploading required documents
Thank you! Questions salam@uw. edu. pl This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.