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ELOKA The Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic A Briefing for the HARC PI Meeting Alexandria, VA October 5, 2007
ELOKA Mission ELOKA works to provide data management and user support to facilitate the collection, preservation, exchange, and use of local observations and knowledge of the Arctic.
ELOKA seeks to help make LTK and community observations discoverable, so more information is available for environmental change and HD studies LTK = Local and Traditional Knowledge
ELOKA Connections • IPY § Data management and legacy § Provides link between LTK and science • AON § Data management service and hub for LTK and community-based monitoring in AON
ELOKA Scope • Data Management § Service oriented and collaborative Work with communities and partners to develop protocols o Direct storage and management or links to sources of data o Collaboration to develop best practices in data stewardship for community-based observations. o § Protocols and systems for non-numerical formats Video and audio o Maps (interactive) o Artwork and photographs o Interview transcripts and recorded oral histories. o
ELOKA Scope, continued. . . • Access and Discovery § Web-based system to facilitate the comparison of information across data and sources; § Data management tools that will allow for comparison and analysis of non-numerical data such as map or audio search engines and analyzers; § Development of online communication and networking tools to link researchers, students and Arctic communities and promote better data discovery.
ELOKA partner projects • • Nunavuummi Tasiujarjuamiuguqatigiit Katutjiqatigiingit (NTK): Nunavut Hudson Bay Inter-Agency Working Group [Canada] § Communities: Inuit and Cree § LTK and community-based monitoring data Abisko Naturvetenskapliga Station, Nordic Saami Institute [Sweden] § Communities: Sami § Sami culture, language, ecology, remote sensing, snow physics, and reindeer herding Alaska Native Science Commission (ANSC) [U. S. ] § Communities: All Alaska Natives § contaminants, harvest data, consumption data ABR Inc. Environmental Research Services [U. S. ] § Communities: Iñupiat § Soil Organic Carbon (OC); ground ice; coastal erosion § Village-based monitoring
ELOKA approach and timeline • 3 -year project (started June, 2007) • All project researchers and partner projects meet yearly at one of the partner project locations for faceto-face discussion, review database/web development, etc. • Year 1 Activities § First meeting in Kiruna, Sweden, October 2007 § Assess data holdings and needs for each partner project; develop collection level metadata profile § Develop database and website presence; draft website online early 2008