Скачать презентацию ELMOS ELectronic MOney and Security Toward online elections Скачать презентацию ELMOS ELectronic MOney and Security Toward online elections


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ELMOS ELectronic MOney and Security Toward online elections: Implementation of a protocol (Kalyan Upadhyaya) ELMOS ELectronic MOney and Security Toward online elections: Implementation of a protocol (Kalyan Upadhyaya) Registration Pre-Voting Matcher (3)b_ID (9) (Naresh Prodduturi ) Illustration of Program Entry point for each Scenario considered in the project Announcement Voting Phase-1 Distributor Phase-2 Phase-3 Filtering (1)Request Ballot (2)Ballot (4)Match Pairings Receipt E_i b_ID Voting Spam: A Problem still unsatisfying Solution Training To_Inbox & To_Spam (6)b_ID Voter Vote Cast (5){s(E_i), b_ID, ID} Registrar (7)ID Authenticator ID (8)No Counter When in To_Spam When in Training Id_To_Spam Training. F Updating Data base Id_Train_msgs Format_msgs Ratnakar Maganti Smart Cards in Health Care Information System John Sathish Border Crossing Made Easy Using Smart Cards. Needham-Schroeder Protocol Humans identify themselves to a service in Zero Knowledge thereby ensuring privacy and revealing the identity whenever a need arises to do so. ID Toll Bridge User Deduct account / no access {Na, A} Pk(B) Attack found by SPIN Spam_ids Program (Ramalingam Nagarajan) (Myoung-Yee Kim) {Nb}Pk(B) Id_To_Inbox IDENTITY ESCROW Verification of Cryptographic Protocol {Na, Nb}Pk(A) Writes to file while filtering Ignore When in To_Inbox A End of program Phase-3 Updating the database depending on the message type cancelled Vote (8)Yes (E_i, b_ID) Secure Communication Phase-4 Verify credentials Database Track people’s movement B Issuing a certificate Attack found by Isabelle Issuer Identifier (User) Identifier Information Checking a certificate Access Information Escrow Verifier Recovering complete identity Entitled entity Saul Gonzalez Secure Groups in Oracle