An elite (from лат. electus, англ. фр. élite — избранный, лучший) in political and sociological theory, is a small group of people who control a disproportional amount of wealth or political power.
The main approaches Axiological (value) approach is based on the original sense of the word «elite» ( «the best» ). It means that individuals, who belong to the elite, have a high intellect, talent, ability and competence compared to the average of a particular society. Altimetry approach is based on the fact of possession of individuals real power and influence. Without a firm linkage for their intelligence and moral-ethical qualities.
The theory of the elites 1. The classical theory of the elites 2. Elitist approach to the direction of the society 3. A pluralist approach
The classical theory of the elites Gaetano Mosca Vilfredo Pareto Robert Michels
Main points: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Political power, like all social values, is unequally distributed. People are divided into two groups: those who have a “significant” power and those who do not have any. The elite always united and uniform. The elite is self-contained separate segment of society. The elite is autonomous.
Elitist approach to the direction of the society Robert David Putnam
Putnem’s model directly make decisions influence on the decisions activists those who are interested in those who vote
A pluralist approach Robert Dahl Joseph Schumpeter
Main points: Resources are fragmented between different groups, so all or almost all interests can influence on the policy’s result at any level. A competition influential groups means a fight between them for the followers and supporters.
Classification Criterion Types area of activity 1. political 2. economic 3. military, etc. the attitude to authority 1. ruling 2. counter-elite the level of decisions interests the results of the activities tactics 1. the highest(national) 2. intermediate (regional) 3. local 1. professional 2. demographic 3. ethnic 4. religious 1. the ruling elite 2. the shadow elite 3. Pseudoelite 4. anti-elite 1. fox 2. lion