Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Amanda Karhuse, NASSP Director of Advocacy March 3, 2014
ESEA Reauthorization § ESEA (a. k. a. NCLB) was due for reauthorization in 2007 § Bipartisanship has already failed: four competing proposals in 2013! § Senate committee markup (6/11) and House floor vote (7/19) § Administration support for waivers
ESEA Reauthorization Big Picture Issues § Federal role in education § Flexibility for states & districts § College and career-ready standards and aligned assessments § Low-income & minority students and students with disabilities
ESEA Reauthorization House Bill (H. R. 5) § Eliminates AYP, 100% proficiency requirements & turnaround models § Locks in sequester cuts for Title I § Minimizes the role of the principal § No funding for literacy, ed tech, or secondary schools
ESEA Reauthorization Senate Bill (S. 1094) § Continues reforms in waiver states, including overreliance on testing § Expands support for school leaders § Incorporates key bills on literacy, ed tech, and ML and HS reform § Maintains school turnaround models
NASSP Legislative “Asks” NASSP Supports: ü School Principal Recruitment & Training Act (H. R. 1738/S. 840) ü LEARN Act (H. R. 2706/S. 758) ü Transforming/Enhancing Education Through Technology (H. R. 521/S. 1087)
NASSP Legislative “Asks” NASSP Supports (cont. ): ü Success in the Middle Act (H. R. 2316/S. 708) ü Graduation Promise Act (S. 940) ü CAP and GOWN Act (no bill #)
ESEA Waivers Status of Implementation § 42 states granted waivers § 3 requests still under review (IL, IA & WY) § 4 states have chosen not to apply (MT, NE, ND, & VT) § CA only state to be denied!
ESEA Waivers Flexibility from NCLB § § § 2014 deadline for 100% proficiency District and school improvement and accountability Use of federal education funding
ESEA Waivers State Requirements § College and career ready standards and assessments § Differentiated recognition, accountability, and support systems § Teacher and principal evaluation and support systems
ESEA Waivers Waiver Renewal § Most waivers expire at the end of the 2013 -14 school year § Renewal guidance was announced in August 2013 § Focus on data analysis & continuous improvement § New requests due February 28!
ESEA Waivers “Waivers” 1) Flexibility in timeline for using results of CCSS assessments in teacher & principal evaluations and personnel decisions § 4 states granted waivers (MS, NC, NV & SC) § 8 states under review (AR, KS, KY, MD, SD, UT & WA)
ESEA Waivers “Waivers” 2) Flexibility in field testing new CCSS assessments to avoid double testing students § 13 states granted waivers (CT, ID, IL, IA, MD, MA, MS, MT, NE, OR, SD, VT & WA) § 2 states still under review (CA & KS)