- Количество слайдов: 48
Lesson Content • Describe the acceptable methods for determining the maximum demand on an installation’s consumer’s mains. • Calculate the maximum demand for the consumer's mains for given installations up to 400 A per phase.
What is Maximum Demand? MD Is the “Maximum continuous current that flows in a circuit for a period of 15 minutes or longer” AS/NZS 3000 1. 6. 3 Why not just put a cable size in, that will handle the current rating for the maximum current rating of the appliance?
What is Maximum Demand? Domestic stove rated at 5 k. W Max current = 22 A Min cable size = 6 mm 2 By calculation Max current = 16 A Min cable size = 2. 5 mm 2 AS/NZS 3000 Table C 4
MD can be determined by: AS/NZS 3000 2. 2. 2. Ø Ø Calculation Assessment Measurement Limitation “If the measured current is larger than any of the listed methods, then the MD is considered the measured value”
MD of Mains & Submains AS/NZS 3000 Clause 2. 2. 2 (d) “… may be the …. sum of the current settings of the circuit breakers protecting the associated final sub-circuits…. ”
le b MD of Mains & Submainsca ns i 10+10+16+16+32 = 84 Amps a m 16 mm 2 ni i By um. Calculation m 36 Amps a? m 2 MDy= 2 2. 5 mm 2 cif mm 10 mm pe 16 s s of 20 metres itie 46 metres r ize ho s ut y a 10 A 16 A 32 A pl up L 1 L 2 P 1 P 2 Stove s st o Domestic House M
So how do we calculate MD? Domestic Table C 1 Non-domestic Table C 2 Non- domestic Energy Demand Table C 3
So how do we calculate MD? Single House Table C 1 Column 2 Lighting Load groups Ai & Aii Batten holder = 1 light point 25 lighting points = 1 -20 = 3 A 21 -25 = 2 A 5 A
So how do we calculate MD? Single House Table C 1 Column 2 Lighting Load groups Ai & Aii Chandelier or Multi-globe fitting = Number of points = Number of globes = 3 points
So how do we calculate MD? Single House Table C 1 Column 2 Lighting Load groups Ai & Aii Power points above 2. 3 m for lighting = 1 point Note “e” Exhaust fans below 150 W = 1 point
So how do we calculate MD? Single House Table C 1 Column 2 Lighting Load groups Ai & Aii Track lights = Every metre = Note “d” 2 x 2. 6 metres track light = 2 points 5 points per track = 10 points
So how do we calculate MD? Single House Table C 1 Column 2 Lighting Load groups Ai & Aii IXL Tastics, Heat lamps etc Not regarded as “Lighting” Fixed Space Heating Load Group “D”
So how do we calculate MD? Single House Table C 1 Column 2 Lighting Load groups Ai & Aii Outside Lighting Floodlighting, Swimming Not lighting around Pool, Tennis courts, etc house walls If total bigger If less than 1000 W Load Group “Aii” Load Group “Ai”
Calculations A house consists of the following: 36 light fittings, 3 consisting of 3 lamp combinations 3 bathroom exhaust fans 2 x 750 W heat lamp, fan, light combinations 3 x 2 metre track lights 12 wall lights around the veranda 6 x 100 W bollard lights on driveway 6 x 400 W metal halide flood lights for pool 6 x 100 = 600 6 x 400 = 2400 3000 W 230 V Determine the lighting load in Amps Assume to be <150 W Ai Ai D Ai Ai Aii 33 + (3 x 3) = 42 P 3 P 3 x 2 = 12 P 13. 04 A
Calculations A house consists of the following: 36 light fittings, 3 consisting of 3 lamp combinations 3 bathroom exhaust fans 2 x 750 W heat lamp, fan, light combinations 3 x 2 metre track lights 12 wall lights around the veranda 6 x 100 W bollard lights on driveway 6 x 400 W metal halide flood lights for pool 42 P 3 P 12 P 69 P 1 – 20 = 21 – 40 = 41 – 60 = 61 – 69 = Ai Ai D Ai Ai Aii 33 + (3 x 3) = 42 P 3 P 3 x 2 = 12 P 13. 04 A 3 A 2 A 2 A 2 A 9 A + 13. 04 A = 22. 04 A
3 Light Calculations Broken up evenly 36 light fittings 3 A B C 12 Fittings / 3 A 3 A 3 A Should indicate how it is to be broken up across the three phases NOT 36 light fittings = 3 A + 2 A = 5 A 3 A B C 1. 6
Calculations A house consists of the following: Broken up evenly over 3 Phases 36 light fittings, 3 consisting of 3 lamp combinations 3 bathroom exhaust fans Divide by 3 2 x 750 W heat lamp, fan, light combinations 3 x 2 metre track lights 12 wall lights around the veranda 6 x 100 W bollard lights on driveway 6 x 400 W metal halide flood lights for pool 14 P 1 P 4 P 4 P 23 P Ai Ai D Ai Ai Aii 11 + (1 x 3) = 14 P 1 P 1 x 2 = 4 P 4 P 4. 35 A 1 – 20 = 3 A 21 – 23 = 2 A 5 A + 4. 35 A = 9. 35 A /
Power Points Load Group Bi Double Power Points 36 Double Power Points 6 Single power points Notes h 36 x 2 =72 P 6 P 1 – 20 = 78 P 21 – 40= 41 – 60 = 61 – 78 = 10 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 25 A
Power Points Load Group Bi Notes h Double Power Points 36 Double Power Points 6 Single power points 36 x 2 =72 P 6 P AND Other Direct Wired Equipment that is <10 A • Air conditioners • Cook tops • Water heaters 78 P 1 – 20 = 21 – 40= 41 – 60 = 61 – 78 = 10 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 25 A
Power Points NOT Load Group Bii 15 A Power Points Other Equipment that is Covered in Load Groups below C D E&F G Ranges, Laundry equipment Fixed Space Heating or cooling equipment Water Heaters Spa & Swimming Pool Heaters 15 A Power Points suppling this equipment is covered under each load group
Calculations A house consists of the following: 20 Double power points 8 Single power points 8 A swimming pool pump 4 3 x 15 A power points 12 A Air-conditioner supplied via a 15 A power point 14 A Pool heater direct wired Bi Bii D G Determine the Power point load in Amps 20 x 2 = 40 P 8 P 1 P 10 A -
Calculations A house consists of the following: 20 Double power points 8 Single power points 8 A swimming pool pump 3 x 15 A power points 12 A Air-conditioner supplied via a 15 A power point 14 A Pool heater direct wired 40 P 8 P 1 P 49 P Bi Bii D G 1 – 20 = 10 A 21 – 40 = 5 A 41 – 49 = 5 A 20 A + 10 A = 30 A 20 x 2 = 40 P 8 P 1 P 10 A -
Load Group C • • Cook tops Wall ovens Washing machines Clothes driers Must be over 10 A If supplied via a power point That power point is NOT included in Bi, Bii or Biii An installation has: 2. 3 k. W Cook top 4 k. W Wall oven 50% of connected Load 6. 3 k. W of Load Group C (6300/230) x 0. 5 = 13. 7 A
Load Group D • • IXL Tastics Heat lamps Air conditioners Heaters Under floor heating Must be over 10 A If supplied via a power point That power point is NOT included in Bi, Bii or Biii 75% of connected Load If reverse cycle Air-conditioner is used only the highest system is to be taken into account Unless it is multi zone, when both heating and cooling could operate simultaneously
Load Group E &F Water Heaters 15 litre heater with a 2. 4 k. W element 2400/15 = 160 W/L If greater than 100 W/L 300 litre heater with a 2. 4 k. W element 2400/300 = 8 W/L Load Group E 33. 3% of connected load • Instantaneous • Quick recovery Load Group F 100% of connected load • Storage • Off peak
Maximum Demand A house consists of the following: Ai Ai Bi Bi C D F 41 x 50 W down lights 2 x 60 W exhaust fans 4 x Single 10 A socket outlets 22 x Double 10 A socket outlets 1 x 10 k. W range 1 x Permanently connected air conditioner (full load current of 13 A) 1 x 4. 6 k. W continuous HWS
Maximum Demand A house consists of the following: Ai Ai Bi Bi C D F 41 x 50 W down lights 43 P 3 + 2 = 2 x 60 W exhaust fans 4 x Single 10 A socket outlets 22 x Double 10 A socket outlets 1 x 10 k. W range 1 x Permanently connected air conditioner (full load current of 13 A) 1 x 4. 6 k. W continuous HWS 7 A
Maximum Demand A house consists of the following: Ai Ai Bi Bi C D F 41 x 50 W down lights 2 x 60 W exhaust fans 4 x Single 10 A socket outlets 44 + 4 = 48 P 10 + 5 = 22 x Double 10 A socket outlets 44 P 1 x 10 k. W range 1 x Permanently connected air conditioner (full load current of 13 A) 1 x 4. 6 k. W continuous HWS 7 A 20 A
Maximum Demand A house consists of the following: Ai Ai Bi Bi C D F 41 x 50 W down lights 2 x 60 W exhaust fans 4 x Single 10 A socket outlets 22 x Double 10 A socket outlets 1 x 10 k. W range (10000/230) x 0. 5 = 1 x Permanently connected air conditioner (full load current of 13 A) 1 x 4. 6 k. W continuous HWS 7 A 20 A 21. 7 A
Maximum Demand A house consists of the following: Ai Ai Bi Bi C D F 41 x 50 W down lights 2 x 60 W exhaust fans 4 x Single 10 A socket outlets 22 x Double 10 A socket outlets 1 x 10 k. W range 1 x Permanently connected air conditioner (full load current of 13 A) 1 x 4. 6 k. W continuous HWS 13 x 0. 75 = 7 A 20 A 21. 7 A 9. 75 A
Maximum Demand A house consists of the following: Ai Ai Bi Bi C D F 41 x 50 W down lights 2 x 60 W exhaust fans 4 x Single 10 A socket outlets 22 x Double 10 A socket outlets 1 x 10 k. W range 1 x Permanently connected air conditioner (full load current of 13 A) 1 x 4. 6 k. W continuous HWS 4600/230 = 7 A 20 A 21. 7 A 9. 75 A 20 A
Maximum Demand A house consists of the following: Ai Ai Bi Bi C D F 41 x 50 W down lights 2 x 60 W exhaust fans 4 x Single 10 A socket outlets 22 x Double 10 A socket outlets 1 x 10 k. W range 1 x Permanently connected air conditioner (full load current of 13 A) 1 x 4. 6 k. W continuous HWS 7 A 20 A 21. 7 A 9. 75 A 20 A 78. 45 A
Uneven 3 Loads Not all single phase loads will break up evenly over three phases But the phases must not be unbalanced by more than 25 A NSW S&IR Clause 1. 10. 3
3 Maximum Demand A house consists of the following: Ai A 30 x Light points + 2 x Exhaust fans Ai B 18 x Lights Aii C 6 x 400 W mercury vapour flood lights Bi A 15 x Double power points (p/p) Bi B 10 x Single p/p & 15 x Double p/p Bii C 3 x 15 A Single p/p C A 1 x 4. 1 k. W wall oven C B 1 x 4. 6 k. W cook top F C 1 x 3. 6 k. W heat pump HWS A D B C 1 x 5. 7 k. W 3 Air conditioner
3 Maximum Demand A house consists of the following: Ai A 30 x Light points + 2 x Exhaust fans 32 P Ai B 18 x Lights 3+2 A = 5 A 3 A 18 P Aii C 6 x 400 W mercury vapour flood lights ((6 x 400) 230)x 0. 75 = Bi A 15 x Double power points (p/p) Bi B 10 x Single p/p & 15 x Double p/p 30 P+1 10+5 A = 7. 83 A 15 A 20 A 10+30 P+110+5+5 A = Bii C 3 x 15 A Single p/p C A 1 x 4. 1 k. W wall oven C B 1 x 4. 6 k. W cook top F C 1 x 3. 6 k. W heat pump HWS 10 A (4100 230)x 0. 5 = C 10 A (4600 230)x 0. 5 = 15. 65 A 3600 230 = A D B 8. 91 A 1 P of Bi = 10 A 1 x 5. 7 k. W 3 Air conditioner 5700 (√ 3 x 400) = 8. 23 A 28. 9 A 33 A 43. 5 A
Multiple Domestic Submains to individual units Unit 1 MSB Unit 2 Unit 3 Columns 3, 4 or 5 Column 2
Questions to be Asked? How many units are there? How are they spread across the 3 phases? 6 Units 3 18 Units 3 66 Units 3 = 2 Units / Phase Use Colum 3 = 6 Units / Phase Use Colum 4 = 22 Units / Phase Use Colum 5
Maximum Demand A house consists of the following: Ai 26 x Light points 26 + 4 = 30 P 3 A + 2 A = 5 A Ai 2 metres of light track 2 x 2 = 4 P Aii 2 x 750 W flood lights 1500 W (1500 W/230 V)x 0. 75 10 A + 5 A = 20 A Bi 26 x Double 10 A socket outlets 26 x 2 = 52 P Bi 5 x Single 10 A socket outlets 4. 9 A 52 + 5 = 57 P Bii 1 x 15 A Single socket outlet 10 A C 1 x 5. 6 k. W wall oven / cook top (5600 W/230 V)x 0. 5 12. 2 A D 1 x 3. 6 k. W air conditioner (3600 W/230 V)x 0. 75 11. 7 A F 1 x 2. 4 k. W storage HWS (Heat pump) (2400 W/230 V) 10. 4 A 74. 2 A
Multiple Domestic 9 Units consists of the following: 9 Units 3 = 3 Units / Phase Use Colum 3 Ai 26 x Light points 6 A Ai 2 metres of light track Aii 2 x 750 W flood lights Not counted Bi 26 x Double 10 A socket outlets 10 A + (5 A x 3) = 25 A Bi 5 x Single 10 A socket outlets Bii 1 x 15 A Single socket outlet 10 A C 1 x 5. 6 k. W wall oven / cook top 15 A D 1 x 3. 6 k. W air conditioner (3600 W/230 V) x 0. 75 x 3 F 1 x 2. 4 k. W storage HWS (Heat pump) 35. 2 A 6 A x 3 = 18 A 109 A
Multiple Domestic 30 Units consists of the following: 30 Units 3 = 10 Units / Phase Use Colum 4 Ai 26 x Light points 5 A + (0. 25 A x 10) 7. 5 A = Ai 2 metres of light track Aii 2 x 750 W flood lights Not counted Bi 26 x Double 10 A socket outlets 15 A + (3. 75 A x 10) = 52. 5 A Bi 5 x Single 10 A socket outlets Bii 1 x 15 A Single socket outlet C 1 x 5. 6 k. W wall oven / cook top D 1 x 3. 6 k. W air conditioner (3600 W/230 V) x 0. 75 x 10 F 1 x 2. 4 k. W storage HWS (Heat pump) 10 A 2. 8 A x 10 = 28 A 117 A 6 A x 10 = 60 A 275 A
Multiple Domestic 66 Units consists of the following: 66 Units 3 = 22 Units / Phase Use Colum 5 Ai 26 x Light points 0. 5 A x 22 = 11 A Ai 2 metres of light track Aii 2 x 750 W flood lights Not counted Bi 26 x Double 10 A socket outlets 50 A + (1. 9 A x 22) = 91. 8 A Bi 5 x Single 10 A socket outlets Bii 1 x 15 A Single socket outlet C 1 x 5. 6 k. W wall oven / cook top D 1 x 3. 6 k. W air conditioner (3600 W/230 V) x 0. 75 x 22 F 1 x 2. 4 k. W storage HWS (Heat pump) 10 A 2. 8 A x 22 = 61. 6 A 258 A 100 A + (0. 8 A x 22) =118 A 550 A
What Happens If The Number Of Units Is Not Devisable By 3? 16 Units 3 A 5 Units Col 3 = 5. 33 Units / Phase B 5 Units Col 3 C 6 Units Col 4 But the phases must not be unbalanced by more than 25 A NSW S&IR Clause 1. 10. 3
Multiple Domestic 16 Units consists of the following: 5 Units / A & B Ai 26 x Light points Bi 26 x Double 10 A socket outlets Bi Use Column 3 6 A 5 x Single 10 A socket outlets 10 A + (5 A x 5) = 35 A Bii 1 x 15 A Single socket outlet 10 A C 1 x 5. 6 k. W wall oven / cook top 15 A D 1 x 3. 6 k. W air conditioner (3600 W/230 V) x 0. 75 x 5 F 1 x 2. 4 k. W storage HWS (Heat pump) 58. 7 A 6 A x 5 = 30 A 154. 7 A
Multiple Domestic 16 Units consists of the following: 6 Units / C Use Column 4 5 A + (0. 25 A x 6) = Ai 26 x Light points Bi 26 x Double 10 A socket outlets Bi 6. 5 A 5 x Single 10 A socket outlets 15 A + (3. 75 A x 6) 37. 5 A = Bii 1 x 15 A Single socket outlet 10 A C 1 x 5. 6 k. W wall oven / cook top D 1 x 3. 6 k. W air conditioner F 1 x 2. 4 k. W storage HWS (Heat pump) 2. 8 A x 6 = (3600 230) x 0. 75 x 6 16. 8 A 70. 4 A 6 A x 6 = 36 A 177. 2 A
What Happens If The Number Of Units Is Not Devisable By 3? 16 Units 3 A 5 Units Col 3 154. 7 A = 5. 33 Units / Phase B 5 Units Col 3 154. 7 A C 6 Units Col 4 177. 2 A
Communal Loads that are used by all the unit dwellers • Driveway/ parking lighting • Stairwell lighting • Power points for cleaners • Lifts • Swimming pool pumps
Multiple Domestic 16 Units have a communal load consists of the following: H 20 x 80 W bollard Lights ((20 x 80) 230) + ((30 x 60) 230) = 14. 78 A H 30 x light points I 15 x Single 10 A socket outlets 2 A x 15= 30 but maximum of 15 A Ji 1 x 3. 6 k. W HWS for cleaners room (3600 230) x 0. 5 = 7. 8 A Jii 1 x 3. 6 k. W Air conditioner for lobby (3600 230) x 0. 75 = 15 A D 1 x 12 A pool pump/filter 12 A E 1 x 15 A lift motor Table C 2 Colum 2 15 x 1. 25 = 18. 75 A 83. 33 A These circuits could also be divided across three phases