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Electing a Pesident in the USA Lecture 2 Electing a Pesident in the USA Lecture 2

The Presidential Seal The Presidential Seal

President: The Executive Branch Elected to a four-year term by the people who choose President: The Executive Branch Elected to a four-year term by the people who choose electors. The Electoral College: 538. The 22 nd Amendment (1951): President may serve only two terms.

The next US presidential election The first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The next US presidential election The first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The 44 th president of the United States will be elected on 4 November 2008.

How to become a president? A very long and complex system. Step one: There How to become a president? A very long and complex system. Step one: There are two main political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. To become the President first you must get party’s nomination.

How does a candidate win his or her party's nomination? Most states hold state-wide How does a candidate win his or her party's nomination? Most states hold state-wide votes, called primaries, to determine their preferred candidates from the two main parties. Others use a slightly different procedure involving public meetings, called caucuses.

After you win a primary As a result the state will send a certain After you win a primary As a result the state will send a certain number of delegates committed to supporting a particular candidate, to the party convention in August or September 2008. Bigger states have more delegates.

At the party convention The candidate with the most delegates wins the nomination. Usually At the party convention The candidate with the most delegates wins the nomination. Usually this becomes clear early on in the primary season.

The Conventions The Democrats will hold their convention in Colorado in late August. The The Conventions The Democrats will hold their convention in Colorado in late August. The Republicans will hold theirs in Minneapolis in early September. The presidential candidates will take part in TV debates on 26 September, and 7 and 15 October.

Democratic Contenders Hillary Clinton, New York senator and former First Lady, Barack Obama, a Democratic Contenders Hillary Clinton, New York senator and former First Lady, Barack Obama, a black senator from Illinois.

Clinton vs. Obama debate Clinton vs. Obama debate

Republican contenders John Mc. Cain, the Arizona senator (almost certain to be the candidate) Republican contenders John Mc. Cain, the Arizona senator (almost certain to be the candidate) Mike Huckabee, a former governor of Arkansas.

Campaigning: celebrity endorsements Campaigning: celebrity endorsements

Obama campaign – appealing to the young Obama campaign – appealing to the young

The Voters do not, technically, participate in a direct election of the president. They The Voters do not, technically, participate in a direct election of the president. They choose "electors" pledged to support a particular candidate - these are the people who actually elect the president. There are 538 of them, and big states have more of them than small states.

Electoral college Electoral college

After election The job of the president After election The job of the president

The president’s constitutional duties Chief formulator of national policy. Commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The president’s constitutional duties Chief formulator of national policy. Commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Diplomat. Legislator. Roles defined by the Article II of the Constitution.

Presidents George Washington, the first president of the United States (1789 -97). George W. Presidents George Washington, the first president of the United States (1789 -97). George W. Bush: the 43 rd President of the United States.

Other famous presidents Other famous presidents

The President Must be: – at least 35. – 14 year resident. – Natural The President Must be: – at least 35. – 14 year resident. – Natural born American citizen. Salary: $400, 000 per year. Chief duty: protect the Constitution enforce the laws passed by the Congress.

President: Inauguration Elections: first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The term begins President: Inauguration Elections: first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The term begins on January 20. I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States and will to the best of my ability protect and defend the United States. The Bible US Chief Justice Inauguration: President is sworn in.

The White House: Official Residence The White House: Official Residence

Mountain retreat of the President: Camp David In Maryland, Outside Washington. Mountain retreat of the President: Camp David In Maryland, Outside Washington.

The Oval Office The Oval Office

Presidential limousine Presidential limousine

Air Force One Air Force One

Mount Rushmore (South Dakota) Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln Mount Rushmore (South Dakota) Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln

Security: “the Football” The President is always followed by the Emergency War Officer. He Security: “the Football” The President is always followed by the Emergency War Officer. He holds the so-called football: a case with codes and radio needed to order the use of nuclear weapons.

Vice-President Serves together with the president. Head of the Senate. When something is wrong Vice-President Serves together with the president. Head of the Senate. When something is wrong with the president he (or she) takes over. Vice President: Dick Cheney

The Cabinet People working under President. Organised into 14 different departments. President can appoint The Cabinet People working under President. Organised into 14 different departments. President can appoint and dismiss the people working in the departments.

The President’s Cabinet + Department of Homeland Security (created after 9/11) The President’s Cabinet + Department of Homeland Security (created after 9/11)

Important Agencies: Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Important Agencies: Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Important Independent Agencies Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Important Independent Agencies Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).