Eiffel tower.савинова.pptx
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Eiffel tower
Eiffel tower is a symbol of Paris and everyone knows this fact. This construction is named so after architect Gustavus Eiffel who had erected it. Constructor named his creation simply by a 300 -meter
A tower was built not for becoming in the future the symbol of France but for being main entrance to the World Parisian exhibition that on timed to the centenary anniversary of French revolution. In the total people spent 7, 8 million francs on erection of tower but it was recompensed during work of exhibition and afterwards it had become
The pyramidal ground floor of the Eiffel tower is formed by four metallic columns. There is a first platform on the vault of it, from which the second platform is rising. The last one finishes by the third platform with a lighthouse and dome. A construction is equipped by numerous stairs and elevators.
A restaurant was built on the first platform. Capacities with lube oil for elevators and another restaurant in a glass gallery were situated on the second. Astronomic and meteorological observatories, physical cabinet took place on the third platform.
Today Eiffel Tower is indisputably considered the symbol of Paris, but, unfortunately, so it was not always. There were endless spores about dismantling of this metallic construction. And nobody knew what the fate of tower would be. But radio had appeared. A rescue for creation of Eiffel became placing on a tower of the wireless station in 1906, there was the first broadcasting in 1921 which had become afterwards regular. Later telecasts were translated. Translations proceed until nowadays, but cellular has joined to the broadcast. In addition, there is the most unique weather-station on a tower which helps to study of daily allowance vibrations of degree of contamination of atmosphere, radiation background, atmospheric electricity et cetera.
The height of the Eiffel tower attained 324 meters After setting of new aerial, although it`s former 300 -meter height allowed it to carry the rank of the highest building in the world.
A tower was repainted in different colors oftentimes , from yellow to reddish-brown. The final result was color like bronze. Cosmetic repair of tower is conducted every 7 years and it takes 60 tons of three-color paint.
Lately Eiffel Tower fully turned into the symbol of Paris. And now I think it 1 s the most fascinating structure in the world.
Thank you for attention!
Eiffel tower.савинова.pptx