Скачать презентацию Efficient ПРОТИВ Effective efficient 1 performing or Скачать презентацию Efficient ПРОТИВ Effective efficient 1 performing or

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  • Количество слайдов: 5

Efficient ПРОТИВ Effective Efficient ПРОТИВ Effective

efficient 1. performing or functioning in the best possible manner wi th the least efficient 1. performing or functioning in the best possible manner wi th the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowl edge, skill, and industry; competent; capable: a reliable, efficient assistant. 2. satisfactory and economical to use: Our new air conditioner is more efficient than our old one. 3. producing an effect, as a cause; causative. 4. utilizing a particular commodity or product with the leas t waste of resources or effort (usually used in combination): a fuelefficient engine.

effective 1. adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the int ended or expected result: effective 1. adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the int ended or expected result: effective teaching methods; effective steps toward peace 2. actually in operation or in force; functioning: The law becomes effective at midnight. 3. producing a deep or vivid impression; striking: an effective photograph. 4. prepared and available for service, especially militar y service.

Разница проказница Efficient (эффективный, оптимальный)most often describes what is capable of producing desired results Разница проказница Efficient (эффективный, оптимальный)most often describes what is capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy. While the word can be applied to both people and things, it is far more commonly applied to things, such as machines, systems, processes, and organizations. The focus of the word is on how little is wasted or lost while the desired results are produced. Effective (эффективный, действенный)typically describes things— such as policies, treatments, arguments, and techniques—that do what they are intended to do. People can also be described as effective when they accomplish what they set out to accomplish, but the word is far more often applied to things. Proficient(опытный, умелый) typically describes people, and it often is followed by the preposition at. If you are proficient at something, you are very good at it. You are, in fact, so good at doing it that you are unusually efficient when you do it. One can also be proficient in something, such as a language.

Источники http: //www. dictionary. com/browse/efficient http: //www. dictionary. com/browse/effective Источники http: //www. dictionary. com/browse/efficient http: //www. dictionary. com/browse/effective