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EE 6332, Spring, 2017 Wireless Telecommunication Systems Zhu Han Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Class 1 Jan. 18 th, 2017
Outline l l Course descriptions and textbooks l Motivation to study wireless communications and networks l Instructor information What you will study from this course - Objectives - Coverage and schedule - Homework, projects, and exams l Other policies l Reasons to be my students l Introduction to wireless networks
Instructor Information l l Email: zhan 2@uh. edu hanzhu 22@gmail. com l Office hours: Mon. 9 am - 12 pm, or by appointment l Office location: Engineering Building II W 302 Phone: 713 -743 -4437(o) /301 -996 -2011(c) l Course website: http: //www 2. egr. uh. edu/~zhan 2/ECE 6332 l TA: ? ? ? l Research interests: Wireless Networking, Signal Processing and Security http: //wireless. egr. uh. edu/
Motivations l Recent Development – Cellular system: 3 G, 4 G, video, game, – – WIFI everywhere WIMAX, next generation metropolitan web for business UWB, no cables Bluetooth, small devices connections l Job Market – Probably one of most easy and high paid majors recently – Many companies in town or Dallas/Austin l Research Potential – One-to-one communication has less room to go, but multiuser communication is still an open issue.
Course Objective l l Past decade has seen a surge of research activities in the field of wireless communication. Emerging from this research thrust are new points of view on how to communicate effectively over wireless channels. l The goal of this course is to study in a unified way the fundamentals as well as the new research developments. l The concepts are illustrated using examples from several modern wireless systems (GSM, IS-95, CDMA 2000 1 x EVDO, Flarion's Flash OFDM, Array. Comm systems. )
Course Descriptions l l What are theorems? l What are the wireless channels? l What is the wireless communication system? What are the major components and techniques? l How is the information transmitted? l What are the current industrial standards? l What are the state-of-art research? l Can I find a job by studying this course? l Can I find research topics?
Textbook and Software l Require textbook: Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communication. Cambridge Univ. Press 2005. l Optional testbook David Tse and Pramod Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication. Cambridge University Press, 2005 l Require Software: MATLAB; l Recommended readings - Digital communications: J. Proakis, Digital Communications - Random process: G. R. Grimmett and D. R. Stirzaker, Probability and Random Processes - Estimation and detection: H. V. Poor, An introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation - Information theory: T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory - Error correct coding: P. Sweeney, Error Control Coding - Computer Networks: A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks
Schedule 1. Overview 2. Wireless Channel 3. Capacity (important, black board) 4. Digital Modulation 5. Coding (important black board) 6. Adaptive modulation and coding 7. Diversity and MIMO 8. Equalization 9. OFDM 10. CDMA 11. Wireless Networking Slides and black board For unimportant chapters, might not fully follow the book.
Homework, Project, and Exam l Homework - l 3~4 sets Rules: 50% off if late. 0% is 2 week late Exams - l Two exams Team Project l l l 2~3 people, related topics, presentation, and term paper Schedule next week Participations - • Attendance and Feedback Invited Talks for 2 missing class due to conference Votes for the percentages for homework, projects, and exams
Teaching Styles l black board plus Slides - Blackboard is better for equations and prevents you from not coming. - l Slides can convey more information in an organized way A lesson from last semester: math Course Website - Print handouts with 3 slides per page before you come - l Homework assignment and solutions Project descriptions and preliminary codes Feedback - Too fast, too slow, small class advantages. - Presentation, English, …
Other Policies Any violation of academic integrity will receive academic and possibly disciplinary sanctions, including the possible awarding of an XF grade which is recorded on the transcript and states that failure of the course was due to an act of academic dishonesty. All acts of academic dishonesty are recorded so repeat offenders can be sanctioned accordingly. • CHEATING • COPYING ON A TEST • PLAGIARISM • ACTS OF AIDING OR ABETTING • UNAUTHORIZED POSSESSION • SUBMITTING PREVIOUS WORK • TAMPERING WITH WORK • GHOSTING or MISREPRESENTATION • ALTERING EXAMS • COMPUTER THEFT
Reasons to be my students l l Highly interdisciplinary l Usually highly paid and have potential to retire overnight l Wireless Communication and Networking have great market Do not need to find research topics which are the most difficult part. l Research Assistant, Stipend l Free trips to conferences in China, Hawaii, Europe, Australia, South Africa, Miami… l A kind of nice (at least looks like) l Work with hope and happiness l Graduate fast
Questions? Chapter 1 Introduction
History of Telecommunication l l 5 th century BC: Pigeon post l 6 th century BC: Mail l Prehistoric: Fires, Beacons, Smoke signals 4 th century BC: Hydraulic semaphores l 490 BC: Heliographs l 15 th century AD: Maritime flags l 1790 AD: Semaphore lines l 19 th century AD: Signal lamps
History of Telecommunication l Audio signals: – Prehistoric: Communication drums, Horns – 1838 AD: Electrical telegraph. See: Telegraph history. – 1876: Telephone. See: Invention of the telephone, History of the telephone, Timeline of the telephone – 1880: Photophone – 1896: Radio. See: History of radio. l Advanced electrical/electronic signals: – – – – 1927: Television. See: History of television 1930: Videophone 1964: Fiber optical telecommunications 1969: Computer networking 1981: Analog cellular mobile phones 1982: SMTP email 1983: Internet. See: History of Internet 1998: Satellite phones
At Home Wi. Fi satellite Wi. Fi 802. 11 g/n Wi. Fi UWB bluetooth Wi. Fi cellular
At Home Source: http: //teacher. scholastic. com/activities/science/wireless_interactives. htm
At Home: Last-Mile l Many users still don’t have broadband – reasons: out of service area; some consider expensive l Broadband speed is still limited – DSL: 1 -6 Mbps download, and 100 -768 Kbps upload – Cable modem: depends on your neighbors – Insufficient for several applications (e. g. , highquality video streaming)
On the Move Source: http: //www. ece. uah. edu/~jovanov/whrms/
On the Move: Context-Aware Source: http: //www. cs. cmu. edu/~aura/docdir/sensay_iswc. pdf
On the Road GSM/UMTS, cdma. One/cdma 2000, WLAN, GPS DAB, TETRA, . . . c o h d a road condition, weather, location-based services, emergency
Example: Intelli. Drive (Vehicle Infrastructure Integration) l l Traffic crashes resulted in more than 41, 000 lives lost in 2007 Establishing vehicle-to-vehicle (V 2 V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V 2 I) and vehicle-to-hand-helddevices (V 2 D) communications – safety: e. g. , intersection collision avoidance/violation warning/turn conflict warning, curve warning – mobility: e. g. , crash data, weather/road surface data, construction zones, emergency vehicle signal pre-emption More info: http: //www. its. dot. gov/intellidrive/index. htm
Collision Avoidance : V 2 V Networks l stalled vehicle warning r bland spots http: //www. gm. com/company/gmability/safety/news_issues/releases/sixthsense_102405. html
Collision Avoidance at Intersections l Two million accidents at intersections per year in US Source: http: //www. fhwa. dot. gov/tfhrc/safety/pubs/its/ruralitsandrd/tb-intercollision. pdf
Mobile and Wireless Services – Always Best Connected LAN, WLAN 780 kbit/s GSM 53 kbit/s Bluetooth 500 kbit/s UMTS Rel. 5 400 kbit/s LAN 100 Mbit/s, WLAN 54 Mbit/s UMTS, DECT 2 Mbit/s GSM/EDGE 135 kbit/s, WLAN 780 kbit/s GSM 115 kbit/s, WLAN 11 Mbit/s UMTS Rel. 6 400 kbit/s
Disaster Recovery/Military l l 9/11, Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, South Asian earthquake … Wireless communication and mobile computing capability can make a difference between life and death ! – – rapid deployment efficient resource and energy usage http: //www. att. com/ndr/ flexible: unicast, broadcast, multicast, anycast resilient: survive in unfavorable and untrusted environments 26
Habitat Monitoring: Example on Great Duck Island A 15 -minute human visit leads to 20% offspring mortality Patch Network Gateway Transit Network Basestation
Challenge 1: Unreliable and Unpredictable Wireless Coverage r Wireless links are not reliable: they may vary over time and space Reception v. Distance Asymmetry vs. Power *Cerpa, Busek et. al What Robert Poor (Ember) calls “The good, the bad and the ugly”
Challenge 2: Open Wireless Medium l l Wireless interference S 1 R 1 S 2 Hidden terminals and R 1 S 1 R 2 l Exposed terminal R 1 l S 1 S 2 Wireless security – eavesdropping, denial of service, … R 2
Challenge 3: Mobility l l Mobility causes poor-quality wireless links Mobility causes intermittent connection – under intermittent connected networks, traditional routing, TCP, applications all break l Mobility changes context, e. g. , location
Challenge 4: Portability l l Limited battery power Limited processing, display and storage PDA phone Laptop • data • simpler graphical displays • fully functional • standard applications • 802. 11/3 G • battery; 802. 11 Sensors, embedded controllers Mobile phones • voice, data • simple graphical displays • GSM/3 G Performance/Weight/Power Consumption
Challenge 5: Changing Regulation and Multiple Communication Standards cellular phones 1981: NMT 450 satellites 1986: NMT 900 1992: GSM 1991: CDMA D-AMPS 1993: PDC digital 2000: GPRS wireless LAN 1984: CT 1 1988: Inmarsat. C 1994: DCS 1800 analogue 1980: CT 0 1982: Inmarsat. A 1983: AMPS cordless phones 1992: Inmarsat-B Inmarsat-M 1987: CT 1+ 1989: CT 2 1991: DECT 1998: Iridium 199 x: proprietary 1997: IEEE 802. 11 1999: 802. 11 b, Bluetooth 2000: IEEE 802. 11 a 2001: IMT-2000 Fourth Generation (Internet based)
Wireless Technologies WAN (Wide Area Network) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) LAN (Local Area Network) PAN PAN Standards Speed Range Applications Bluetooth/UWB 802. 15. 3 (Personal Area Network) LAN 802. 11 Bluetooth < 1 Mbps b: 11 to g: 54 Mbps UWB <480 Mbps MAN WAN 802. 11 802. 16 802. 20 GSM, CDMA, Satellite 10 -100+ Mbps 10 Kbps– 2 Mbps Short Medium-Long Peer-to-Peer Device-to-Device Enterprise Networks Last Mile Access Mobile Data Devices
Evolution of Mobile Systems to 4 G
Mobile Station l MP 3, GPS, vending machine UMPC
Base Station Cheaper, denser, smaller
WMAN/Wi. Max Structure l Replace cable or low speed fiber in the last mile
Comparison of 802. 11 Standards l l Free WIFI in SF l CDMA vs. OFDM l g is back compatible with b. but b is supported by Intel Contention based multiple access l 802. 11 AC
Personal Area Networks l 802. 15: 4 m-10 m – Master-slave piconets – Capable of connecting a mix of multiple piconets into “scatternet” – Service discovery protocol allows invisible interaction of various “trusted” devices – Less susceptible to interference
Bluetooth l l Wireless PAN 2. 4 GHz band with 1 Mbps speed Spread spectrum frequency-hopping “always on” user-transparent cable-replacement Combination of packet-switching & circuit-switching (good for data & voice) 3 voice channels - 64 Kbps each Low power, low cost Transparently connects “office” devices l l – Laptop, Desktop, PDA, Phone, printer l l Bridging capability: network-pda-phone Zigbee: low power devices
Ultra Wide Band l High speed at short range: – 480 Mb/s at ~3 m. Does not penetrate walls l Bandwidth >500 MHz density l Very low power l Wireless USB l HDTV connection l CDMA vs. OFDM
Comparison l Speed and Range
Ad Hoc Network l Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) – An autonomous collection of mobile users that communicate over relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links. – Since the nodes are mobile, the network topology may change rapidly and unpredictably over time. – The network is decentralized, where all network activity including discovering the topology and delivering messages must be executed by the nodes themselves. MANETs need efficient distributed algorithms to determine network organization, link scheduling, and routing. – The set of applications for MANETs is heterogeneous, ranging from small, static networks that are constrained by power sources, to largescale, mobile, highly dynamic networks – In a military environment, preservation of security, latency, reliability, intentional jamming, and recovery from failure are significant concerns
MANET Examples l l Military l Ad hoc mode of WIFI Infrastructure-less
Wireless Sensor Networks
Cognitive Radio l Software radio – Can change modulation carrier frequency to different service providers with cognitive l Cognitive radio ability
The Layered Reference Model Application Transport Network Data Link Physical Data Link Physical Radio Network Physical Medium Often we need to implement a function across multiple layers.
GPS Orbits
GPS Position l l To correct for clock errors one needs to receive four satellites l By knowing how far one is from three satellites one can ideally find their 3 D coordinates Differential GPS: local FM
Type of waves
Radio Frequency Bands Classification Band ELF < 300 Hz Infra low ILF 300 Hz - 3 k. Hz Very low Frequency Range Extremely low Initials VLF 3 k. Hz - 30 k. Hz Low LF 30 k. Hz - 300 k. Hz Medium MF 300 k. Hz - 3 MHz Ground/Sky wave High HF 3 MHz - 30 MHz Sky wave Very high VHF 30 MHz - 300 MHz Ultra high UHF 300 MHz - 3 GHz Super high SHF 3 GHz - 30 GHz Extremely high EHF 30 GHz - 300 GHz Tremendously high THF 300 GHz - 3000 GHz Characteristics Ground wave Space wave
Satellite Communications Large communication area. Any two places within the coverage of radio transmission by satellite can communicate with each other. l Seldom effected by land disaster ( high reliability) l Circuit can be started upon establishing earth station (prompt circuit starting) l Can be received at many places simultaneously, and realize broadcast, multi-access communication economically( feature of multi-access) l Very flexible circuit installment , can disperse over-centralized traffic at any time. l One channel can be used in different directions or areas (multi-access connecting). l
Rain Attenuation
Channel, Bandwidth, Spectrum l Bandwidth: the number of bits per second is proportional to B http: //www. ntia. doc. gov/osmhome/allochrt. pdf